XLIX- Don't make me do it

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Throughout I head Rex walk around and talk to people all week. I have no idea why Leonardo would let him out and how Rex hasn't killed Cameron yet. I'm pretty sure he knows how much of a harassing psychopath Cameron is. What have I done to make them fall in love with me? Rex, Cameron and on top of that Carmelo. What's in their DNA that gets them this attracted to me?

All I can say is that my hair is fucking disgusting from not showering in so long. It feels like it was yesterday when Rex came and held me. I was laying in the ground just looking up at the stars again when I heard the fiddle. "Rex?" I gasped and instantly got up into a sitting position.

It obviously wasn't Rex.

"Guess again, pretty face." I sighed and laid back down. Carmelo made his way next to me. "How can you let Cameron get close to me? I don't understand." I muttered as he laid next to me. This is really weird. "Trust me, I'd love to absolutely manslaughter him but he has Leonardo on his back and I can't help saving you if I'm dead." I pouted and looked at him. "Why's Rex out? Is he going to kill me?" I said because the assumption has been stuck in my head for the past week. "They made a deal and I do think it's about that. But I don't think Rex could ever kill you. If I thought he would, I'd kidnap you out of here myself. Also, Cameron wouldn't let that happen." I cringed at his name.

"Cousins huh?" I said mentioning Cameron. "Not proud of it. I can assure you no one else in the family has the same mindset as him." That gave me a relief. Carmelo was a good man. I know it now. He's mature enough to understand I want someone else and not petty about it. So I can show emotions around him but I also don't want to hurt him. "Are you okay?" He asked as he saw my face. I just gave him the look he needed before he started laughing. "I'm doing amazing. Just enjoying the moment." I said and couldn't help but smile when he laughed.

"I think I should leave." He said as we heard walking outside. Carmelo was helping me by not letting Cameron inside without supervision. "Carmelo." I called out as he reached the door. "Thank you." He stumbled at the door. "I wish I could do more." He closed the door behind him and I fell asleep after a while. Next morning there was no food for me which is surprising. They never skipped food.

I guess today's the day then.

I heard a knock on the door and just wanted to jump whoever it was. "Are you dressed decently sweetie? I'm coming in." Leonardo's ugly grin got wider when he saw my frown. "How are you?" He asked as he crossed his arms and I just refused to talk. "Oh come on, don't be like that, beautiful. I should be the one angry at you. You're the one who pussy-whipped my son. Oh, my bad. Both my sons and back up plan." I guess he meant Carmelo as 'back up plan'. I just stared at him blankly and he seemed to be pissed off.

"I would spend my last moments speaking if I were you." I couldn't help but let out the snarky smile that reached my lips. "That's exactly what you're doing." He raised both his eyebrows looking impressed. "Alright. Tell me Bella, would you kill for Rex?" I narrowed my eyes. "No wait. That's too easy. Tell me, would you die for Rex?" I didn't respond giving him the answer he wanted. I'm not weak enough to die for people. I'd rather killing them then dying for them and Leonardo knew that. He had the fat grin back on his face. "We'll put that to the test." He said before shouting a few things in a language I didn't speak.

This was the first time I've seen Rex all week.

I gulped when he walked in by himself. Why is Leonardo doing this? We could take him down. He probably got more men since he's this confident. "uccidila." He ordered Rex and I took a step back. "Rex?" I spoke softly as he kept walking forward.
"I can't hurt you. I don't want to." He spoke up as he held a gun in his hand and I couldn't completely relax. "Elijah!" Rex held no emotion but fury as he looked at Leonardo. "Don't make me do it son. You're the best out there, don't let it go to waste." Rex turned around and just stared at me.

I could feel the tension between only him and I. Like a magnet pulling us but it was forbidden to get to each other, it always was. "Do it, Elijah." I heard a safety go off and just saw a gun behind Rex's head and my heart dropped. But what surprised me was the fact that Rex pointed his gun at me. Right in the skin between my eyes. I would be scared because he wasn't Rex right now. Right now he carried his name as the devilman as he stared at me. But I know he's still my Rex because he mouthed at me.

'Trust me'

I just closed my eyes and flinched when the door made a loud noise as it opened. "Sorry not sorry, can't let you do that." I heard Cameron and opened my eyes.

What am I in right now?

Cameron had a gun touching the back of Leonardo's head. "Not you too, boy. Drop your shit before it's too late." I held the gun and plastered it to my forehead as I held it there. "Don't do that." I heard Rex whisper and just shrugged. It worked in the end and I could see the anger swimming in Cameron's eyes. Suddenly there were loud yells coming from downstairs.

Like they were being invaded.

"Drop your gun, boy. No ones killing her." Leonardo dropped his gun and looked outside the small window. "Who the fuck are they?" Leonardo said and Cameron walked next to him as he looked at the situation. "I don't know but it won't end well for them." He said now using up all his anger and opening the door again before leaving. "You, give me that gun." Rex made his way over to Leonardo who was next to me by taking a step and I thought fast.

Right when Rex accidentally tripped I raised my leg and kicked the gun Leonardo was holding. I caught it before it fell and the safety was off. I pointed it at him as I took a few hurried steps back.

Rex had the biggest smirk on his face as he recovered and turned around. He was away from me as he walked back. "Good girl." He nodded at me and I winked before turning back to Leonardo again. "I thought they'd take longer, not going to lie." He said like we were just seated at a cafe and not holding guns against someone.

"Cameron and my men will be back shortly. You know what though? He was right. He's the son I should've focused on." He nodded. "False. But then again, you never knew about Cameron's acting skills." I narrowed my eyes as I looked at Rex. He was looking at Leonardo and didn't do anything If he saw me watching him.

Acting skills?

"Are you really going to let the whore ruin what we have here, Rex?" I really couldn't keep up with the conversation anymore. Cameron's acting skills. He was acting. But... He cried and everything! What the fuck was that! I also did help him with the cut wound when we were kids, I remember that as well! There was a loud knock on the door and the door opened revealing a frowning River and Cameron with a smug look on his face.

I backed up as a reflex when he walked next to Rex and he realised before pouting. "I see how it is." Leonardo and Rex were arguing and I just wanted to get the fuck out of here. "I'll leave you to it." River saw my expression and pulled me out of the room as Rex finished what he started.


Next chapter is where it ends :/

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