XXXIX- Maybe one day you'll actually find someone who loves you.

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I cleaned myself as much as I could and ignored the smug looks Rex was giving me.

He looked like he either just woke up from a twelve hour nap or was on  drugs.

"You done being a bitch now?" I asked and saw him hesitate to walk over to me. "Yeah." He said softly like he was trying especially hard to not hurt me.

Rex's POV

"I know you got pussywhipped so I'm giving you a chance. You either kick her out permanently or let her die. If I find out you're planning shit, you know what will happen Rex." Leonardo's phone call was still on my head, giving me a migraine.

How do I leave Arabella? I've gotten used to her so much, I don't fee comfortable without seeing her for a few hours. I never intended to fucking fall in love and nobody warned me about this. Probably because they thought I always had my emotions switched off and they would be correct if we're talking about five months before. I told her I'd rather die than not have her in my life but knowing she'll die right after me, did not sit well with me.

I know I can't trick Leonardo without letting go of Arabella. I just need some time for her to be away and not aware of what I'm actually doing. The most effective way to make her leave would be being with another woman in front of her.

Yeah, there's no way I'm doing that.

I know what I was going to say to her but she distracted me today and I basically pissed myself off at how much I truly loved that woman. I love when she get's angry.

Her face just completely changes it's so... Sexy.

I need help from Cameron but I obviously won't show anything to that friend of hers. I know he's gay and all but I don't like how... Touchy they are.

I don't want to make Arabella cry. Or sad. I want to be the cause of her happiness. I couldn't believe it at first when she said I made her happy. Me? Making people happy? No one with the right mind would believe that. But then I realised she makes me happy as well. Nothing made me feel good before her and now I need to break her and damage what we have. That angers me the most. I'm not going to take revenge from Leonardo, no, that would be too easy.

I'm just going to return the favour.

I walked out of my office after telling Arabella she can rest there. I wanted to touch her, hold her one last time before I let her go but I can't. She's too smart. I know she's going to know I'm lying but she'll doubt it. Maybe she'll even think she did something wrong. That's what I fear the most. But I'm giving it maximum a month before she's onto me.

Cameron knew something was up when I walked up to him and interrupted the training. "Oh boy." He sighed and rubbed his head. "How bad was it?" He leaned on the wall after we walked away from everyone. "Not the worst but definitely not good either." I replied as I looked at my office door open. I watched her paddle out. I smiled before turning to look at Cameron. God, I wanted to fucking hug the shit out of her. "He's not going to kill her." Cameron inhaled deeply and grinned. "It's not what you think. I need to kick her out of my life and the gang. Permanently." I muttered and saw his face drop.

"Not too bad. You'll just make up some typical dumbass male bullshit and we'll get her back when you're done. I'm sure you know what to do already." I rolled my eyes. "It's not that easy dipshit." I said before leaning back as well and folding my arms. I need to see her face as I break her. "Oooh. Well, I've never been in love before." He shrugged and looked at Arabella as well. "Why is she walking funny? It wasn't like that this morning..." Cameron muttered and I rolled my eyes again. "Alright. I'm going to tell her before we leave. Everyone will probably leave by then and if they don't, you kick them out." He nodded before patting my shoulder and I walked back to the office.

I have a meeting sort of thing today, I'll just act drunk when I come back. Fuck, I don't like stressing. I'm so whipped. I don't even have a fucking picture of her. How am I going to breathe for the next month or two. I haven't thought of taking pictures since I don't really use my phone for that. I walked outside and went to the new car before not looking at anyone but Arabella.

Arabella's POV

He just left. Without telling me where. I don't know why I'm surprised since he's in charge of all this place. I relaxed myself. I saw Carmelo just sitting alone looking at his phone and decided to ignore the logical voice in my brain for once by sitting next to him. "Hey." I said and he widened his eyes when he saw me. "What do I owe this visit?" He said after putting his phone down and looked at me again. "I'm bored." I shrugged and he nodded. "So you're not just here because I'm looking incredibly mouth watering and sexy? What a shame." He said making me roll my eyes. He grinned at my reaction.

"I've never met a woman like you, Arabella." He muttered and I narrowed my eyes. "Is it because I'm an asshole?" I asked and he shook his head in deep thought. "You're the definition of unreadable. It keeps men interested." He said and I narrowed my eyes.

Who gives a shit about men's interest?

Well, it's not me. "Oh and also, I don't think it's possible to be bored around you." I waited for him to explain what the fuck that meant.

"It's the way you keep the conversation. Also even if you were dry, I still wouldn't be bored from looking at you." He smirked and I nodded. "I wish I could say the same about you." I smiled sweetly and he chuckled. "Rex is back to his old self again. The man gets bored easily." I narrowed my eyes. "What?" He turned to look at me again. "I noticed he's changed a lot after returning. I guess it was like a experiment or something. He's back to his shitty ways." Carmelo muttered before leaning back in the chair. I'll just hope he's bulshitting right now.

I spent a few hours with Carmelo.

I saw Rex walking fast to the entrance and look around. He didn't cary his usual glory, he was falling... side to side. I walked up to him and clenched my fists. Where was this fucking dumbass? He's fucking lucky there's no one here but him and Cameron. I don't even know where Will went. I reached him and slapped away the hand he extended to touch my face. "Watch your fucking self." He mumbled as he inspected his hand like a child. "I-.." I had no words to tell him and he beat me to it anyway.

"You. I'm so fucking done with you. You know I was thinking I'll keep you along longer since the sex was ah... fucking... mazing but I can always find some new ass." I widened my eyes. "Rex watch your fucking mouth." He narrowed his eyes. "You should've watched your fucking back. Your shits packet from my house. You can pick it up from the entrance." He said as he attempted to walk past me. I smacked his chest and he held my arm. "You wanna' fuck some more before you get kicked off-..." I pulled my hand away as I felt my eyes water.

"What's wrong with you? Are you drugged?" I said softly trying to keep myself together. My voice came out high pitched and ready to crack. "I'm perfectly fine. You should worry about yourself. Oh and also, say bye to the warehouse. It's your last day with the Demolas. Maybe one day you'll find yourself someone who actually loves you." He smirked at my face.

He nudged my shoulder with his as he walked away and I just stood there.

I didn't stop him this time.


I'm sure you didn't enjoy the ending but hey, I never liked bad ending stories so you're fine 😁👍🏻

I might even write a second book cause I got too many ideas for Rex & Arabella

Please don't forget to leave a vote if you enjoyed and maybe try guessing Rex's master plan.

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