43 ⦻ Great, Now The Walker's A Kid + SUS BABYSITTER???

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(Y/N)'s p. o. v.

I'm really glad that whole "pastas being turned into children" fiasco is over. Having to deal with all of the killers as kids really tired me out, and I still had a major headache from when Candy Pop knocked me over the head...

I really thought the rest of today would be some time for me to relax instead of panic all day about problems initiated by the other pastas, but of course that doesn't happen...

SlenderMan's p. o. v

"This time Trender, we cannot make a mistake with this formula."

"You do understand the first mishap was your doing, right??"

"Am I the type of person you really want to be throwing around the blame at?"

Trender groaned and kept his mouth shut from then on, so I continued to pour into the mixture we were working with, trying to re-create a potion that would allow us to change our forms with the ability to turn back. If you were to ask me, I'd say this whole project is a shameful waste of time--there's nothing to be gained from us attaining a human form, besides looks. We would have no abilities, no heightened senses--nothing. All of this just to appear pleasing to the other Creepypastas...what a waste.

A cloud of smoke begins to arise from the mixture and I step back, pulling a pair of goggles over my face. Trender does the same and steps beside me, beginning to shake with excitement. "I think this is it, Slender! We're finally going to be beautiful again!"

"And that's good news???"

"Yes for me, but you have fun being all old and grumpy. AND BALD."

Before I could respond to his infuriating remark, the mixture exploded and Trender yelped, jumping into my arms like a big fool. The fumes and smoke from the blast starts to envelop the whole lab, so I quickly drop Trender on the ground and grab gas masks to place over our faces.

Don't you dare ask what we're covering.

"Shouldn't one of us keep it off? You know, to see if the solution actually works or not?" Trender questioned, waving some of the smoke out of his face. "Why don't you, since you're so adamant about this whole 'turning into humans' nonsense?" I scoff.

"Well maybe I will!" Trender argued.

My younger sibling reached for his mask to remove it from his head when the door to the lab suddenly swings open, and I could barely make out the shiloete of a person walking in through the smoke.

"Hey Slenders, I--jeez what's with all the smoke in here? ...Wait a minute...why do I feel weird all of a sudden...??"

Oh great. Perfect timing to barge into my lab without permission, Walker.

I sift through the cloud over to where I heard my proxy's voice, but when I finally reach them, it was already too late...

"Slender, who was it? What happened? I swear I just heard (Y/N)'s voice!" Trender exclaimed, quickly stepping up beside me. Trender looks at me, then notices that I am looking down and so he looks down as well. It is then he notices the mistake now standing infront of us.

The stupid failure of a potion turned my proxy into a damned child!

(Y/N)'s p. o. v.

That's weird...I feel different.

I look up and see...hehe...funny bald tall stick man looking down at me.

I feel like laughing at him, he looks so stupid. I feel like kicking his chopstick for legs but I'll probably get in a lot of trouble. I decided to just be a good child! "Slendey!" I yell, holding up my hands to him.

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