Return to Life With The Creepypastas: 15 - Walmart

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I decided to be a complete douche today and went around posting these pics of Slenders around the mansion.

Well, I was in the middle of going around in the Slender Hall sticking up the images on all brother's doors and just as I was getting done posting a paper on TrenderMan's, the door to SplendorMan's room flew open

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Well, I was in the middle of going around in the Slender Hall sticking up the images on all brother's doors and just as I was getting done posting a paper on TrenderMan's, the door to SplendorMan's room flew open.

"Oh hello, (Y/N)! What might you be up to on this spectacular and wonderful evening!?" Splendor greeted me happily while I frantically tried to hide the papers. However, the Slender Brother was quick in approaching me and his curiousness deemed hiding useless.

Splendor's face grew confused, "Are these supposed to be of my" He asked, glaring at the paper plastered on Trender's door.

"Uh no no no Splendor, it—it's a—bowling pin cosplaying as your brother..."

I was going to explain myself further because I feared that this might've actually pissed off Splendor... but to my surprise, Splendor immediately began laughing hysterically, "How terribly funny💫! Slender's going to love these little images of him!"

"Uh no—no he's not—SPLENDO NO—"

'This mfing happy-ass cake topper's gonna ruin my whole mission!'

In a panic, I tried to stop Splendor but in literally one whole step he was across the hall and infront of SlenderMan's room, knocking the door like a madman and summoning the man himself.

"Slendy-Brother~! Just look at these absolutely hilarious pictures of you that (Y/N) has been decorating the hallway with! Isn't it cute??"

By that point, I was already making a run for it out of the hall to save myself but lo and behold, Slenders teleported right infront of me before I could escape and I ended up slamming right into him.

Slender grabbed me with his tendrils and raised me up to his level; I could just feel his disappointment.

"I shouldn't even have to ask what you are doing," Slender spoke, frighteningly calm, "you're a grown adult, I expect much, much better from you. Do I look like some sort of joke to you?"

Slender held up one of the pictures next to his face to try and make a point, but after a long moment of silence of me just looking between him and the SlenderPin...



Soo, Slender's making me leave the mansion for an hour to get out the house and "think about what I've done" but since that was probably the shittiest punishment ever and wasn't actually going to stop me from doing anything in the future I was kinda unserious about it.

As I walk away from the Slender Hall, Rake randomly comes scuttling over to me for some reason so I look over to him and raise an eyebrow. "Whadya want ya hairless rat."

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