(Y/N) & Kagekao X WonderlandsXShowtime

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[Warning: This is a crossover chapter with a game I play. Lol. It includes "anime characters" and is OOC for a Creepypasta story so read at your own discretion, I guess. I just felt like doing a random crossover with these guys and hopefully fellow players who know the game enjoys the chapter. If you wanna complain about this being a Creepypasta story, go ahead and eat my dirt, noob. 😜😜😜

"Kagekao, for the hundredth time watch where you're going!"

I looked up from the little tea party I was having with Sally to bond with her since we hadn't done this in years and saw Kagekao getting yelled at again by SlenderMan for what had to be the eighth time today. This past week he's been overly addicted to some game BEN had shown him on his phone. Kagekao ended up liking the game way more than BEN apparently, and now the interest had quickly spiraled into an obsession. Every time anyone sees Kagekao nowadays, his head's lowered and his razor sharp focus is solely on the game.

"Kagekao's stupid," Sally commented straight up, not taking her eyes off her tea set as she poured tea into my empty cup. "Slender's eventually just gonna take the phone away from him because he literally never looks up anymore."

"Yeah probably," I utter back. To be honest, I was curious as to what had gotten Kagekao so hooked to a screen, probably even more so than BEN at this point which was surprising.

Kagekao stood before SlenderMan, tapping away at the phone like a mindless drone with headphones on while Slenders had begun yelling at him for neglecting his duties as a killer and for causing so much disruption with his inattentiveness.

I rolled my eyes at the confrontation and was about to turn to focus back on the tea party when I heard the words, "That's IT! You are cut off!" and then the sound of Kagekao's roar of anger and dismay rang across the mansion. Both me and Sally turned with widened eyes to see that Slender had snatched away the phone from Kagekao with his tendril and was now holding it at a height the 5'4 demon couldn't reach. "MASTER! GIve it BACK!" Kagekao yelled at the top of his lungs, jumping with all his might trying to swipe and grab back the phone. "No. You won't be getting this back for a while, it's time you take a break."

Me and Sally watched as Slender and Kagekao continued to argue back and forth until Slenders just got annoyed and he suddenly vanished on the spot along with the phone. Kagekao collapsed to the ground, defeated.

"Man. Don't you just love tea and drama?" Sally suddenly spoke aloud, crossing her legs as she smugly took a sip of her tea as she eyed Kagekao groaning on the ground. "Shut it you stupid little girl! UGH, I hate all of you!" Kagekao uncharacteristically snapped back, suddenly springing from up off the ground and darting for the stairs to head to his room.

I frowned a bit. Kagekao seemed really distressed over getting the phone taken. Just how addicting was the game he was playing that would cause Kagekao behave this way? Sally lowered her tea and sighed, "Damn, what's he acting like such a baby for...can we just go back to our tea party, (Y/N)?"

I hesitated a bit before turning back to her and smiling, "Sure Sally, let's continue."


A few days had passed and Kagekao had not been seen by anyone outside of his room. Not even Former or Suicide Sadie. "He won't talk to me! He won't even let me in his room and ignores my requests to talk..." Sadie fussed miserably into Former's shoulder as they stood somewhere at the end of the hallway. Former sullenly patted her head and glanced longingly at Kagekao's door. "Don't cry Sadie, Kagekao'll have to come around eventually. In the meantime, Former and Sadie won't give up on trying to get through to Kagekao, alright?"

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