44 ⦻ Family Night W/ The Killer Raviolis

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"Prepare for TROUBLE~!"

"Make that DOUBLE!"

...What the hell?

I look up and see Kagekao and Former standing on top of the kitchen counter looking down at me with their arms crossed.

"To launch the world into devastation!"

"To cause rifts upon people in every nation!"

"To spread the evils of lies and hate!"

"To pledge our loyalty to Slender the Great!"

Kagekao stretches his arm out and shouts, "KAGEKAO!!"

Former does the same, "FORMER!!"

Kagekao places his hand on his chest, "Team MENACE causing havoc at the speed of light!"

Former points at me, "Surrender now or prepare to DIE!"

I see a unwilling looking Grinny Cat hop on the counter behind them and meow weakly at me, "Meowww that's right....ugh..."

"Neko-san, you're supposed to say it with more enthusiasm!"


I look at the two unamused, "What do you want, 'Team Annoying'?"

Former looks over at Kagekao and whispers, "What were Kagekao and Former supposed to ask (Y/N) again...?"

"Humu...I don't remember...I really just wanted to try out our new and totally not ripped off motto..."

I glare at them for a long time before getting up and picking them both up off the counter and putting them on the ground. Funny for me, considering they're both (taller than/shorter than) me. "Go be strange somewhere else," I tell them, then I reach over and take Grinny in my arms.

"Thanks (Y/N)," Grinny meowed, rubbing his head against me. "Aww, well what are Former and Kagekao supposed to do now?" Former tilted his head at me. "Why're you asking me? Don't you two always come up with crazy shit that turns the mansion upside down?"

"(Y/N)'s right!" Kagekao suddenly exclaimed, clapping his hands together. "And you know what? I've got a perfect idea..."
Kagekao then grabbed my hands and his mask formed some sort of weird excited smile thing.

"Killer movie night!!!"


"Good idea Kage-san!"

"Please no."

I shook my head, "I doubt many pastas would agree with that idea, Kagekao."

Kagekao turned and called out to SplendorMan who was just conveniently passing by. "Splendor-sama! Eiga no yoru ni tsuite do omoimasuka???" [Whatcha think about a movie night, Splendor?]

I have no idea what Kagekao said (unless you do) but Splendor reacted to his question by stopping in his tracks and slapping his hands against his cheeks. "SUBARASHI aideada to omoimasu, Kagesan!!! :D" [I think that's a WONDERFUL idea, Kagekao!!! :D]

Suddenly, Splendor spawned a bunch of papers that were drenched in sparkles and glitter and screed, "I'll just place these invitations to a super duper amazing family night sleepover under everyone's door and everyone that wants to come will come!"

His face then got kinda ...dark
"And everyone that doesn't come will still be teleported downstairs anyways thanks to these magical papers! When they touch the paper, they'll have no choice but to show up....!"

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