XX- I wish we could end this together

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The next morning everyone looked so stressed which was pissing me off. Every time I went to ask someone what the fucks going on they just mumbled and walked away. I also got bruised badly from one of the guys today, I'm not mad about it though. They're all getting better. I went to the medical room and saw that guy again, he gave me a cheeky smile before I sat down. "What do we have here?" He got up from his seat excitedly. "It's throbbing." He dropped his smile and gave me a terrified look before I pointed at my arm. "Oh. God damn. My minds in the gutter today." He chuckled the awkwardness off and inspected my arm. "It just needs to to reduce blood flow around the area. Give me some ice will you?" He gave me a surprised look.

"Are you sure it needs ice?" I nodded. "Why?" I rolled my eyes. "I need to cool the blood vessels so it reduces the blood that's leaking around it. It reduces swelling." I looked at him and he gave me a dumbfounded look. "How did you know that?" He handed me the ice. "I work with the mafia." I half lied. I knew it from the medic school. Sometimes I wonder if my moms actually as smart as I think she is. She never really questioned me spending money since we always had a lot but she had a few assumptions here and there where I had to make up lies. It's lucky that I'm good at that.

I knocked on Rex's door to know what the fuss is about and he told me to fuck off. I sighed before opening the door a bit and he tensed when he saw me. "Get out." Woah there. "Is that her?" I narrowed my eyes as Rex became furious. "Come on in." I had no choice but to walk in now. "Wow. Arabella, right?" He extended his hand and I shook it firmly before walking behind Rex's desk. This guy gave off bad vibes since Rex was this upset about me being here. "I'm Carmelo, you can call me Mel for short." He said with a deep accent that didn't match the language Rex knew. "I'm offended, Rex. Your beautiful wife was here all day and you didn't introduce me to her." I wanted to rub Rex's back because he looked like he wanted to do many bad things to Carmelo.

"She's not fucking important. Just tell me why you're here and get the fuck out. You've been waisting my time all day." Rex said in that scary tone again. It would normally make me want to hide from him but I don't think he'd hurt me. "I told you. Leonardo wanted me to work here for some time and enjoy my stay on my vacation." Carmelo grumbled. He didn't look like he was lying. Rex pointed at my arm which I was holding the ice on. "The crudes. They're getting better." I shrugged and he nodded. "Good work." Carmelo seemed surprised. "She's working with them?" He asked with interest. "I train them." He smiled and looked like he wanted to talk to me more. "Go ask Cameron to show you around. The guy with the blue dyed hair." Carmelo nodded annoyedly and left the room.

I heard Rex sigh then he got up. He leaned on the desk and pulled me in front of him before removing the ice and getting a closer look on the injury. It honestly wasn't bad. He made circles with his thumb and then kissed it which made me lose whatever breath I had. "Who?" I asked, my voice high pitched. "He's my cousin. My uncles son. He apparently came here for vacation and Leonardo invited him." I've noticed that Rex usually chooses to not call Leonardo father. I nodded. "Why do you hate him?" I asked as he sighed. He looked like he wanted to shoot himself. "I don't fucking want to do this anymore." He said angrily and pushed his hair back. I held his right cheek in my hand which he leaned into and rubbed him softly with my thumb.

There goes that feeling again.

"I wish..." I started off but then thought better of it. I wish we could end this together? Yeah, right. "Say it." He said but I shook my head. "It doesn't matter." I mumbled. "I have another person to catch but people keep failing me. I don't want to ask you to do it since it needs to get... physical." He said angrily and I narrowed my eyes. "I can get them." He nodded. "I know you can. I just don't want you to." I shrugged. "It'll be fine. Cameron and Aiden will be there. They won't let them touch me." He sighed before getting up and pushing me back in process. "Fine. You need to be quick." He muttered and I nodded before getting the name and picture of the guy. After so left I realised that Rex hasn't kissed me in so long. Maybe he's trying to prove he doesn't just want me to mess around.

The job was going pretty good till the guy put two together and saw Cameron and Aiden walk towards us. He grabbed my leg before I could knee him and landed me a blow on the stomach before kicking me till I fell to the ground. Then he knocked me out cold.

"Why don't you shut the fuck up and do your job. I'd pray for her to wake the fuck up faster if I were you." I heard a angry yell and grimaced. Why is there so much light in here? I opened my eyes and didn't recognise the room which made me bolt up and grab the medical knife standing close to me before jumping off the bed. "Arabella!" I heard a yell from behind me and they grabbed the knife before turning me around and inspecting me. "Are you okay? Any nausea? Dizzy?" I slapped his hands away when it started to tickle. "I feel great." I smiled through the unbearable headache. "She doesn't have internal bleeding and her stomach has a bruise." I heard the guy say and looked down.

I remember wearing a dress. It's now a two piece since they cut it open. "Rex!" I yelled when he pulled the top part a bit more up. "H-..." I'm sure he was about to threaten someone but thought better of it. "Why are you so worried? I'm sure these are very normal to her." The guy told Rex which made him snap. Rex moved his hair away from his face and turned around to take a step away before turning back and landing a hurtful looking punch to the guy. "Rex! Get off!" I pushed him away when he kept going. "Watch your fucking mouth." He said before grabbing my arm and pulling me to the changing rooms which was filled with girls. "You got anything to wear underneath?" He asked and I shook my head.

"Anyone got extra pants!" Rex yelled and Cassandra gave him a pair of black shorts. "Wear this and stay here. I'm bringing a shirt." He bolted out and I sighed before putting it on after he left. He had one of his shirts in his hand when he came back and everyone else left. "Do we go to the house now?" I asked since he was pissed. "You do. I have work." He said it like he wanted nothing more to go with me. It made me melt. I coughed but he didn't seem to be turning around so I just took my shirt off.

I don't really care if he sees me because I imagine him doing more than just watching me like this a lot more than I like to admit.


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