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He pulled up to my driveway. Not to he house I came to when I was engaged to him. The house where we first both declared our love.

The only house where felt like a home.

It wasn't about the house though, Rex was my home.

He pulled my hand towards him after parking at my garage and I widened my eyes again when he picked me up slightly. I sat on his lap hesitantly and he hugged me tightly. It knocked the breath out of me.

Maybe we could try it again?

But he cheated on you, Arabella.

He saved me multiple times.

But he betrayed you like everyone else...

I still love him.

I never stopped.

I mentioned before that I'll never stop loving him. No matter what happens and it's true. I tried being in denial thinking I'd move on but I can't. I couldn't.
"You can talk about it." He said in a whisper, afraid to freak me out. I shook my head and looked up at him when he stared down at me.

I wanted nothing more than to lean up and kiss his lips but my pride held me back.

I rested my head on his chest and my eyes narrowed. His heart was pounding. Is that for me? My heartbeat soon matched up to his and I bit my lip.

I need to leave here.

I pulled away and gulped before opening the door and getting out. "I'll follow till you go in." He said also getting out and I nodded. He followed me to the elevator and to my apartment till his footsteps stopped at my door. I heard his deep inhale before turning back but I grasped his hand before he could move away.

"Rex, stay." He narrowed his eyes and clenched his teeth trying to keep his composure again. "Why? You live with Carmelo. He can take care of you." He said bitterly and I shook my head aggressively. "You're wrong." He stared at me and stepped in hesitantly. I couldn't see Carmelo anywhere and his light was off which I'm very glad about.

He closed the door behind him and walked behind me as I held onto his wrist. "Why do you want me to stay?" He said like the questions been killing him and I think it actually was. "I need you to stay because I know you won't let them get to me." I admitted in one breath and my throat was closing up again. He was still hesitating which is expected. We did break up and become enemies again.

I threw his jacket away and changed my pants next to him since it's nothing he hasn't seen before and laid on my bed. He grabbed one of my pillows and threw it to the ground but I picked it back up. I removed the blanket from the other side of my king sized bed and he raised an eyebrow before throwing his shirt and pants away. He got in next to me and none of us spoke. I had to turn away from him since I couldn't keep my tears in.

I don't cry but when I do I can't stop it.

I felt him raise up on one elbow and turn to me. I was afraid he would pick up his clothes and leave but he started playing with my hair. I felt him leave a kiss before falling asleep.

I woke up screaming and someone was shaking my shoulders gently. I cried out when they pushed me to their chest and tears were leaving my eyes.

I know this scent.

"Rex." I said in a yell and wrapped my arms around him tightly. He let me hug him for a few minutes and then slightly pulled away to see the damage on my face. He cupped one of my cheeks and looked at me with fury.

"Don't beat yourself up, Arabella. You can't imagine how loud their begs will be when I have them wrapped around my finger." He said with his voice coming out throaty and deeper than usual. He wiped a tear away with his thumb and I closed my eyes.

Then I felt him kiss the tear rolling down my eye.

I opened my eyes and leaned onto him before I could stop myself. I squeezed my lips into his and he welcomed me. His other hand moved down to my waist and I took a quick breath before he put his tongue in my mouth. I tasted my salty tears and Rex together. "What are you doing?" He asked when I got on his lap. I want to feel him in me again. I need to know no matter how fucked up everything is, I still have this.

"Touch me." I said against his lips and he wasn't hesitant anymore. But he was still thoughtful.

"Are you sure?" I nodded before cupping his face and  traced down his neck with wet kisses. He gripped my waist and laid back as I kissed him down. I flicked my tongue making him release a groan and flinch slightly.

I could feel his underwear rise because it's touching my leg. I moved down to his nipple piercings I loved so much and sucked on it before leaving a kiss and going further down. I threw my shirt away because it was burning me and removed his underwear to see the rise. I held it and heard him inhale sharply.

He looked down at me as I got a hold of my hair with one hand and dove down into his cock. "God fucking damn." He said as he involuntary thrusted upwards as I sucked hard and went down as much as I could. He held my hair for me and thrusted his hips accidentally again. He pulled my hair making me let go and come back up again.

I kissed his neck again as he worked on my shorts and pulled them down with my underwear. I removed them off my ankles quickly. He sat up and watched me carefully as I held his dick once more and moved it to my entrance before going down slowly. I rested my forehead on his as I took all of him and a cry left my lips when he went deep. He kissed my neck as I moved up and down. I held the back of his neck and touched his hair as my other hand was digging my nails on his shoulder.

His hands found my waist and urged me to go harder on him which is how I liked it anyway. He kissed down the valley of my breasts after undoing my bra and I let him remove it off my shoulders. I moved my lips sensually which made him let out a whimper and bite my nipple. I dug my nails in his neck and he let out a throaty groan letting me know he's enjoying the pain.

I squeezed my eyes shot when I felt myself come and he watched every second of it, recording it all in his brain. "Fuck." I let out a groan when I stopped tightening my walls around him. He raised me off of him which made me shiver and laid me down before getting on top. He kissed my lips as he came inside me once again and started off slow before hitting me where I felt the most, fast.

  "Ah! Rex, keep going like that." I arched my back and felt him cup my breasts before picking up his phase even more. He bit onto my lip gently as my eyes rolled back and I felt him erupt in me as I came for the second time. He moaned out my name as he thrusted again a few more times and laid on top of me. I didn't care about him suffocating me at the moment. I just knew he was with me.

I wrapped my arms around his neck when he tried to move to the side. I felt his erection slowly go back to normal and I involuntarily shivered when it exited me. We fell asleep hugging each other close.

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