XCVIII- Set up

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I expected the worst news from Alina.

It's just that, everything always went downhill in my life when I had hope for something and now I don't have it at all.

Rex helped me pack a few things from Harvey's house and I insisted to bring Sheilah with us even though Rex apparently doesn't like cats. I also got my box from Carmelo, I asked him to bring it outside the apartment and got it. "What is it?" Rex asked and tapped on the box in my lap.

"You locked me away in my room when I was gone and I did the same with you, using a box. There are just pictures." He nodded and looked at my neck. I was still wearing the necklace and I refuse to take it off now unless I'm showering. "Rex," I asked as he drove and gently squeezed my upper thigh which tickled. "Yes?" He asked as he took a turn and gave me a small glance.

"Can we live in Romania together, after you take down Lorenzo? I want a home with you." I said as I turned to look at him and I could tell he wasn't expecting me to say that. He blinked a couple of times and a small smile reached his lips. "I'll do anything you ask." I bit my lip as I leaned back.

"I want you. Only you." I said as I closed my eyes and his hand left my thigh to hold my hand.

Rex carried my stuff and didn't let me have any of it but I was too tired to argue with him. I just walked inside the house where everything started and continued my way up to his room.

I threw my clothes away and just laid inside his covers. He first went to the bathroom then walked downstairs to get the bags again. Rex placed my bags next to his dresser and watched me as I laid face first on his bed.

"Are you gonna' keep watching or get in to keep me warm?" I rolled my eyes and he laughed slightly before tossing his shirt on the ground. He also took his pants off before laying next to me.

I had washed my face and hands when I first came into the house. "Do you think Alina will survive?" He sighed and pulled me on top of him, making me gasp and rest my head on his hard chest. I let my hand trace down his abs.

"I hope so. I don't know how to handle her death." He said as he wrapped one arm around me and the other was resting beside him. "I'll always be here for you." He nodded and kissed my head. "I know. I'll make sure you'll stay this time." I sighed and fell asleep shortly after.

When I woke up Rex wasn't beside me or in the house which pissed me off a little but I can tell why he didn't wake me up. So I took the day off to rest and play with Sheilah for a while. There was still no news from Alina or Maria which made me anxious.

I was about to watch the third movie when my phone rang and I had to walk upstairs because it wouldn't shut the fuck up. Carmelo's calling? "Hey." I picked up the phone and started walking downstairs again. "Don't freak out on me, okay? Promise me, Bella." I narrowed my eyes at his breathy voice.

"Something happened to Alina?" I asked and he sounded like he was running. "No, not Alina. Rex went early today to see Lorenzo with the crudes but it was a setup, now we can't get a hold of him and no one can find them." He said and I heard a car slamming shut.

"What do you mean you can't find him?! Where's the rest of the people?!" I yelled as I threw some clothes on my bed and put her phone on speaker. I was breathing heavily as I quickly put the clothes back on. "I figured out a second location they could've possibly taken the survivors to." I took a sharp breath and walked out of the house.

"Text me it," I said calmly as my voice shook. "No. I'm coming to get you. Harvey and Elias are with me right now and we'll go together." I sat down on the porch and held my chest because it felt tight. "Okay, hurry." I knew not to refuse them because then they wouldn't take me.

Why would Rex leave without telling me? He fucking knew I'd be overthinking a lot but still didn't tell me about it. He's not hurt, Arabella. He's Rex Rosetti, he'll take down anyone and everyone.

But what if Lorenzo made plans with more people to take Rex down? They could've and possibly kept it a secret this time about the deals they've made. I rubbed my chest and leaned back on the stairs before just deciding to walk back inside.

It felt like the walls are closing down on me and I slid down on the door. I feel the panic in my chest building up and I know it won't leave me for the next thirty minutes but Rex needs me and I need to be strong for him. But I can feel my chest tighten and my breath coming out short.

What if he's already dead?

No. I should stop, he's not dead, he can't be.

He promised me he'd always be there and he always keeps his promises. But the situation is not in his hands this time.

There were two loud knocks on the door which snapped me out of my haunting thoughts. I opened the door and hurried outside to the car with Carmelo quickly. "The hospital called, Alina is going to be fine. The rest of Harvey's and River's crudes are already there. We just need to hurry." Carmelo said as he drove and I was at the back seat with Elias who reached out to hold my hand.

"He's going to be fine." He tried reassuring me and I squeezed his hand lightly before taking a deep breath. I watched the road as we we drove away to the place and realized, I don't have any weapons with me. Elias handed me the bag he brought here and I picked out the most fatal weapons I could find.

I already wasn't going to show any mercy to Lorenzo but now he just crossed my fucking line.


Short chapter ik :( Everything will go down in the next one ;)

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