XL- That's my girl

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I just stood there for five minutes. I couldn't take a step.

Maybe one day you'll find someone who actually loves you

It was too good to believe.

It was too good for me.

Pick yourself up, Arabella. Don't give up.

I took a shaky deep breath and took a step.

Where do I go?

I have nowhere. I knew about Will staying over at Cameron's. I just opened the phone and dialled the number. "Will I need to find you." I said keeping my voice from cracking. It sounded sad. My voice was soft and shaky because my throat was closed up. I wrote down the address he gave me which wasn't too far. I looked at the location from the phone before slamming it on the ground and leaving.

I don't need love.

I knew that but it felt so good.

Once you get a taste you can't pull away from it.

I'm not going to cry over Rex. I gave him all of me and he just threw it all away. It's his loss because no one will ever love him the way I did. Maybe I loved the imagination I had of him in my head but no. I loved all of him. I know I'll always love him. I ignored the catcalls I got because of my shorts and fastened my pace, no matter how bad it hurt to walk.

When I felt like breaking down I sat near a tree and just held my face in my hands. Don't cry for him, Arabella. That's what he wants. Stupid. I'm so stupid. I should've seen it coming. Rex doesn't love anyone and I knew that.

He's the fucking Devilman.

But I thought since I had feelings for him which seemed impossible, maybe he likes me back. Just maybe and I took that chance.

How stupid.

I knocked on the door when I picked myself back up again and the door opened almost instantly. "What happened?" Will said softly like he knew I was on the edge. "I just need a place to stay Will. I'm sorry. I'm a bother to everyone." I said before looking up at him and he narrowed his eyes. "Bother? Are you fucking kidding me? I've always wanted to live with you. But... Not this way." He said as he inspected me. "Rex just dropped me." I said. It wasn't a break up since nothing was ever real for him. Will didn't look like he bought it but wrapped his arms around me anyway. "Men are shit." He whispered as he rested his head on mine and I nodded. "Everyone's shit." I pulled away and went to the guest room he had.

I stayed in that house for two weeks.

Two weeks without any sign, info and sight of Rex.

William never made me feel like I was bothering him but I crumbled more and more each day.

I feel pathetic.

Apparently this was his house which he bought a few months before... I happened. "I uh... need to go to this thing today." I narrowed my eyes and he sighed. "Leonardo is throwing this party type of thing for the new members. I'd love to take you as my plus one but... you know." He said hesitantly and I shook my head. "No. I'll go." I said and he narrowed his eyes this time. "I'm sure. Fuck Rex. Who needs him? I'm not going to stop fighting just because one bad thing happened, there's people I know there." He nodded before giving me a fist bump. "That's my girl." I smiled and went upstairs to take a shower.

I wore a shirt dress this time and tied my hair in a bun. "Ooh. I like these." William extended earrings and I shrugged before taking them. He has better taste than I'll ever have. I saw the necklace he gave me in my small jewellery box. William was looking at it. "I think this'll match." He said before extending it to me.

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