XXI- We're not done, Arabella

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I got to the house and wasn't even thinking about sleeping the pain off. I took a pill for my head, drank lots of water and brushed my teeth before hearing something from my room. I held onto my gun in my waistband and leaned my ear on the bathroom door. I kicked my door open and gasped.

"Mom?" I put the gun back and she narrowed her eyes. "Why are you early?" She asked as she closed my laptop and I took a step back. "I trained crudes all day then Rex sent me to this thing. I got a concussion." I said and walked back again since she kept getting closer. "What's wrong? I didn't do anything?" I whimpered. "You're fucking lucky I don't have any weapons with me." She said right before slapping me across the face. "Online school." She punched my stomach which already had a bruise. "Mom, stop! Please." I said out of breath from the pain on my stomach. "Don't beg me. You asked for this, you fucking disgrace." She grabbed my gun which made me crawl back as fast as I could.

"I didn't think I raised a dumbass child. I always thought you had the intelligence." I do. That's why I took online school. I looked at the window to see Aiden or Cameron but they weren't looking this way. "Don't shoot." I raised my hand up because the other was holding my stomach. "Why? I'm sure Rex wouldn't mind." She looked at me viciously.

"Or would he?"

She shot me right in the arm which made me flinch out of my skin. "Fuck!" I yelled and sobbed. I got shot before but you can't really get used to this pain. "We're not done, Arabella." She three the gun at my lap and left from wherever she came in from.

I grabbed a shirt from my wardrobe and tied it tightly around my arm. I didn't have the energy to yell out my window much less crawl back there but I had to force myself. When I looked back Aiden was gone. "Cameron!" My yell alerted him and he ran in the house. I could feel the dizziness kick in and refused to close my eyes. Cameron ran upstairs and next to me. "What the fuck? Why would you do this?!" He ran to the bathroom to grab whatever he needed, I can't really think right now. "I didn't do it." I refused to flinch when he rubbed the alcohol. "There's no one in the house but you." He said angrily which made me want to shoot him.

"It was Kristina. I don't know where she left or came in from." I had to admit since Rex would find out anyway. My phone is in the desk. "I'll talk to Rex about this." I nodded. "Wait for him to come to the house. He'll just leave work if he finds out then probably will  just plot to kill Kristina." He sighed before telling me to stay awake and went to go get something. "I'll numb it." He muttered and after that he stitched up my arm after getting the bullet. Then he carried me downstairs to the couch because my room was covered in blood. I couldn't tell him to just carry me to Rex's room.

"Arabella you need to find Rex." I narrowed my eyes. "What?" I didn't understand a thing. "You need to either get him to kill Leonardo or your mom so he can actually take over." I knew what he was trying to say but it was almost impossible. If Leonardo found out we're trying to kill him we'd be fucked and my mom would go to her true crazy form I got a glimpse of today. "Why would she do that to you?" He murmured. Cameron was laying next to me now in the couch. He wasn't uncomfortably close. He was watching TV since he can't leave me alone till Rex comes back, apparently. "I took online school without telling her and made lies about where the money went." He choked on his beer. "Are you fucking stupid?" I felt like giggling now. Something was definitely damaged. This reminds me. I pulled my shirt up to right below my bra and looked at my fucked up, black and blue stomach.

"Rex's going to be pissed." He said as he examined it. "Can you help me get up?" He looked at me like I was crazy. "No?" I rolled my eyes before bolting up to just rip off the band-aid quickly and welcomed the expected pain. "Arabella! What the fuck is wrong with you?" I rolled my eyes before walking to the kitchen.

"A lot of things actually. I have had temper. Mommy issues and daddy issues on top of those. I don't think you want to hear about the cramps I get during my lady time..." Cameron let out a loud laugh. I knew Rex had the plant somewhere. Since we didn't have ice in the house I couldn't put it on my stomach so I just cut off a part of the aloe vera plant as Cameron watched me. I heard this helps but I'm not sure.

Cameron finally became useful and helped me lay back again. "Are you going to eat it?" He grimaced and I rolled my eyes. "Yeah." I said dumbfounded to mimic him and he laughed. I rubbed it on my stomach and prayed it works a bit. "Can I help?" Cameron smiled smugly and I just stared at him which made him laugh. "Rex is one lucky guy." Why do people keep saying that? I'm literally the biggest asshole they've known besides Rex himself. I heard the door click as me and Cameron both tensed. We looked at each other with wide eyes and I covered my stomach making my shirt soak up all the shit I rubbed on it. I heard him throw the keys on the desk and walk towards us.

"Oh, I'm so going to kill you today." He told Cameron. To be fair, it did look like we got caught doing something since both of us were wide eyed and looked suspicious as fuck. "Wait wait wait-!" Cameron dodged the keys Rex threw at him and ran to the corner. "She's hurt!" He said as he held his hands up when Rex started walking towards him. "You're not doing better?" Rex came in front of me. How do I break it to him? Would he go explosive?

I don't he cares that much about me.

"I- Ugh... I" He got angrier the second. "Kristina broke in!" Cameron yelled before running to the kitchen. I couldn't help but close my mouth so I wouldn't laugh at how scared Cameron was. He made it look goofy. "What?" Rex sat next to me and looked at the bandage on my arm that wasn't there before. "Just got shot. No biggie." I said trying to sound cute maybe even seducing to distract him but I could definitely tell it wasn't working. "How did she get in Cameron!" Rex yelled and Cameron was long gone. He sighed before sitting next to me and just stared at me. "I didn't do anything?" I said annoyedly and he nodded. "I just don't like it when you get hurt." He rubbed his face and his eyes landed on my stomach. "Don't open it, it has aloe vera all over." I warned but he didn't listen as usual before pulling my shirt up.

"Arabella, I'm going to kill both of our parents one by one." I narrowed my eyes. Alina-? "I meant your mom and my dad." He rolled his eyes and leaned closer to me after resting his arm around my head. He still hasn't kissed me since the last time which frustrated the fuck out of me.

Did he change his mind about me?

I hate how much I need his validation and comfort.

But we got along yesterday. I flinched when he removed his arm and thought he was going to leave. He picked me up like Cameron did but this time I rested my head on his chest as he carried me upstairs. He entered my room and stopped immediately at the doorway. "I'll get it cleaned." He walked to his room and laid me down on his bed. "I can sleep on the couch." I said and he shook his head. "I like it when you sleep here. With me." He corrected himself and I couldn't say anything. "I need to clean my stomach." I said. It wasn't completely useless after all, I felt less sore.

He went to his wardrobe and got me a shirt. I have a feeling he likes it when I wear his shirts because of the way he stares at me. I took off my shirt when he walked to the bathroom and he came back with wipes. He gently wiped my stomach as I leaned back. I could tell he had a hard time keeping focus which made me want to laugh. "You can stare." Rex didn't make me uncomfortable, he actually made me feel safe. Which is the biggest compliment I could give someone. "Don't do that." My stomach moved since I was laughing and he rolled his eyes which made me laugh even more.

"Alright. Two can play that game." He muttered before getting up.


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