XVI- I care about you too

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"What do you mean. I'm following your orders. Staying out of your way." I took a step back when she nodded. "What orders?" She narrowed her eyes. "Don't get killed. Don't dissatisfy Rex. Never get attached." She smiled. "Have you been doing all these?" I could hear my heart beat. If she found out about how Rex and I are acting like I'm dead. "Yes." I said boldly. Showing no sign of emotion. "So if I asked you to do a simple task to kill someone, you wouldn't mind." She narrowed her eyes and crooked her head to the side, challenging me.

"I'd enjoy it." I said determinedly and her smile grew. "Alright then. Bring him in boys!" She yelled making me turn and look at the door. Dean was tied up with bruises everywhere. He looked... dead. I shuddered and gripped the front of the jacket I was wearing. My mom came behind me and handed me a knife. The knife Dean cut me with. "You know what to do, Arabella." I took the knife without shaking and my mom nodded with satisfaction. "Go on." She gave me a little push on the back. "Do it." I looked at Dean who couldn't even look back at me. "Help." He managed to say after a few attempts. "I can't." I whispered back.

"If I don't kill you she will. You're not going to leave this room alive. I-" I pouted making sure my mom didn't have a view of my face or couldn't hear me. "I'm so sorry." I pulled his hair back and cut him in the throat just like that without blinking. "Good job. You worried me there when you tried saving him. You're not the biggest disappointment after all." I nodded after throwing the knife away. I couldn't look back. I walked out of the room and went back downstairs before nodding at Rex and walking past him to get the fuck out of here.

Everyone definitely realised my sudden mood change. Not that I was happy before but I was just... empty, numb. "What did she want to talk about?" I distracted myself to not think about it. "Rex I need validation. I can't-" I took a deep breath. "I can't let you act this way to me without knowing this. Are you sure you'd be aware if... someone was seriously plotting to kill you?" I asked coldly and he looked really serious. "Arabella I'm always ten steps before people. I'm not stupid like most of them. That's how I'll always survive without a problem." I nodded. "I care about you too." I whispered. "I can say it now that you're sure no one will hurt you." I didn't want to look at him because I didn't want him seeing how truly destroyed I felt.

I walked upstairs without waiting for a answer and locked the door before taking a long shower and getting in bed early. I tried distracting myself but had nothing to do so I just threw on some clothes and walked outside without making any noise. I had my phone which I'm sure had a tracker so if Rex needs to find me he can. The house was pretty far from the malls and parks but I knew there was a pretty lake nearby where people visit often. But my sense of direction is absolute shit so If I get lost I have no other option to dial Rex. From what I remembered I just had to walk straight anyway so I'll probably be fine. I breathed deeply when the breeze hit my face and put my hands in the pockets of my jacket.

My hair was really wavy because I let it dry naturally. It usually becomes really frizzy when I blow dry it without straightening it. After a good thirty minute walk I made it without a problem and saw families just chilling and a few high schoolers were making out behind the rocks. I never got to be a real high schooler. My first kiss was William because he didn't want me to die as a loser. He earned a slap on the dick for doing that but I don't really regret kissing him. I never even had serious attractions to guys before I met Rex. But you had no chance but to be attracted to him if you like men. Even when he treats you like shit he makes you miss him speaking to you.  I knew we would never be friends, that would be stupid but I knew we wouldn't be anything more either.

He proved it by sleeping with other woman when we started to get along. We weren't polar opposites but the way our mind works are very different. I tried staying out of confrontation and it's the only way he knew to deal with things. I don't think I've ever hugged anyone and liked it besides when I hugged him and Alina. I'd give anything to have a mother like Alina. I heard my phone buzz and took it out. There was only one person in my contacts.

"Yeah?" I asked as I clenched my teeth because it was colder than I thought outside. "Want me to get you?" He asked not softly but his voice didn't hold anger either. "I want to be alone for a bit. I'm just distracting myself." I admitted so he would let me be. "Alright." I heard him grab his keys.

"We'll be alone together then." I heard him mutter before hanging up.

You can't really change his mind when Rex wants to do something. It's quite impossible. I turned my attention back to my surroundings and saw a big dog making a scene. It wasn't mad or anything he was just trying to catch a frisbee which landed next to me. It stopped and looked at me before running away. I've always wanted a dog, maybe I'll get one someday. But I need to have a home first. Which won't seem to be happening.

I saw Rex's car pull up and turned my attention away from it. Why am I nervous, now? It was about to be winter and I had a red beanie on which matched the colour of my cheeks. "Why didn't you tell me you were leaving." He came up behind me with wearing just a leather jacket on top of his shirt . "I had the phone on me, Rex." I said and he sighed.  "I'm not going to ask." He said making my assumptions disappear. I looked at Rex when he looked away. His mouth was shaking probably because it's cold as fuck and he's practically naked. I didn't know what to do though. I looked back at the teenagers and saw the blond girl wrap her arms around a guys neck and just pull him to her. He hugged her back and smiled. Do I just do that? But that's what couples do. I think.

"Rex, you want to leave?" He shook his head  and I sighed. Alright then. I copied the girl and wrapped my arms around him. I just wanted to warm him so it wasn't because I wanted to touch him or anything.

I hate how stupid I sound when I'm lying to myself.

I thought he was about to push me away because he just stood there so I tried pulling back first but he didn't let me. He hid his face in my neck which made me flinch because he was so cold. "Do you like having hypothermia? Why are we still here, Rex?" I mumbled into his shirt and I felt his lips on my neck.

"Rex let go." I said after getting that weird tummy feeling again. It felt too good, it scared me. "Yeah, let's go." He said and walked in front of me. I could definitely tell I pissed him off with my bipolar behaviour, I'm not oblivious.

But I love pissing him off.

I felt him stare at me every now and then in the car like he wanted to say or do something but wasn't sure of it. "Goodnight, Rex." I said before going into my room and changing again. I leaned on my desk to hear him. Did Rex go to bed yet? I heard him walk right before my door opened. I couldn't move because he looked at me very intensely. I also couldn't move when he trapped me in the desk by gripping the sides of the desk with me in the middle.


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