LXVI- You're the only one I trust

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"What's all this about? We haven't even done anything yet." Karl got in the room making me edge up to the corner as much as I could. Tears were rolling down my eyes uncontrollably.

"Move back." I warned him and he raised an eyebrow. "Did Rosetti make you turn out this way? I didn't think you'd be the one to be terrified of me." He said in a shrug.

"Untie me if you want me to be that way." I said looking up at him with angry tears rolling down my eyes. Rex.

Rex despises Erik.

Rex hates Karl.

I need Rex.

"I think you need some time to cool off. I'll be back in a bit princess." I tried calming my breath and leaned back. I need to get out of here. Rex won't always save me. He'll be with Melanie. I'm all by myself on this one. I looked up to see the room. Nothing I could use was here expectedly. My mask was gone and so was my phone and bag.

My shirt was gone which is the worse of all. I wanted to try and get out but it's no use. I refused to fall asleep when my eyelids felt heavy. I woke up with the loud band coming from the door and saw one of Karl's men walking towards me.

"It's honestly a blessing how generous Karl is with you." I narrowed my eyes when he sat next to me and widened my eyes the next. I tried moving off the bed when he leaned towards me and touched my waist.

He kissed my cheeks and down to my neck when I started screaming. The next second there was a lot of shouting coming from the outside but the guy didn't seem to mind.

"Don't worry about it, baby. They'll take care of it." Tears rolled down my cheek once again as he leaned in for my mouth but I moved my face which made him angry. "You fucki-..." The door got kicked and I started screaming again.

The next second the door handle got shot and I tried edging back. I saw a hint of black hair going for Karl's men and sobbed uncontrollably.

Elias was on top of the guy as he kept punching the guys face till blood rushed out. Then he came next to me and grabbed a blade from his waistband to free me. "Come on." He extended a hand for me to take but I couldn't. I don't want to touch him.

I looked outside from the door and saw Rex. I rubbed my eyes to know if I'm imagining it or if he's actually here. He saved me. Again. He looked furious but it was replaced with shock when he saw me. My whole face red. No shirt. My eyes and lips puffy from crying. I couldn't stop crying when he walked towards me fast.

I jumped off the bed and Elias looked in my direction when I started running. I jumped into Rex's chest and he wrapped his arms around me after placing his gun in his waistband. One of his hands cupped the back of my head and the other held me off the ground as I buried my face in his neck.

"Rex let go of her right now!" I heard a woman's yell and held onto him tighter. He can't let go of me. Not again. "Rex." My voice came out shaky and high pitched. He pulled my face away from his neck and just stared at me for a second.

It's not Rex who I'm holding onto right now.

He looked angrier by the seconds passed and tried to control his breathing. "I got you." He muttered. I thought he'd let me go when he placed me down but he gave me his leather jacket instead and zipped it up before picking me back up.

I rested my head on his shoulder again and he walked next to Elias, I think. "How did you find her?" He asked sounding terrifying and Elias gulped. "She was tied here." He pointed at the bed, I could tell from his shadow. The Devilman didn't seem to mind my tears dropping on his shirt.

"Bring her to my car. I'm going to find the leader." I shook my head aggressively and fisted his shirt in my hand. "No! Rex stop. You're the only one I trust." I whispered the last sentence to him and he stumbled.

Rex doesn't like me getting hurt. That's when he becomes the Devilman. I'm the line no one should ever cross with him. If they dare to get close Rex makes them go through hell.

'I'll rise hell upon anyone who touches you'

"Find the leader and just make sure he gets to me. Unharmed." Rex pointed at Elias who looked really obeying for once. "Alright. Take care of her for me Rex." With that he walked out. "Do you want to walk?" He asked and I shook my head again.

I know he could tell how fucked up I am at the moment. I'd never let him carry me much less touch me after I saw him this year and now I cannot get off of him. He picked me up higher making me wrap my legs tighter around him and carried me outside.

"Rex stop! Just stop! What the fuck is this?!" I flinched at the high pitched tone. "Boss, you want me to take her back?" I heard Cameron say and Rex didn't speak up for a second. I know he wouldn't let anyone take me. "Kelly I'm not the one for you. I'll never be." He said warningly and Cameron took a step back.

I could tell he was about to lose it from his throaty voice. "You're wrong. We're meant to be-..." Rex shook his arm off of her hand and Cameron grabbed her back. "Cameron. I'll get a eight hour lecture if I hurt her. She's family..." Rex breathed out heavily trying to compose himself.

He could unleash on anyone but me and I'm sure everyone else noticed as well. "I'll bring Kelly back." He turned around and I could hear the girls scream reach my head.

Rex placed me in the passenger seat and I crossed my arms. I feel exposed. Like I'm about to go through hell if I don't feel Rex's touch. I need to know he's with me right now.

I saw the wet wipes at the drink holder and grabbed a few to clean my face as Rex got in. He drove away from the place and I stared at his hand, hoping he'd read my mind like he always does but he didn't seem to notice. I turned to look away from the window and crossed my arms over my chest again.

"I got your bag." He said quietly and I couldn't respond. My throat was closed and I would start crying the second he showed any kind of affection towards me. I bit my lip and nodded to show that I wasn't ignoring him. I wanted to ask who searched for me any why they came looking for me.

I wanted to know if Rex was concerned about why I wasn't keeping in touch with him and that's why he came searching for me.

But maybe Carmelo asked for help. Maybe Rex just doesn't care.

But why would he hold me if he doesn't care. Why would he bother driving me alone with him? Why would he not just tell Elias to bring me back or call Carmelo?

He leaned to the backseat when he stopped the car at a red light and grabbed a water bottle before extending it to me. I took it hesitantly and drank. My eyes widened after I put the bottle in my lap because he reached for my hand and held it tightly.

He let me know he's there for me.

And he'll always be there for me.

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