XCVI- Stall

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"How did your talk go?" I asked as I leaned next to Elias and he sighed before rubbing his face. "I only found out that Lorenzo was just absolutely pissed and was completely alone. No one knows where he is or what he's planning." I pursed my lips together and watched him. "Alright then, let's leave." I mumbled and he nodded before finishing his drink.

He paid for our drinks and we walked to the car. "How did your talk go?" He asked as he sat in my seat to drive but I don't mind.

"It's not like she had a chance to not take the offer." I said and Elias smiled wickedly. He stopped at a red light and just stared at me as I zoned out watching the view.

I was thinking of what I should do tomorrow.

The rest of the day went by quickly and I had thought of many ideas before falling asleep. Next morning I got ready quickly and decided to look nice for my boyfriend's mother.

Not that I care but I thought she'd like it if I showed some appreciation.

So I wore a red tank top and some shorts I found in my closet which was left from my mother. She used to get my clothes. I put my hair up again and walked downstairs before hurrying through the front door. Today I'll take Alina out to maybe grab something and chat a little bit, I think Rex'll like that.

I was at the warehouse after about thirty minutes and I guess it's my lucky day because the weather was great today. I walked into the warehouse and looked around for a sight of Alina or Rex but they weren't here.

I was about to walk into Rex's office when my eyes caught the flash of red walking from the entrance. I bit my lip with a devious smile and crooked my head to the side. "Hello again." I gave her a small hug and pulled back. "Here to speak to Rex?" She nodded and I realised that her palms were sweaty from where she touched me, her eyes slightly widened and she kept glancing at the ground.

"I can be there too, if you want." I said and she raised her eyes up to mine. "I'd love that." She sighed and went her hand through her hair. She looked frustrated. "No offence but how the fuck can you be in the same room with him alone? He's scary." She mumbled the last part and I nodded before shrugging.

That's how he wants to appear.

I guess a monster stops being one in your eye when you're in love with them.

I knocked after hearing a feminine laugh and entered the room with River following behind. Rex's cheerful look was long gone as River walked inside. I shot a smile at Alina before walking next to her. "I guess you'll talk business now, I'll go find Cameron." Alina said before leaving the room.

Basically River started explaining that she was down to help Rex and Harvey with her crudes and Rex kept his signature frown on his pretty face the whole time. I bet it didn't look pretty to anyone else but me. I could see the questioning look behind Rex's eyes like he wanted to know why she was so generous and that's when I stepped in.

"She made a contract with David Brown and he basically did everything to break it but she can't get rid of him, I told her we could arrange that. Besides that she owes Harvey a shit ton and I'll get that covered as well." I said knowing Harvey wouldn't mind a few million dollars. He makes that amount in a day probably anyway.

"How do I know she's good enough?" Rex turned his attention completely to me but the frown stayed on. "Well, I've seen her crudes fight. They're fast but not strong enough but that was the last time I saw them and it's been a while. River probably took my criticism into work." I explained as I stared at her and she nodded.

"They're way better, you're welcome any time to see them." I raised my eyebrows at Rex and he nodded. "You'll leave to check out of they're any better and then I'll decide about it." He said as he closed the topic. "That's fine by me." I shrugged at River and she nodded before standing up. I kind of had to drag her out since she was about to go in for a hand shake.

"Alina. I'm just going to visit a warehouse for roughly an hour. I was thinking maybe we could grab something later?" I said and she smiled at me widely. I watched her pupils expand and she clapped. "Of course! I can wait in the car actually." I looked away to think if that's a good idea. "Oh come on, I'll be fine. Let's get out of here." She wrapped her arm around mine and we walked outside to my car.

River had already left and I told her that I'll be following behind. "We could get some coffee and maybe ice cream..." Alina mumbled as I drove to the warehouse and a laugh left my mouth. "Coffee and ice cream? That's actually terrible. After eating or drinking something cold your food pie becomes cold and if you drink warm substances-..." Alina groaned and I laughed at her reaction.

"I forgot Rex told me that you took med education. I should warn you about how much I hate listening to science." She said as she leaned back and I zipped my mouth before smiling. "I'll be back soon, don't unlock the doors and there's a gun in there if something happens." I said pointing at the place and she nodded. I walked to the entrance and scanned before hurrying inside.

"So I just made up different girl- boy opponents, I'll be in my office if you need me. See you later." I winked and waved as she left and turned my attention back to the match.

They weren't as good as Rex's crudes obviously but they definitely were better. Now they were strong and quick with their actions which means less predictable. I was pretty satisfied with the outcome and just texted Rex about it. I walked outside and checked my phone for new messages. He must be busy.

"Watch where you're going, Arabella." I clutched my phone in my hand as I took a step back. "What the fuck?" I said angrily. Kelly and Maria both stood in front of me now. Where the fuck did they even come from?

"Are you following me?" I asked since they couldn't have been in River's place conveniently when I was around. "I just wanted to chat with you." Maria walked around me. She looked way younger for her age. "You wrapped Rex around you fucking finger didn't you? He won't even look at my daughter. She's so much better than you, she always will be but he doesn't realise that." Maria said and I raised one eyebrow.

"In what way exactly? I was never desperate for attention, I can argue reasonably and last time I checked... Kelly couldn't even take a toddler in a fight." I said as I crossed my arms. "Let me tell you a story of a girl who's everything got taken away from her because of a bitch just like you. She was more naïve is the only difference." She said and I sighed before looking away.

"I was the one who dated Leonardo Rossi first. That bitch got pregnant behind my back just to keep Leonardo and you know what I did? I moved on. I moved on with his brother Lorenzo and he still chose her. It was always Alina who my lovers wanted because she couldn't keep her fucking legs shut." I narrowed my eyes and took a step towards her now.

"Watch your fucking mouth. No wonder why they never chose you Maria. Look at you now, who would love you?" I said bitterly. I was pressing salt down her scars but why should I care?

I love watching the pain I cause.

"You're not as light as you point out to be, Arabella." She said after frowning and gave me a bitter smile. I raised one eyebrow. "Because if you were, you'd know that I'm totally stalling time right now." I narrowed my eyes and frowned.

I punched her across the face and knocked Maria into the ground with the build up of my strength. I kept going till blood rushed out of her face and then heard a click.

The click of a safety.

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