38 ⦻ It's Prøxy Break Day!

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"You're a lying p-piece of shit!!"

Toby's sudden scream echos through the basement, making me jump. "Oh yeah!? You're the idiot that thinks you can get away with everything you do-WELCOME TO THE REAL WORLD TOBIAS!" Hoodie yelled, slamming his fist on the table. "That's it! I'm leaving and taking Walker and Parasite with me!" Kate growled, standing up and grabbing both me and Vix's arms. "Aaaaaaaaand that's enough Monopoly for today," Masky sighed, beginning to gather all the scattered cards that were on the table.

So much for us proxies trying to have a relaxing, fun time together...

Hoodie and Toby remained at the table, facing away from each other with their arms crossed. "Yeah, next time you dumbasses will listen to me and we'll play Candy Land," Vix muttered glaring at the two of them beneath his mask, and Kate nodded her head in agreement. The room then fell into an awkward silence as Masky began to clear up the game pieces from the table.

Suddenly, the basement door swung open and Rogue appeared, seeming out of breath. "Prøxy Meeting!" She exclaimed, urgently. Immediately, all of us dropped what we were doing, dashed from the table and followed Rogue out of the basement to the Slender Hall.

"Alright my proxies," SlenderMan spoke once me, Hoodie, Masky, Toby, Kate, Vix, and Rogue were all gathered together in his office. He called us in for some reason and I'm kinda just expecting either training or a mission, but today isn't usually the type of day we'd take to go on a mission.

"I have an announcement for you all," Slender started, folding his hands behind his back as he usually does. "Today will be a Proxy Break Day. You will all spend the day together having... "fun"... and doing whatever things you people like to do when you're not busy working."

"Break Day?? Let's GO!!" Toby screamed, throwing his fist in the air. I grinned at this, relived Slenders wasn't laying down more training on us and giving us some time to ourselves today. Also, not having to be stuck in the basement playing Monopoly with a bunch of competitive hot heads was a plus...

"I want you to take this time to spend with each other—not the other foo—killers," Slenders sighed, "a stronger bond between proxies give better results when it comes to working beside each other on missions. That's specifically why it's called, 'Proxy Break Day'."

Rogue excitedly wrings her arm around Kate's neck as Kate crossed her arms and Hoodie seemed to be so relieved that we didn't really have to do anything today.

"How come Vix gets to be apart of this!? Didn't he just come back from a year of vacation??" Masky complained. "Heya Sideburns. Your jealousy's showing," Vix faced Masky probably smirking under his mask, and Masky folded his arms with a loud huff.

"All my proxies will participate. Once again, 'Proxy-Break-Day'," Slenders repeated, sounding a little annoyed.

"Come on y-you guys, let's see what we sh-should do today!" Toby exclaimed, his anger from the game before seemingly nonexistent now and he beckons the rest of us to follow him. The others quickly go after Toby, but I stay back for a bit because I remember there's something serious I still need to warn Slenders about...

"Slenders," I speak, regaining the boss's attention. "That Rose lady you hired in my place? She literally tried to kill me the other day. We fought and she was mentioning something about my worth to a certain someone? She then had this whole huge portal thingy and was trying to pull me in with her, but luckily Kagekao and Former showed up and distracted, allowing me to get away."

I really truly expected Slender to seem shocked, alarmed, or at least angered that his own servant was attacked by the person he invited into the mansion, but all this man did was sigh.

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