XXXVI- It's okay. I love you.

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I gasped when I saw Rex just on his knees at the rink. No one was holding him. It's like he was purposely giving in. People parted as me and my mom walked. My mom handed me a gun this time and stayed out of the rink. I stumbled when Rex looked at me. He didn't look like Dean, he looked way healthier. He could still take me if he tried. "Why?" I asked as he stayed down. "She won't let you out alive. Do it." I shook my head. "No."

"Arabella it's okay. I love you." I narrowed my eyes and my breath got caught in my throat. I couldn't keep my eyes from tearing, I didn't want to.

"What?" My voice came out as a high pitched whisper.

I don't know if I heard him correctly.

"I'm in love with you, Arabella. I love every little thing about you. I will die for you if I have to. I'd rather die than to not have you in my life any day." I gulped and took a step back. "Arabella!" I heard my mothers angry yell and Rex never stopped staring at me. It funny how I felt the exact same about him. I heard my name being cheered and ignored it completely.

"Shut your fucking mouths!" I yelled and my mom looked at me viciously. "I know you want Rex dead. You always did. Come get him if you want but you know what?" I whispered he last part to emphasise. My mom was in front of me the next second.

"You'll have to go through me first! Because you know what?!" I grinned at her. "Because I love him." I told her loudly so it was audible to everyone. I threw the gun far away from the crowd. "I'll fight for him even if it means I'll get killed." I challenged her and I could see the fume.

I've never seen her this upset before.

"Come get him." I crooked my head to the side like I pitied her and that did it. She swung a uppercut which I hardly dodged and I landed a hit on her stomach. I kept hitting there till she kneed my face.

It made me dizzy for a few seconds and mother took advantage of it. She kicked my stomach and punched me, making me drop on the ground. I got back up quickly and punched her with everything I have in me. I let out every piece of anger and hateful feeling I had thinking every fucked up thing she did to me growing up.

I sat on top of her as she held her face. I saw Will push past people and throw me a gun from the corner of my eye. Rex was beside me now and he had stood up before the fight happened.

"You think hurting me will teach me a lesson? Well than let this be a lesson to you, bitch." I whispered to her as she looked at me now. "I've always been stronger. I'm the mafia queen. Always was and always will be!" I stood up after finishing what I started and heard complete silence before it broke into cheering.

I bumped into a chest as I walked backwards. A hand gripped my waist and turned me around before pushing me further into his chest. I gripped Rex's shirt as tight as I could while I hugged him and he held my head with one hand. "I love you." He said again, making me open my eyes wide. "I love you so fucking much." He emphasised and I was about to break down right here right now.

"Rex, I want to leave." I said out of breath and he pulled me through the crowd. "Wait!" I let go of his hand and he looked at me concernedly. "I need to get William." I told him and he sighed. "Go to the car. I'll get him. More people are on the way." I widened my eyes. Do we have to leave immediately? "It's my men, Arabella. Relax." He kissed the side of my head and wandered off. I ran to the car, not wanting to stay here for another second.

Rex came back out with William but everyone was here now. Rex had to speak to a few people and William ran at me. He threw me in a bone crashing hug. "I-..." He couldn't speak. "I can't believe you just did that." He pulled away and held my shoulders.

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