XXX- I want this day to be about us and not bad memories

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It's been two weeks since I came back and I've been feeling normal and health again. Rex told me he wants us to spend more time alone together so he planned something today on top of all the things he had to deal with. I didn't get him angry by protesting because I wanted to be alone with him as well.

I love Rex.

I'm sure of it now. I wanted to burn my dads necklace. I wanted to forget about what happened to him.

Rex took me to a small house which was surrounded with grass and trees. "Who's place is this?" I asked and he took my hand before walking inside. "Cameron's old place. It's his first house and he hates it." He muttered before placing the basket he was holding in the table. "Why?" I asked as I took out the food that he bought. "He's definitely scared of living here. I think he saw a black bear that one time and stayed over at my place for weeks." He laughed and so did I.

It's still better than living with my mom.

"Ouu." I mumbled as I took out the wine. "So why are you so stressed about lately?" I asked. I meant lately as in the last two months. "Besides you being kidnapped and taken away to another country. It's just usual shit. Your mom was getting on my nerves because she keeps making excuses and I can't just go and kill her."I nodded. My moms never had a problem with money before. "I uh.. I never asked why your mom broke in that day." He said and I remembered what he's talking about.

"Growing up, I wanted to save lives instead of taking them but obviously my mom wouldn't let that happen. My mom thought me how to read and write and then I had a teacher for math but I wanted to keep learning and I was a smart kid, still am. I looked up at online school and after figuring out how to get signed in it was pretty easy to keep up. Till college came around. I can't take college from online school especially for med school so I stopped. My mom broke in when she found out about it." I explained and he was shocked to say the least. "I went to school. It was going great but I don't want a actual job. Mine pays well." He mumbled and I nodded.

We talked a bit more before going to the backyard. Rex laid down a big carpet for us to sit down. The stars looked perfect from where we were laying which distracted me. "You dropped this." He came back holding my necklace and I took it from his hand. "I don't want it anymore." I threw it in front of me." Rex looked really nervous for some reason. Nothing was happening though.

"I uh... I've been working on something. Besides my actual work obviously and I figured maybe you'd like it even though it's totally fine if you don't-..." He kept on going which made me bite my lip to keep myself from laughing. He got me a present, basically.

"I'm sure I'll like it Rex." I said now not able to hold my laugh. He sighed before pulling out a box from his pocket. "It's uh... I designed it. I mean I got help but still it's still original." He said before opening the box and turning it to me. It was a gold necklace and had a ruby shaped like a heart. You could see a R in there if you look closely. "Rex." I pulled the box from his hand and took a closer look.

It was so plain but so perfect.

"I-..." My eyes were threatening to tear up and I took a deep breath. "I love it." I said and looked back at him. He looked really satisfied and let out a deep breath. "Yeah? I'm fucking glad. I really liked it but the guy said it needs to be more elegant looking." I shook my head. "No, it's perfect." I mumbled and let him put it on me.

"I want to burn this one." I said after pointing at the one my dad gave me. "I think something bad happened?" He said after holding one of my hands in his palm. I nodded. "Tell me." He rubbed my hand gently.

I want him to know but I don't want to talk about it.

I need to tell someone and let it out to forget. "My mom was furious when she figured out I kept seeing my father but didn't really do anything about it besides locking me up. She-... One day she was acting different. Way more on edge and just numb. I didn't think much of it till she said she wanted to show me something. Another lesson. I also didn't think it would be that bad. My dad was tied up when I walked back in the room. He said I love you to be before my mom did it. I didn't speak for month till my mom gave me this." I showed him my wrist.

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