LIV- Temptress

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The Devilman's Femme Fatale

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Arabella's POV

I pulled the large bag out of the car I 'borrowed' from a fellow citizen and dropped it on the ground. "I told you not to hurt them." I rolled my eyes which were still visible from the mask I was wearing. You see, my life has changed a lot in the past three years. At first, I met... him. I fell in love.

But love was too good for me.

It was way too fickle. It blinds you.

I spent last eight months away from him. Away from everyone I know. I feel more powerful than ever before. I wasn't a part of a gang. Nobody knew me. "They can handle a bruised arm for fucks sake. Where's my payment?" I crossed my arms making the man scratch his neck and take a step away from me. "It's already been paid." I pulled out my phone to check and put it away with a satisfied smile.

"I hope we can stay on good terms. Nice doing business with you, temptress."

I walked to my large apartment building after throwing my mask in my large jacket pockets. I didn't go to college because I didn't want to. The anger I felt after leaving that night could not be ignored. I needed to let it out and then I thought, why not make a living out of it?

So I've been all alone for eight months working as an assassin or whatever you wanna call it. No one I worked with knew who I really was, not that it matters. I don't care about showing my face, I just don't want him to know about it. I don't know how I'll react if I cross paths with that man ever again.

Will I ignore him? Maybe...

Will I hurt him? Not like before. I'll take everything he owns and then show him how it is to feel betrayed.

You see, the worst part about being betrayed is that it's never from your enemies. It's from the ones that you love. For me, it was someone I loved unconditionally. That's why it was so hard to get back on my feet after I left. I had nowhere to go. No one to trust. I swore on everything, I won't trust anyone again. I walked inside my expensive apartment and threw my shoes into the small closet in the doorway. "Baby?" I called as I entered the house.

"Where are you?" I walked around excitedly and heard the fast-moving, small footsteps approaching me.

This is the best part of my day. To be back home with my baby.

"Sheilah, I've missed you baby." I kissed all over her face and refused to let her go when she moved on my arms.

"I thought you were calling out to me for a second. It was too good to believe you'd ever call me that." I rolled my eyes at the dark silhouette making his way towards me. "Nope. Only her." I rubbed my cat's belly as she rested on my lap tiredly. She's always sleepy but I guess that's normal for a baby kitty.

"How much did you make today?" Carmelo asked as I got myself a plate and he placed my food on it. I think I want Carmelo to be my personal chef. "Not a lot. Jimmy wanted the girl alive." He narrowed his eyes. "Is he like a creep?" I shook my head. "It's his daughter. She ran away bla bla bla." I sat down on the table as I dug on my food. I don't really like talking.

"Oooh. Why did you help him though? I thought you'd empathy." He shrugged as he sat in front of me. "I don't give two shits about empathy anymore. I don't feel anything." I looked at him and he nodded before turning around. He knew better than to speak about that subject.

Carmelo and I crossed paths about two months after I ran away. He said he didn't know shit about why I ended it with that jerk and I honestly believe him. I don't think anyone knows but me about how much of a whore he is. Carmelo didn't really work with anyone except the Demolas and he was completely free when Leonardo got what he deserved.

"Well. I got doughnuts and made my signature cocktails for my favorite girl today." He smiled after hitting the desk slightly. "Which one?" I asked and he rolled his eyes making me slightly smile.

"What happened with Amy?" I asked remembering the girl he was talking to and he narrowed his eyes. "She gets mad over every single dumb thing and also indecisive as fuck. I'd rather cut off my penis than to even text her again." I raised my eyebrows and nodded understandingly. He did have a point.

"Ugh. Cameron called today." I placed my fork down after finishing the food and wiped my mouth to the napkin.


I couldn't really talk to him after he pulled a Joe Goldberg.

I knew it was acting and all but my past with Erik was still haunting me like it was just yesterday. I understand that the Devilman didn't think it would be a big deal since Erik's dead but I still have the nightmares. I did sit down with Cameron hesitantly and he told me everything. Every single detail the Devilman planned to give Leonardo the bait and it worked perfectly as planned.

"What did he want?" I asked and Carmelo put the dishes in the sink. "Asked if I know anything about Temptress." I choked on my spit slightly and caught the water bottle he threw at me.

"Why? What do they want from Temptress?" I asked feeling my heartbeat speed up. "Calm down. He just said they know about you. I mean not you, the temptress you.

Apparently, they have this guy that owes them a shit ton, and that the guy just disappeared. They don't know how to contact you." I narrowed my eyes and shook my head after some deep thought.

"I can never work for them. I shouldn't. Carmelo, he'll know." I said after standing up. He walked over to me and grabbed my shoulders. "I'm not fucking stupid." He told me and I narrowed my eyes mockingly which made him roll his. "That argument is very debatable," I replied and he slightly pushed me before turning around to walk to the couch.

"I told them I may have heard from her and they didn't even know temptress is a she. Cameron told me the guy's name and sent a picture, I told him she could work under one condition. I said you can't meet her. She'll send a picture when she's done which is usually what you do anyway." I zoned out as I thought about the situation.


I have to kill the guy in a preferably clean way so I could get a nice picture and then send it to Cameron from my phone.

Easy peasy.

From the corner of my eye, I saw Sheilah just rolling around with my goddamn charger in her mouth. "Hey! Girl! I told you no." I booped her nose gently and got my phone which vibrated the second I got it.

'Temptress, you've probably heard of me before since I have a dirty reputation among the mafias. My name is Julian Turner. The guy I'm trying to get to is called Harvey Idris. I need you to team up with a gang of my choice besides mine. We'll talk about the details when I get to see you in person."

Harvey Idris? My mother warned me about him growing up. He might not be as bad as the Devilman can get but I've heard stories about him. I don't know if working for him would be a healthy choice.

But one thing I do know is that that mans got a shit ton of money and I want what I can get from it.

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