15 ⦻ You Sorta Snap The First Time

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"KageKao!" SlenderMan hissed, his tendrils flying around.

The eyes that were watching us apparently belonged to KageKao.

Kage panicked and quickly dashed away when he noticed that we caught him. SlenderMan went after him, ready to rain justice down on him for what he and the others did to me.

I'd follow, but I'm tired and pissed. I'll deal with him later.

I decide I'll just follow Grinny Cat cause he's cool and I wanna see what he's doing now that he's free from the dungeon.

I find him in the kitchen stuffing his face.

"Slow down before you hurt yourself," I scoff, walking over and stuffing my hands in my pockets. "I haven't eaten in over a week, I'll slow down when I'm DEAD! "

"Grinny's back!!!" A girl's voice screeched, and I saw the killer Judge Angels run into the kitchen. She sweeps Grinny from off of the floor and hugs him tightly.

I watched the cat yowl in frustration as he got hugged, but I could only chuckle at him instead of help.

He seemed to being doing alright. Time to move on.

I'm going back into the living room, but this time I spot Jeff there.

"Aw shit, " I snap.

"Walker?? " He shouted, dumbfounded.


I wasn't sure what to say, but when I saw him start running towards me with his knife, I knew it was time to run.

"Get back here you little shit! How'd you get out???"

He was yelling at me as I strode up the stairs, four at a time to get away. I was heading for Kate's room so I could sneak her knife again.

If this bastard really wants to fight, I'll give him a fucking fight.

I'm tired of being pushed around by them and letting it happen without doing anything.

This time I'm putting him in his place.

I practically blow the door in Kate's room off its hinges and dash to her desk, grabbing her knoife.

"(Y/N)! " Jeff shouts and he stops at the door when he sees me slowly turning around with the knife in hand.

"Jeff.... " The words come from my mouth in such a dark, unsettling way that the psycho himself steps back a bit.

"Don't back away from me now, fucking dastard. You were so bold before, in front of all your friends. What's the matter now, huh? "

"Shut up, " Jeff scowled; he seemed unsure of how to work with my new approach towards him. "How, just how the hell did you get out of that god-forbidden place?"

"What's it to you? You just wanted me to die, yet here I am back again. Who looks like the idiot now? Smiling freak. "

I wasn't planning to telling him that the way I actually got out was by SlenderMan teleporting me out.

Anyway, all the anger from the times he humiliated me before was rolling in and I was close to actually stabbing the shit out of him.

My hand was shaking as I started walking towards him with Kate's knife.

Fuck! I've never felt this angry before!

"What're you... you need to calm the hell down, " Jeff said, eyeing the weapon whilst holding up his.


I step up to Jeff and raise the knife, seething, my eyes widened and my teeth clenched. My heart was racing.

... I was always a normal person, in terms of having morality. No matter how much I hated people, I would never actually physically harm anyone, especilly with a weapon.

But at this moment, I felt different, and I actually wanted to see this bastard face down on the floor bleeding out.

Who knows how I would've reacted if I got bullied in school if this is how I feel now!

"(Y/N), what are you doing!?? (Y/N) stop!!!"

A frantic voice cried out from behind a blurred image of Jeff, but it was faint sounding in my ears, as all I could hear was a slowly increasing white noise in my head, and my eyes were focused on staring into his, yearning to draw out fear.

A flash of green gets in the way, and then my sight goes back to normal; I see BEN standing in between me and Jeff, looking at me with a panicky expression.

"Don't do it. P-Please, " He stammered, suddenly wrapping his arms around me. I flinched and looked down at him in dismay.

"Wha-get off me you little green fr-"

"No (Y/N) listen, please! We're sorry... "

He lifted his head and looked at me with a somewhat scared look. Weird, I only thought he was capable of coming across as a cocky bastard, not a sad christmas elf.

"You're sorry?" I repeat. "Yeah... I mean, for what me and Jeff and EJ did... we made a plan to make your time here a hellish experience so you would leave but... In all honesty I don't want ya to leave. And Jeff... he's just a jerk alright? Don't mind him... "

BEN then slowly reached for my hand with the knife and lowered it cautiously, "he's not worth it.... trust me. Please, don't do it... "

I watched BEN try and take the knife from my grasp, and my eyes slowly trail back to Jeff.

He stares straight back at me, his head tilted. I wasn't sure what was going through his head, but he's lucky BEN got in the way.

I scuffle out of BEN's hold and toss Kate's knife back on her table. I then turn back and head for the door, where Jeff still stood.

I stop when we're shoulder to shoulder and barely turn my head to him.

"Listen Jeff, I don't care anymore how the hell you or the others see you in this mansion. You step up to me again, and I won't hesitate to shove that knife up your ass. "

Jeff didn't turn to me, but gave a loud tsk and whispered.

"You're something, (Y/N)."

I grumble and shove past him, then leaving the room and try to find anywhere I could go to calm myself after everything that just happened.

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