XII- I don't want to hurt you, Rex

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Rex kept his promise and trained Dean every night. I could tell he was way better today because I'm back to teaching him. He almost beat me in the first fight because I underestimated him. The fight was today afternoon. "Make sure you take him seriously and get into it. The adrenaline will help you." I said out of breath and Dean nodded. I was leaning against the wall and he leaned next to me.

He traced the scar on my wrist and looked at me with sorrow. "I'm sorry." I he said and I shrugged.

"It's normal. You're lucky mom didn't want you." I said and he narrowed his eyes.

"Why would you say that?" He said annoyed.

"Would you want one of these? Because all of them are from my mom." I said showing him my wrist and he understood.

"Is she a bad person?" I leaned my head back. "She's the absolute worst," I said and he pouted. "Your mom wants the fight to be at their warehouse, with their best man." Rex explained.

Who could be their best man?

I knew everyone in there so it was just plain stupid to choose one of their guys. "Alright," I mumbled and we went to the car.

"Don't be like that," I said looking at Dean who's deep in thought. "Get yourself angry," I said simply and we were there after an hour of driving. I walked first to show everyone the way and was greeted by one of the reasons for my nightmares.

"Arabella. Didn't expect you here this soon." He grinned at me with his ugly teeth. I backed up since I didn't even feel comfortable with him staring at me.

"Move before I make you." Rex came up behind me and stared my mom's boyfriend down. He moved back instantly and tried to touch my back to lead the way. I flinched away and bumped into Rex's chest. He put his arm around me and led me to the crowd.

"I have a bad feeling about that guy Arabella. I hope I'm not right about this one." He whispered and I looked away. It's best if he didn't do anything.

"Arabella, I hope you make me proud about Dean." My mother came next to me with the ugly troll.

"I'll make you proud," Dean whispered and I rolled my eyes making my mom slap me across the face.

"Watch it." I held my cheek and nodded as Rex watched. Rex tensed next to me and glared at my mom angrily which made her walk away when she realized. I pushed my hair back.

"Do you still want to be close to her?" I asked Dean and he stumbled before he had to walk to the stage. Dean was very muscular with black hair and green eyes like mine.

"He's got it," Rex whispered and I felt dizzy. "I'm going to grab something to drink." He nodded. "Keep the phone with you." I walked without saying anything. I didn't want to watch the fight because I had the biggest headache from the amount of sleep I got.

I went to the kitchen which was empty and got a bottle of water. I leaned my head back as I drank and the bottle dropped from my hand as a reflex when I heard the door close and lock.

"Open the fucking door," I said trying to calm myself.

"What's been up with you lately? Don't tell me you started liking Rex Rosetti because that would make me very upset, Bella." I opened the cabinet to get a weapon but he kicked it shut before I could put my hand in it.

🛑TW🛑- Assault (kinda)

I had to back up. "Don't-" I couldn't bring myself to finish the sentence. "Don't what? Speak your words, you're a big girl now." He smiled and I felt like vomiting right here. I looked around to find something but nothing was there to use to hurt him. "Don't try anything Arabella. I know you miss me." With that, he bolted my way and I screamed as loud as I could when he pinned me on the ground.

"You smell even better. I've missed you." He muttered and I stopped screaming. There was really no point. Right before he did anything the door handle got shot and kicked open. But I couldn't stop screaming. I was picked up and cradled like a baby. "Let me go! Stop touching me!" I yelled as loud as I could and stopped when I saw the tattoos on their chest. "It's me. It's Rex, Arabella calm down." I couldn't stop shaking. What I did next even surprised me at this state. I held on to him like my life was on the matter and he held on back tighter.

"What the fuck happened to you?"He asked after putting me down and holding the side of my face with one hand. "I don't want to be here," I said tiredly and that's all he needed to hear. He held my back to not show anyone that we got affectionate and muttered a few things to someone before pulling me out and we got in the car. Right, when we entered I did not give two shits about his preference and held on to his chest. Rex didn't like him which means he can't get to me when I'm with Rex. To my surprise, he pulled me closer to his chest as other people came in.

"What-" Rex glared at the person who tried to speak which was enough to make them shut up for the next few hours. Rex carried me inside his house and up to my room before placing me on the bed. "Arabella I don't want to force you today but you better make your mind up and tell me what the fuck happened in that kitchen." I started hyperventilating when he stopped touching me. "You're going to be here all night and tomorrow. Right?" I tried not to sound suspicious.

"I'm not going anywhere."

I've never heard that from someone before and I knew he didn't mean it the way I wanted him to mean it. "Ca-... can..." No. That would be asking for too much. He's the leader of the demolas. You hate him, Arabella, you want to kill him and take his place.

No, I don't.

"I don't want to hurt you, Rex." He looked at me with an emotion I've never seen before. "I don't want to kill you," I whispered. "And I hate that I feel that way." I let out and he lost his breath. "Where's this coming from?" He asked gently. Gentle. I'm not used to that but it makes me feel nice. I shrugged and looked out the window before leaning back in my bed. "Are you going to sleep?" He asked and I nodded which made him roll his eyes. "Really?" He said uninterested and I shook my head. He sighed and got out of my room. I picked a few clothes and ran to my bathroom to change. I almost tripped when I saw Rex. He had a pillow placed on the ground, next to my bed.

"I know you're scared. Shut up and go to bed. I'm not sleeping till you do." I bit my lip and took a deep breath before gulping down how I feel. I laid inside the bed and turned away from him. I hugged my second pillow and cried to it, silently. I didn't flinch when I heard him get up but I lost my breath when he sat in the side of my bed. Right next to me. He reached out hesitantly and played with my hair. I didn't open my eyes because I was afraid of what I would see. I fell asleep shortly after.


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