19 ⦻ Holy Sh^t, They Make Things WORSE

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- - - Jeff The Killer's P. O. V. - - -

(Y/N) was looking directly at me with the blankest stare I've ever seen on anyone.

"Who... Who're you..???"

Dead, that's what I am. Fucking dead.

BEN looked like his eyes were going to shoot out of his skull.

"Jeff? Th-They didn't just say what I think they did, did they? Th-they're joking, right? (Y/N) IS JOKING, YOU'RE JOSHING US RIGHT!!??"

(Y/N) slowly turned to BEN and shook their head, "No.... who are you? And where are your eyes...?"

"We're done for Jeff. We're done. Screwed, " BEN scoffed, throwing his hands up in the air.

"BEN shut up. How does a glass bottle to the head wipe your memory? They must be kidding around just to get back at us!" I sneered.

I then look back to (Y/N) and shake my head. "I get you probably hate my guts but you can stop trying to scare us now, we know you ain't lost your memory."

(Y/N) looks back at me in the eyes, but with the same clouded, blank stare.

I remember looking into their eyes a while back when they were gonna attack me and what I saw was something I don't know how to explain. Something that might be incredible.

But now there was nothing there, as if there was truly nothing left to remember. Just a cold hard stare.

God I really did scramble their brain didn't I???


BEN starts shaking (Y/N)'s shoulders, as if that would do anything, and (Y/N)'s gaze slowly falls to the bed sheets.

They didn't look like they were going to say anything else.

"I told you, I TOLD YOU we should've went to EJ!" BEN suddenly snapped at me, glitchy symbols and text beginning to appear around him. "Why couldn't we at least get him?!! Now (Y/N) is ruined and Slender is gonna destroy us!!"

I was going to snap back at BEN but I instead remained silent, knowing that he was just telling the truth and I was wrong.

Even then, I still wasn't convinced that we couldn't get (Y/N) back to normal without anyone else's help.

I looked down, trying to think of something, anything that we could do.

"Jeff, are you LISTENING to me!? Go get help and stop being a pussy!"

"Wait," I say, "I have an idea. Slender and Trender keep all sort of weird elixirs n shit in their little secret lab, don't they? I'm sure if we sneak in there, we can find something that'll get (Y/N) 's memory back!"


I sigh and glare at him pissed, "if it backfires, then you can go cry to Slender and EJ and the whole fucking world about what happened and take the heat for it. Sound good? Good. Now shut the hell up and let's go with my plan, OK?"

- - - BEN's P. O. V. - - -

We went his plan the first time around and now look where things ended up.

Why the hell am I here still listening to the dumbass that thought it was a good idea to gorge a freaking smile into their face.

At this point, I give up.

- - - Third P. O. V. - - -

Jeff got up from his bed and started heading for the door of his room, "Come on BEN, (Y/N). We can find something to reverse this in Slender's stuff."

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