LXVIII- I'm proud of you

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I woke up to the space next to me empty and rubbed my eyes before sitting up. I felt sore. I saw Rex sitting at my desk fully clothed when my vision was back to normal. He looked really upset. "What?" I asked with my morning voice.

"I just... I don't fucking understand anything you do." He said before he messed up his hair and I narrowed my eyes. "I brought you back to my mothers house for the second time. Drove you back home and you were gone the next day. Did you just decide to work alone? What the fuck happened?" He asked with his anger coming back. So was mine,

I didn't want to wake up to this but it's not a conversation I can put off for any longer.

"I really wanted you to love me the way I love you." I said my voice breaking. I took a shaky breath and looked down. "I fucking did love you more than you ever loved me. I would never have fucking left before speaking to you about what's bothering me because I cared about you." He's using past tense.

'I cared about you'

"Tell me Rex, would Maria lie about you?" He narrowed his eyes trying to understand a meaning behind my words but shook his head anyway. "If you loved me more then why wasn't I enough for you?" I asked and he got up from my seat with a frown. "You're not making sense." I rolled my eyes and looked at him pityingly. "Why would you be with Kelly when you had me if you loved me and cared for me?!" I said loudly and he crossed his arms.

"Maria told you that?" I want to say and think he looked guilty but he looked genuinely furious. He read the answer from my face when I didn't speak.

"I never cheated on you with anyone. Never thought of doing it either. You're it for me. But I'm not going to fight for you any longer when you didn't even think I'm worthy enough for a fucking explanation." I felt my chest tighten. Why would I believe him? Maria wouldn't lie about him but Rex could lie and I'd believe everything he said without a problem.

"You don't even believe me now do you? Have you never fucking trusted me?! Not once?!" He pointed his finger at me while yelling. He looked like he was ready to murder anyone that crossed his path.

He didn't look like he was lying.

"Have a nice fucking life, Arabella. I'm done with this bullshit." He walked out leaving me staring behind him and I laid down on the bed again. He was lying Arabella. You know it. But he never made me feel unworthy. Not once. I rubbed my tears aggressively and sat up again. My brain was overdriving. Is he being honest? Why would he lie?

'All the girls are jealous of your intimidating beauty'

He always made me feel like I'm it for him.

I shook my head and got up from the bed to go take a shower. I need to meet Elias but also don't know what to say to him. I've heard him tell Rex to take care of me for him.

But why does he care?

It would be better if I died to his advantage and he'd get more jobs. I just decided to meet up with him and casually talk like I want to be his friend. I wore some comfortable clothes and grabbed my bag before walking out. I parked away from his warehouse and started walking.

"Temptress." I heard someone call out and acted like I didn't hear them. What the fuck? It was a middle aged guy with dark brown hair and green eyes. He walked next to me with a smirk which popped his dimples. I raised one eyebrow then realised that I'm wearing a fucking mask and he can't see my expressions. "Who are you? Better yet, how do I know you?" I asked when he stepped closer. I took a step back making him grin. "It's just so amazing to finally meet you." He extended his hand for a handshake and I took it hesitantly.

"I'm Harvey. Harvey Idris." I narrowed my eyes and my heartbeat sped up. But I didn't show it. I took his hand and shook it firmly. "What do I owe this visit for Harvey?" I asked and he crossed his arms. He looked very young but I know he was older than my mother. The only thing that gave away his age was the creases on his handsome face. "I've just been really excited to finally meet who's after me. We have quite the history but I'm sure there's no way you remember. Your mother probably brain washed you already." I clenched my teeth.

How does he know me like that?

"Okay. You and Elias need to fucking let me cool off. How the fuck do I know you besides mom having business with you?" He crooked his head to the side and inspected my face. Trying to see my features through my mask. "We'll talk about everything when you're at my place." He said calmly and I stepped back again. "No the fuck we won't. I'm not going anywhere." He nodded at me and stepped forward. "I could pay you more than Julian." I shook my head. Harvey is danger to everyone.

"What kind of a idiot do you take me for? You think I'm ever going to trust anyone? Especially you?" I said mockingly as I crooked my head to the side and the grin was back on his face. "You will, darling. Give it time." He made a move by bolting towards my side and I got a hold of his arm before twisting it. He groaned before taking it back and punched my nose. My eyes were blurry from the tears but the damage wasn't too bad. I don't think it's broken at least.

He saw me looking at his neck and made sure I never got behind him and I landed a hit on the side of his head which made him move to the side. I landed a punch in his kidney after getting close to him and he yelled out in pain. I felt that one as well which made me grimace a little.

When he was distracted I searched for his chest and spotted between his chest and stomach. I landed a hit in his diaphragm making him fall on his knees and heard running footsteps behind me. I backed up behind him and the men picked him up from the ground.

"Not many people can land hits on me, Arabella. But yours definitely did hurt. I'm proud of you." With that he turned back and the men helped him move to the car.

I walked to the opposite direction I was supposed to head to and got my phone from my bag blindly. I was hyperventilating and felt like fainting. I can't handle this much stress at once. "Julian." I said breathlessly and felt my eyelids felt heavy. I tried to find anything with a sharp smell around me or in my bag but it was no use.

I heard him respond but I didn't understand what he said. "Harvey... He found me or followed me, I don't know. We need to speak." I heard more mumbling and my stomach was extremely upset so I leaned on a wall. I knew I wouldn't be able to go to my car in time and saw large figures run up to me.

"I got you. You're okay." I felt them pick me up as my head fell back and I lost consciousness.


By the way the cat Sheilah in this book is my actual cat irl.

I love her sm I wanted her to be in the story for some reason

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