XXXV- I'm ending her today.

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"What exactly did Kristina tell you when she invited us, or me specifically." Rex, Cameron and I were eating lunch together which everyone seemed to obsess about. I don't think they've ever seen Rex leave his office to talk to people when he's not busy. "She owes me money and that's why I agreed to go. She said she especially wanted you to be there. Maybe it's about the online school stuff." He shrugged and I bit my lip.

'This isn't over, Arabella'

I remember my mom telling me that. But I had this gut feeling, I couldn't put my finger over.

Cameron was busy with another job after we left the warehouse to go to my mothers. So it's just me, Rex and Aiden. "Why don't we take anyone else?" I asked silently in the car and Rex sighed before takin my hand. "Why are you so anxious? It's rubbing on me." He said before giving me a kiss on the lips and I shut up. I love Rex. I love love love Rex. I want to whisper it. I want to yell it out. I want to keep saying it till he's so sick of it he drops me.

I let myself get lost on him as he rested his head back and closed his eyes. He had a sharp jawline with baby hairs, full, pink lips which are also very soft. I think I also see freckles. I noticed them a while ago. He had really long eyelashes and dark, full brows. "You're being creepy." I smiled and rolled my eyes before turning my head. "I know I'm sexy and all but I thought you liked me for who I am." He sighed.

"Think again, dumbass. I wouldn't spend a minute with you If I haven't seen those abs." He let out a chuckle and pulled me in a bone crashing hug.

He knew it would piss me off.

"Fucking asshole." I poked his ribs and he hissed before letting me go and caging my hands. He smiled at me naughtily and I wanted to have him right here right now. "Boss, we're here." Rex let go of my hands and we got out of the car. I sighed after taking a large breath. I really did not miss it here.

We walked in and I saw William from the corner of my eye. He was waving at me excitedly. I rolled my eyes and looked away. When I looked back he was looking between Rex and I as he motioned something dirty. I bit my lip to not laugh and looked at Rex. He had his eyes narrowed as he stared at me and I shrugged. "Kristina is going to be here shortly." What is this a fucking receptionist? I took the opportunity to walk next to William.

After giving him a small hug he chuckled. "If you don't name your first born William, I'm suing you." I looked at him terrified. Why does everyone talk about children? "Sure." I said uninterestedly. "So, Cameron's been texting me. I think this is the flirting phase but I don't know if it's going anywhere. He doesn't seem interested. It's almost like he's using me." He explained as I looked at him. I love how we never got awkward around each other and found a way to open conversations. "William, I highly doubt he has any better options." I winked at him and he rolled his eyes before smiling.

I wasn't lying to make him feel better though. He knows that.

William is like the funnies and kindest person I've ever met and on top of that he was gorgeous. He had dirty blonde hair and light green eyes. He wasn't as muscular as Rex but girls were still all over him even though he wasn't interested. "I wish I could see you everyday again, Will." He pouted and hugged my side. "I don't know how lonely I would've been if it wasn't for...Rex." I whispered Rex's name since you never know and saw my mom walk up to Rex. "You're the best there's out there, Bella. I better be your right hand when you take charge." He pushed my side jokingly and I smiled at him before walking away.

I hope I get to say goodbye to Will this time.

"Rex you can follow, Cassandra. She'll show you my office. I need to have a chat with Arabella. It's nothing serious." She winked at me and my expression got cold. "Lets just get this over with fucking fast. I'm busy." He followed Cassandra who was smirking at me the whole time. My mom got in my arm and walked me upstairs again. I stood in front of the stairs. "Why?" I asked and that's the last thing I remember doing before I got hit in the back of the head and passed out.

I bolted up after waking up but I was tied.

I was fucking tied.

"Mom!" I yelled trying to get my hands free. Eric is dead. Rex killed him, Arabella. He's gone. I had to reassure myself so I wouldn't go absolutely insane.

"Mother!" I yelled and the door opened. I looked up to see my mom followed by Cassandra. "Hello again." Cassandra smiled at me sweetly and I gulped. "You never learned anything from me, Arabella. I thought you were strong till Cassandra gave me worries about you." I narrowed my eyes angrily. I could feel myself breathing heavily and my temper rising. This won't end good for anyone.

"Do you want to admit or will I have to tell you?" Mom pulled a chair in front of me and sat down. "Okay then. I proved a point to you when I killed your father Arabella. You know when you get the most vulnerable? It's when you have someone to love. I know how it feels, I loved your father. But I wasn't the same with him when I was with everyone else. He changed me for the worst." She explained.

Changed her for the worst?

Becoming a better person for my mother was the worst thing?

"So you're going to kill me." I said trying to cut her bullshit. "I'm not killing anyone, Arabella." She smiled. "What kind of drugs are you on this time? I fucking despise Rex, I want to kill him more than anyone!" I yelled in frustration and my mom pouted before crooking her head to the side. "Then do it." She narrowed her eyes and my breath got caught in my throat. "He's stronger than me." I protested and she raised her eyebrows like it wasn't a issue. "He got beaten pretty badly by my men. You'll be okay." She narrowed her eyes again and I frowned.

She hurt Rex.

She got people to hurt him, badly.

"I'll kill. I'll do it in front of everyone." She smiled at me satisfied. "That's what I like to hear." Cassandra untied me. "Drink that, will you. You must be thirsty." My mom said before leaving me with Cassandra.

I never told her who I'm going to kill.

"I'm sure you're angry at me." Angry? No. I don't feel anything right now. "Nope. You're not the smartest Cassandra. You've never been." I got up and she narrowed her eyes at me. "You were the tied one a minute ago." She responded. "You kissed ass to work with my mom. You had to tell her lies to get me like this and her being a dumbass, she believed you." I explained and she frowned. "It's not lies. He loves you. You think you would've survived this far with your big mouth if he didn't." I mean, she's not completely wrong.

"At least someone loves me. I don't need to kiss ass to get appreciated." I smirked at her and her eye twitched. "You should've listened to your dad when he compared me to you. It would've taught you a lesson but you chose to be ignorant. You can't even land a hit at me if I were to take you on right now." I shrugged and told her like it's nothing. "You're wrong. I've been training with Kristina." I nodded. "Right." She did as I expected and let her anger take over. Which ended up with me slamming her head on the desk. It's surprising how not even a drop of blood landed on me.

The door opened again with my mothers disappointed expression. "Was that necessary?" I haven't even cooled down a tiny bit. But I knew better to go for my mother now.

I'm going to wait till we have the audience.

"I don't appreciate snarky people." I mentioned as she rolled her eyes before motioning me to go downstairs.

I'm ending her today. Leonardo could wait for now.


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Next chapter's spicy ;)

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