LXXX- Time Out

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I walked to my car with a smile on my face and the drive back wasn't too bad since I was enjoying myself. I'm going to be honest, I did not think I'd be able to get to Julian in one day but the guy obviously isn't the lightest. That's why he needed another whole gang and assassin to find one guy.

I walked back inside the house after opening the door with the key I received from Elias. Harvey wiped his mouth and got up from his seat as he watched me walk in. I raised my arms in the air without realising what I was doing and Harvey welcomed me.

I'm hugging Harvey.


He chuckled before I pulled away and didn't give me enough time for my anxiety to kick in. He messed up my hair and slightly nudged my head which made me actually dizzy. "I love you, kiddo. Good job." I lost my breath.

My heart fell to my chest and I frowned, my expression completely changed. "Y- Yeah." I muttered before walking past him and went to my room. I ignored Sheilah and went straight to the bathroom after dropping my bag down. I slid down after leaning on the door and held my knees against my chest.

I love you kiddo

I've never heard my mom say that to me ever in my life and I've spent more than the half of it with her. I took time to calm down and moved the hair away from my face before standing up. I breathed in deeply and my throat opened up. I washed my face before walking in my room and heard a knock. "Here, you didn't eat anything before you left." Fuck.

I swallowed when my mouth watered and grabbed the trey from Elias's hands. "Thank you." I muttered before he walked out. "Meet us in the office when you finish. We need to have a quick chat about your next and final task." I nodded as I dug in and raised a thumbs up. What could the last task be?

I thought it would be killing Julian but I guess not. What could they possibly ask though? Probably get a enemy of theirs or something like that. I finished my food and played with my cat a little bit before getting up and placing the trey on the kitchen stool.

I took a deep breath and looked outside for a while before turning back around and walking to Harvey's office hesitantly. I knocked two times before hearing them call out to me and entered the room. "Arabella." Harvey nodded at the seat in front of Elias and I took a seat there. "Alright, so you know how The Devilman was in our office today. We tried arranging everything we planned so he could be an alibi to us but he declined everything. Any proposition we offered, he didn't want it. So we have no choice but to get rid of him"

"Permanently." He emphasised and I narrowed my eyes.

I know they can't kill Rex. I don't want to point it out and possibly annoy the both of them but I know they won't be able to even though they're almost the strongest among others.

Rex is always ten steps ahead.

"Okay. Are you asking if I'll be okay?" There's no doubt that they knew about me and Rex. It just seems so random that they're explaining this to me like I get to decide the final choice.

'We need to have a quick chat after your last and final task.'

My eyes widened as I waited for his next words to come out and he stared at me like he knew I figured it out.

Rex Rosetti does have a chance of getting killed.

That chance is only there if it involves me and if I'm the one who's behind the weapon than he definitely can get killed.

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