LXXXVII- Arabella Rosetti

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After the dance I walked over next to Cameron with Rex and unfortunately Kelly happened to be there as well. She had a longer, elegant yellow dress with her hair curled. I eyed up William who was also there like I was checking him out and he laughed at the small gesture.

"Cameron you better not look at her for more than ten seconds." William said as he still kept the smile on and I smirked. "Agreed." Rex muttered as he grabbed two drinks and handed me one. We both threw our heads back as we drank it. "You were letting her dance with Elias a second ago." Cameron spoke up in defence at Rex.

"You and Elias aren't in the same fucking position." Cameron narrowed his eyes and Rex dropped it. "Why are they throwing you a party just because you joined them?" Kelly asked as she watched me with that snarky look on her face. "Harvey is my father, that's why." I just dropped the bomb like it was nothing and all three of them widened their eyes.

"I found out a few months ago, that's why Rex is okay with Elias, because he's my brother." I said with a sigh and watched people chat. "I saw that fucker Nick next to you, I was going to ask about that." Rex whispered in my ear and I shrugged. "I was single when I first talked to him and he wanted to ask me to dance. I said no. Then I happened to mention your name and he just switched up and left." Rex nodded with a frown and I bit my lip to keep my smile but failed miserably.

"It's  just so entertaining to see you so openly jealous again." I muttered as I grabbed another drink. I could feel myself get drunk. "Again? Jealous of what? Nick fucking Reyez? I know his whole backstory..." Rex kept on rambling about not being jealous and I rolled my eyes before laughing which made him shut up and turn away like a child.

"Hey." Everyone was minding their business, talking to each other except Kelly. She was staring at me. "You wanna' get out of here?" I whispered in Rex's ear when he leaned down. He looked at me questioningly and smirked when he saw my devious smile.

It's so amusing that he was so apathetic next to everyone but so dreamy around me.

He grabbed my hand and we walked through the crowd. "Finally." I said as we walked outside from the back door and started walking. "Where to?" I asked when he kept his phase and I hurriedly followed behind him.

"I don't fucking know... far away." He responded and I narrowed my eyes. "I can't walk fast, my dress is too tight." I said as I tried to stretch it. Rex stopped in front of me and turned to me. He leaned down a little and grabbed my dress before pulling hard. "Rex!" The dress ripped. Not enough to to show anything but enough for me to run comfortably. "Thank you." I said and he winked before taking my hand again and we started running to wherever the road led us.

I couldn't stop laughing for some reason, I don't know if it's because of the drinks I had before Rex came around to the event or if it was just the adrenaline. There was a beach here and Rex decided to pull us down on the rocks. I was about to freeze and I'm sure Rex noticed because he quickly took off his coat on top of the jacket and made me wear it.

I realised that he still hasn't said I love you back yet.

I shouldn't think about it too much because then I'll start to involuntarily provoke him about it and I know he won't have any of that.

"Arabella Idris." Rex muttered as I leaned over and laid my head on his chest as he laid back on the rocks. "Yeah. It sounds weird." I admitted. I don't know what Kristina's last name is so I never really had a last name before. "Rosetti sounds better. Arabella Rosetti." He said quietly with his eyes closed. I feel so vulnerable around him and it feels so good to know that he won't let anything happen to me.

I'll always be his only soft spot.

"Elias said that... They found Karl first and had to let him go because you were really upset." I said also quietly. I don't want to piss him off right now, not when we just got like this. "Upset? Enraged would be the right terminology. I did as I promised to you." He said as he slightly raised his head to look down at me. "I love you." I blurted out to the silence because that's all I felt in the moment before leaning over to him and captured his lips. He kissed me back and then kissed my forehead when we pulled apart.

"I love you." He responded and I widened my eyes in astonishment. I hid my face in his chest and closed my eyes tightly. I didn't think I'd hear him say it again and he just said it like it's been stuck on the edge of his tongue all along. "I never stopped. You became my purpose, ruined me later and then just saved me again." He said as he clenched his jaw. He leaned back onto the rocks again and I moved my head up so the cold breeze would hit my face and make the tears go away.

"You're fucking mine. I own you. Next time you think of pulling a stunt you better think a thousand times before because I'll always find you and bring you home. I'm your home." He said throatily.

That did it. The tears that swelled up in my eyes dropped to his button up shirt but he didn't mind. "You asked me once why I chose you out of all woman and the other day you told me there's woman who are better than you." He started again and I bit my lip. "I chose you because you were the most convenient partner for me but I don't know why I love you unconditionally. I don't have an answer for that and I don't think I need one." I shut the fuck up completely and let him speak and say everything he kept away from me all along.

"You're so fucking beautiful and so unaware of it, it pissed me off. You weren't scared of me and challenged me every chance you had like you could stand a chance. You're just different. I can never figure you out and I love that. You put me in my place and always have even though at some point I could've actually killed you." He sighed and hugged me tighter to his chest.

"There is this old family friend living two hours away from my mothers place, I went to visit her the day before I took you to my mother. I also went to visit her before to just talk and get my thoughts straight. I wanted her to help me to make you a special ring because that's what she does as a living and I've seen her works, they reminded me of you. I always came late because I was so invested in it, I wanted it to be perfect for you because that's what you deserve and that the last thing I am."

"I wanted to propose to you. I know you would've freaked out but I'm not going to just buy a house, throw you there to play house with eight kids and a shit tone of stress. I just want to spend my life with you till I stop breathing and go to hell one day."

I couldn't move from my position and I don't think he would let me move either. My eyes were drained from all the crying.

The blond hair was from that woman and he was always busy because he wanted me to have the perfect ring. I wanted to tell him that I don't want perfect. I don't need perfect but he already knows that.

"Marry me." I raised my head and he chuckled before shaking his head. "Not like this, no." He got up and we walked to the road again. "I'm going to... sweep you off your feet." He picked me up bridal style as he said it and I gasped.

I kissed all over him as he carried me back.

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