LXXXV- You're my family

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"Speaking of..." I sighed when my phone rang loudly and pulled it out of my pocket. I answered the phone after taking a deep breath. "Do I want to know where you are?" I sighed when Elias spoke. At least it wasn't Harvey.

"You encouraged me so I don't think you'd mind." I responded and heard his laugh in the other line. "Alright, well... Harvey has been looking for you all day so I'd be here as quickly as possible." He said and I narrowed my eyes. "Okay..." I said hesitantly and shared a look with Rex. "I'll be there in a bit." I said before he muttered a few more things and hung up the phone.

I just met my biological father and did the exact opposite of what he told me to do. Would he kick me out immediately or try to get used to the situation. I think if he's smart enough he'll even be thrilled since he would know that I'd never let get close to him or his gang violently. "I've missed your thinking face." I raised my eyebrow as I wrapped my arms around him. "Hm? Didn't know I had one of those." His dimple popped as he smiled and I kissed him again.

"Are you going to kill me now, then?" I nodded and acted like I was reaching out to my waistband but he caged my hands behind my back using one of his hands. He made me lean to the desk and kissed my cheek first. Then his lips went down to my neck and I gasped when I felt him flick his tongue. He grabbed the ends of the loose shirt I was wearing which was his but he didn't take it off like I expected him to.

He pulled the shirt over his head and continued to the sweet torture he started. I leaned back on the desk when he reached my cleavage and my heavy breathing became audible. "Rex." I said trying to warn him because I had to be back to Harvey's warehouse before he comes here to get me but it came out as a breathless moan which made Rex ease one of his large hands into my bra.

"Stay with me." He said after removing his hand and removing my shirt from his head. I could not explain how good he looked and questioned myself to know if I'm making this up. He's too beautiful to be real. His dark hair was messier than usual, arousal swimming in his eyes with a hint of love and his lips were pink from kissing me down just seconds ago.

"I can't. I just moved in with Harvey and he wants me to stay with him. Like a family." I told him as I wrapped my arms around him and he sighed. "Why now? If he knew you fucking existed, why the fuck did he wait so long to take you back?" He said as he rolled his dark eyes and I pursed my lips. "Kristina didn't let him take me when she was alive and then I completely went undercover as temptress. It took a while for them to find me and it was my first time meeting Elias in that diner." I explained and he nodded.

"I want to though. You're my family." I added and he raised his head to look into my eyes. He looked surprised and taken aback at the same time. Like he would've never expected me to say what I've always known. "It's okay, I know. I'm just being a greedy fucker and guilt tripping you." He said in a sigh and I bit my lip.

"Do you want me to come along with you?" He asked hesitantly and I aggressively shook my head. "Absolutely not. Thank you for being thoughtful but I don't want my father and brother dying immediately. I just fucking met them." He let out a laugh which took me by surprise and stumble. His whole face lit up when he smiled and I could feel myself shiver at his laugh.

"Understood." He said with a smirk and my lips broke into a smile. "You should leave." I nodded and got up from his lap. "Yeah." I grabbed my small bag and walked to the door. I came to be face to face with Kelly who had a large frown on her impulsive face. "Good luck." I told Rex who was face palming as Kelly brought her vicious gaze back to my face.

I walked past her and went to my car hurriedly. I shut the door and punched the steering wheel a few times from adrenaline. "Fuck yes!" A few people walking past me stopped to see if I'm okay and they looked at me like I'm deranged. I gave them a thumbs up before driving off to go to the warehouse.

I'm going to ask Elias to help me talk to Harvey. I made out and started dating the guy he told me to kill, god only knows what he'll say. But I don't want to foreshadow anything so I thought of other things as I drove. I thought that going back to the house and changing my clothes would be the best idea before going to the warehouse because I have Rex's shirt. I placed it under my pillow like a fucking creep and took a very quick shower before dressing up and leaving.

I walked past the scan area and saw Elias. I was about to walk next to him till I heard a safety go off. "What-" The gun pressed on my head harshly and I raised my hands. Whoever was fucking dumb enough to do this... Lord have mercy on them...

"What the fuck do you think you're doing?" Elias asked deeply. He was too calm. Which means he's as pissed as I am. "Boss, she was with the Demolas this morning. Holding hands with Rex Rosetti." The guy muttered since Elias's looks were fatal.

"We fucking know about that, you fucking idiot." Elias grabbed the gun and took a step back as I switched. I turned around with my fist raised in the air and punched the guy straight on the face when he wasn't expecting it. He fell on the ground with a loud groan. "What is happening here?" Harvey came up and I still wasn't calm yet. I need to let it out. "Arabella." Harvey held my arm gently and gave me a warning look to not do anything.

"Walk her to my office Elias." Elias narrowed his eyes at Harvey and held my wrist before walking me to the room. "I haven't seen Harvey that upset in years." He said and I narrowed my eyes this time. "Why? I asked as I sat on the leather seat. "He doesn't like his children being messed with. He just doesn't like anything from him being messed with for any reason." I raised my eyebrows.

"Kristina beat me every day." I said with a laugh but Elias wasn't laughing. He looked mad actually. My laughter died down when I realised that I went through serious abuse and just told my brother about it. "It all worked out in the end. I'm better than you." I said with a shrug and that put a smirk on his face. "I wouldn't believe you if we didn't fight." I smiled back and the door opened.

"Hey." I muttered anxiously and heard Elias snicker. I rolled my eyes and sighed before gripping the ends of my shirt. "Calm down, Arabella. I'm nothing like your mother." He said as he texted someone and I bit my lip.

"I'm not going to kill Rex for you or anyone for that matter. I don't want to kill him and I don't think I could even if I tried." I said in one go and took a deep breath before he attacked me somehow. Mentally or physically, I was ready for both.

"Okay. Are you guys back together?" He asked as he placed his phone down and interviewed his fingers on the desk. I nodded hesitantly. "I was with him yesterday night." He narrowed his eyes and nodded. He didn't look upset at all. He just looked like he was thinking through the situation.

"I heard he was engaged, they called it off then. Do you have a finger in that?" I nodded without hesitation and he crooked his head to the side before smiling. "He was only marrying her to have the title anyway." Actually maybe Maria pulled some strings.

"Alright then. I'd say invite him over for dinner later but I don't think it would end well for anyone, darling."

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