II- No goodnight kiss, hubby?

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No matter how much I wanted to numb his giant ego Rex could dance really charmingly. "Why didn't you pull back if you're so tough?" He asked like a moron. He should be understanding my position.

"I'd love to tell you but then you'd deliberately provoke me," I said before I turned and he pulled me to his chest again.

I could tell people weren't used to see Rex in events because they wouldn't stop staring. He had a puzzled look again. The song ended and right before I pulled away I heard the unmistakable voice of the man I despised.

"I heard you were about to leave. You wouldn't leave before saving me a dance would you, daughter?" I would've done what he asked but I got my exit ticket today.

"Don't call me your daughter ever again and shove that hand up your ass." I didn't realize I was almost hugging Rex before he looked down at me angrily. He held my back and did the unexpected. "I thought your father was dead." He spoke up and I nodded.

"His mom's boyfriend." He's so much more than that. Rex must've noticed something in the tension because he surprised me again. "Leave unless you want everyone to see a blood fountain in the event." The old bald-headed prick turned around to see the chocolate fountain.

Rex made his point very clear.

"Weren't we leaving?" I asked when he left. "No, thank you?" I rolled my eyes. "I don't need your help." He gripped my arm again and cupped my chin harshly. "Don't ever think you get to speak to me the way you treat your crudes. I'm not like your mother either, I'll do way worse than what she's done. " He leaned into my ear.

"Being engaged to me doesn't give you a safety blanket, it's a death wish. I'm your biggest nightmare, Arabella." He whispered and let go of my face which left me speechless.

"You got the whore?" Rex hummed as we got in the car. They got a new nickname for me, how sweet. Rex rolled his eyes when he looked at how excited and full of life my expression was. I was actually surprised when we pulled up to a small house. It looked expensive.

"Are you waiting for an invitation?" I walked into the very boring-looking house. It was well designed with only the shades of grey giving me an idea of what happens here usually.

How funny.

"No questions?" He raised one of his eyebrows. "It's your house. Your father is probably going to work or to your mother... If you still have one." I said as I grabbed my bags and wandered around the small house. I would've expected something more boujie.

"I'm assuming this is my room," I said walking into the room with light brown walls. When I turned around his eyebrows were creased.

I turned back around and heard him abruptly swing at me which made my reflexes kick in. I held his hand then arm and turned it into a breaking position in the blink of an eye. "Your mother underestimates you," he said as he got closer to my face.

"And you've never heard of personal space before," I muttered in the same octave which made his lips twitch. I pushed his arm away and turned aggressively so that my brown hair would hit him in the face.

He wasn't too happy about that.

He grabbed me from the roots of my hair and pulled me back so my head was leaning on his shoulder. "Don't forget what I said. I won't repeat myself." With that, he let go and walked to his room before slamming the door. Aggressive Prick.

I was doing most things on purpose and trying to determine when I'll reach his breaking point. It's because I've heard he didn't have one. But he seemed very tolerant of my sarcastic mouth. That's a good sign but it denies the information I know about him.

"Shut the fuck up and go to bed! You have training tomorrow!" I heard a yell and stopped humming. My mom didn't like me doing that either.

Right before going to bed, I browsed around my bag and my hand finally hit the hard box and I pulled it out. I held the necklace against my chest and closed my eyes. You saw what happened, dad. She just sold me away. Everything is expected from her at this point but it's still a surprise to me every time. My door burst open and my eyes widened.

"Phone." He extended his hand and I tried my best to hold the urge to roll my eyes. It's not like I ever used it. Only when mom needed me. I nodded at the desk and he got the phone. "Here's the new one." He threw it at the bed. "What are you holding? Praying or something?" I sighed.

"Do I look like I pray?" I showed him the necklace and he raised one of his eyebrows. "Alright. Go to bed." He ordered. "No goodnight kiss, hubby?" I pouted and saw his lip twitch again.

Is there a phobia for smiling?

"Shut the fuck up." He closed the door and I went next to the mirror to pull down my zipper. You're kidding.


This has got to be the most cliche moment of my life. The goddamn zipper wouldn't go down. There is no way I'm going to the Devilman's room and ask for help, my pride won't let me. Could you imagine me just walking there?

'hey could you pull down my zipper' he responds with a douchebag comment and still pulls down the zipper anyway, touching more than just the zipper. Then we make sweet love and fall in love.

Absolutely not.

I ripped my dress.

After tossing and turning I could finally fall asleep with no nightmares. This is probably because I was tired as hell. I woke up with a loud bang on my door which was the unmistakable knock from the douchebag.

"I'm up!" I yelled and heard him walk away. I wore my usual work clothes which are a black tight v-neck and pants. I wore my necklace for the first time in months because my mom hated seeing it on me.

My father's name was forbidden in the house.

I walked downstairs and opened the fridge to cook us something. I didn't know if he had a chef but mother would go absolutely furious if I didn't make her breakfast every morning.

Rex entered the kitchen.. well more like stumbled in the doorway and couldn't walk in.

"What are you doing?" I turned around and rolled my eyes. "Playing limbo. Wanna give it a go?" I responded before he walked in.

"How's it your specialty to get on every nerve I fucking have." He poured coffee aggressively and I pushed his plate to him. "I think that's everyone's specialty when it comes to you." I shrugged when he gave me a death stare. He could tell I wanted to say something. "Spit it out."

"Why haven't you killed me yet?" I asked before grabbing my plate. "I'm going to decide about that after I see what you've got today." He said as he started eating. I turned around to leave.

"Where are you going?" He said like I committed a crime. "My room," I said. "You eat in the kitchen." Okay then. My mom basically hated my whole existence and would get pissed off when I got too close to her. Especially if I stayed in the same room with her for long unless we were at an event.

I sat opposite from him and started to eat. "What are your skills?" He said after he finished. He basically inhaled the whole plate.

"Everything," I said like it was obvious. "Right. We'll see about that," he said before chugging his coffee and grabbing his coat. I put the dishes in the sink since he gave me no time to do anything.

There was a new guy in the car. "He's Aiden. He needs to follow everywhere you go along with another one of our crudes." Aiden gave a shocked look.

"I thought I was the only one." Rex glanced at him than me. He knew I could take Aiden if I planned something which pissed me off. "I'm assigning Cameron with you." He said and ended the conversation.

"Do I really need him?" I said as we walked into the warehouse. I bet it looked like we were cat walking since Rex wasn't the ugliest.

"They'll follow you everywhere you want to go." He said as an obligation. "Will they wipe my ass when I'm done as well?" I said aggressively. Rex gave me a furious look and gulped.

"Get on the rink. Your first test starts in two minutes." He said before giving me another warning look. Everyone watched as I stood still and he kept walking.

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