XI- All the girls are jealous of your intimidating beauty

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I wore the short but elegant dress in my closet which was dark red and tied my hair in a bun, making the shadow bangs drop in front of my face. I did a little bit of makeup with a light lipstick and bolted downstairs to not make Rex upset and honestly, I just wanted to get this over with.

There was a weird tension in the car because Rex and Cameron would glance at me every once in a while and Aiden was completely normal and chill. Rex was wearing a black suit with his jacket around his shoulder.

A few of his buttons were undone and I had the urge to rip the whole thing open. I got a few dirty thoughts here and there but they were never this powerful before. I threw one leg around another for obvious reasons and sighed.

Rex threw me a box when I was distracted and I flinched before picking it up from my lap. It was an engagement ring. I put it on and threw the box to the side before looking out the window again.

"What am I supposed to do?" I asked and he looked into my eyes for the first time after I got dressed. "Just sit there and don't draw male attention." He said kind of pissed and I nodded.

"Although I don't think it's possible," Cameron said as he glanced at Rex.

"Do you want to die like this Cameron?" Rex grumbled and Cameron grinned.

"I'm just sayin', buddy. You know I'm right. You need to keep her extra close in there." He winked at Rex and I narrowed my eyes.

"How does he get to speak to you that way?" I asked genuinely. Cameron's eyes lit up. "Rex here is my buddy. My best pal. Brother, even though he would never admit it, he likes my company." Rex's only friend is Cameron. I could see why they're friends. They're like how I was with William. I haven't seen him till the event.

"Fuck off Cameron," Rex grumbled and Aiden sighed as he drove the car which made me smirk. It must be hard hanging around with Cameron all day and when you add Rex to the list it doesn't get better.

"We're here," Aiden said after about five minutes. Rex walked to the door with his hand on my back which de dropped so I could wrap my arm around his. We entered the club looking but a more delicate place and most people turned their eyes our way. The waiter hesitantly came next to Rex to greet him.

I grabbed a margarita from the trey he was holding which made Rex look my way. I took a big sip and handed the rest to Rex because it looked like he needed it. He threw his head back as he downed it and put the empty glass in the tray before walking next to people.

When I thought I was hated by a woman back in the warehouse I didn't mind it this much. Every woman I saw gave me dirty looks and a few rolled their eyes which made me want to carve them out.

He motioned me to sit next to him as he spoke to a few businessmen. We looked so distant from the moment we walked in and the men gave me dirty looks because they knew Rex didn't actually give two shits about me.

So when he pulled me down to sit next to him and next to the girls I made him lose his breath and sat on his lap. It didn't look weird since this place was like a fucking strip club.

I knew he wouldn't push me away but I didn't expect him to wrap his arm around my waist and rest the other on my leg. Just looking at his hands made me want to sin.

They started speaking a language I didn't know and so were their wives but I think Maria also knew this language.

It went on for a while and I could feel Rex tense since his hand started squeezing my thigh. I wanted to question and snap but he looked like he was marking his territory. Then I realized half the time guys were talking to Rex their eyes were on me. So I turned all my attention to Rex.

I let them be jealous of Rex even more because I liked it.

I traced the veins on his neck with my hand in a punching position only using my pointing finger which made him shiver and I felt him pull me closer on his lap.

he crooked his head to the other direction to give me more space to touch and I couldn't help but smirk. I don't know if I was affecting myself or him more.

Why don't we take it up a notch now and see how much can I fuck with him till he loses it?

I licked my lips a little when he glanced sideways at me and looked away. I made direct eye contact with the wives as I leaned in and dragged my mouth softly on his neck. It was impossible to avoid the rise in his pants now.

"You're a lucky man Rex." I left a burning kiss and pulled away from him looking unbothered.

Rex snapped at them at whatever language he was talking. "Too easy," I whispered sensually and he shuddered again making my smile grow. "Arabella I can feel your need on my jeans." He whispered back after looking at me and I narrowed my eyes.

I was not aware of that.

I saw the waiter again and flicked my fingers so he'd look my way. I grabbed another drink and handed one to Rex as well. One of the girls whispered to me when Rex was completely into the conversation. "I don't buy it." I looked around to see her face. "Mind your business." I winked at her and turned back.

"How much do you bet he leaves here with me?" One girl leaned towards me.

"How much do you bet you won't leave here alive?" I frowned as I said it and crooked my head to the side for more effect.

"Don't speak to them," Rex muttered in my ear and the girls were watching will full attention. "I'm having fun, pissing them off," I said back as I looked at his lips. They looked extra approachable from this view. "All the girls are jealous of your intimidating beauty and all the guys want it." He said harshly and turned away.

Now I don't think I'll ever forget that sentence. I might even start writing a diary and just put that one line so I don't forget it.

"Rex!" An overly excited old guy came beside us and made sure to not touch Rex. "It's good to see you again." Rex nodded and the really familiar girl who looked older than both of us extended her hand. "Cassandra." She smiled flirtily and Rex refused to take her hand.

He tapped my waist to not let the hand down so I took it and firmly shook it.

"Arabella," I said deeply and returned her the same smile.

"Cass, I told you Rex doesn't like being touchy." The girl gave me a dirty look and raised her eyebrows. "Oh. Must've forgotten." She said looking at both of us now and I couldn't help but smirk.

Cry about it, bitch.

After some time I got bored of the conversation and tried sitting on the couch but Rex made sure to let me know I can't move from the position I'm at.

So I just looked behind me and saw Cameron drinking a beer. He looked back after some time and winked after looking at Rex and me. I rolled my eyes and turned back to the table. I was craving my go-to drink badly now.

"What is it?" Rex asked. He looked like he didn't want to talk to them anymore so I pouted. "I'm just craving something, badly." I really liked getting him hot and bothered. "Arabella-..." He looked angry but I knew it wasn't directed to me. "I want Jack." I sighed and he looked at me furiously. "And daniels." I grinned and he rolled his eyes before his mouth twitched.

"It's a good thing you don't smile a lot," I said right before he leaned on the table and pulled a bottle I haven't seen there when I sat down. He poured it on the glass and drank it before pouring it again and handing it to me.

"I know you love my smile, Arabella." I choked on the drink and looked behind him to cough. He had a smirk when I looked back. "Right." I sighed and finished the drink. "You know it."

"When can we leave," I said after turning back to the people and saw Cassandra rolling her eyes at me. Yeah, I'm done. "Right now." Rex made me stand up which got all the attention. Held my hand and pulled me to where Cameron was.


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