3 ⦻ The Vagabond Walker

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actually, this. let me know wether (CP/N) should continue to be written "they/them" or if they should be "he" or "she". it's been a little confusing and frustrating to write trying to focus on what they are. please nerds, let me know.

I come to again as if I had just arisen out of being underwater for a long time. Panting heavily, I look around myself, taking in my surroundings. I was no longer in the woods, but in a very huge old style vintage living room. I was flailed on a large black leather couch that was placed in front of a wooden coffee table and an outdated TV. The floor below me was wooden and auburn colored, and the rug beneath was torn up and gray, as if tampered by an animal. The walls in the room were all pitch black, and the ceiling above was a dark gray. All in all, the room gave me big old creepy mansion vibes, and I sort of liked it.

Aside from the living room, I look and see a long creaky looking staircase which led to the upstairs area, and there was also a kitchen nearby. Upon seeing the kitchen, I remember I hadn't eaten anything this morning, and I'm suddenly feeling my stomach growl. But there's no way I'm wandering into some random person I don't know's kitchen.

I remembered a few things, despite my memory being kind of hazy and my head pounding, which hurt like hell. I was alone in room, no sight of the tall slender being that had lead me here. "He-llo?" I call out, my voice sounding a bit rough. "Slender Mannnnnn......"

I was just beginning to pull myself off of that unusually comfortable couch when I notice someone coming down the steps in the corner of my eye. The closer that they appeared to me, the more unsettled I became. Their appearance nearly gave me a heart attack at first.
They were about my height, though a bit shorter, and wore a big white and black splotched hoodie with the hood covering their head and gray jeans. They had a creepy white mask with a hellish expression covering their face and they had messy black hair that fell over their shoulders. Their hands were hidden with black gloves, and their sneakers were soiled with what looked like dried blood...

Slowly, this one came from the steps and strode up to me, walking with their back slightly hunched forwards and their head constantly moving from one side to the other. I didn't say anything, nor did I move. I just watched them until they finally stopped before me.

I stared into their masked face in silence and held my breath. They looked up at me and let their head fall to their right shoulder. "My name is.....is The Chaser. Nice to meet you... (CP/N). You're Slender's new Vagabond...a recruit proxy?"

Surprisingly , this crazed looking freak had a soothing, almost gentle voice. I gave them a questioning, nervous half-smile and responded, "My names' actually (Y/N) though. Dunno why I keep getting called (CP/N)..."

"He names us...he names us all. My name is Kate but the boss calls me The Chaser. So, that I am," The Chaser said.
I nod in understanding now of why Slender Man had been calling me (CP/N) this whole time. Guess that's my new proxy name.

"Yeah, so I'm just going to call you Kate...and speaking of your boss, I'm assuming you mean Slender Man. Where is he? I have lots of questions and he just left me in the dark..."

"Busy. Slender Man will come for you once he is done. But for now, he assigned me to show you around the manor."

I nod, "Ok, sounds good but now I have one question for you." I motion to her attire, "not to offend you or anything like that, but is this a some sort of cult I was just kidnapped into?"

Kate seemed to look at me questioningly for a moment before giving a slight chuckle. "Yes, this is a cult. We're all fucked up nutcases that blindly follow The Slender Man and do all his requested deeds to please him!"

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