XXIV- That mans a work of art

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Apparently we had to go to this meeting, it's more like a fancy event, because Leonardo was forcing Rex. It turned out to be my moms event. I'm lucky that Cameron is also going to be there so he can talk to me when Rex is busy. My stomach was almost healed and I took of the bandage on my arm today because it's been about three weeks. I wore the dress in my room which was placed on my bed. Rex apparently chose it for me. He's been treating me worse in front of people but it's the complete opposite when we're alone. I don't think anyone has got to see that side of him before me. Maybe Alina has as well but Rex doesn't get to spend a lot of time with her.

I wore the long, elegant looking dress and stared at myself for a while. Rex has better taste than me in clothes, that's for sure. I would've just picked a red or black dress and called it a go. I did a bit of makeup and decided to just let my hair loose. My hair was naturally wavy but I curled a few strings to make it look better. "You dressed?" I heard Cameron yell and replied to him. He came in the room wide widened eyes. "Wow. And I mean wow. You look straight out of a magazine, even better." He said as he checked me out. "You clean up nice." I told him since it's the first time I've seen him in a button up shirt. He usually dresses chill like Rex but has more of a edgy look. "Yeah, I know. You know it's never too late to run away from Rex with me." He nudged my shoulder and I rolled my eyes before smirking.

I hesitated about wearing my necklace. I knew my dad wanted me but did he really unconditionally love me? I don't think he did now that I see the way Rex is with me. He met me like seven months ago and he's risking his life by just liking me. My dad never attempted to save me. I decided to not wear it and just walked downstairs. "You look even better than I imagined." Rex mumbled to me in the car. He was also wearing a button up and a few of them were undone like the first time I met him. "You imagine me?" I asked curiously. I didn't think he would do such thing. "All the damn time." I said before leaning his head back. His scars seemed more visible to me now. Maybe I didn't notice before because I despised him.

I was also feeling stressed because I knew Eric would be there. I knew he'd make remarks and try to get me alone. Even though I know Rex wouldn't let that happen it still feels like I'm defenceless. I felt Rex reach out to grab my hand as Aiden and Cameron argued in the front seat. He rubbed my hand before bringing it on his lap and holding it there. The way he makes me feel becomes more and more everyday. I'm scared that it's not going to last and one of us will die. I don't think I was ever this scared of losing someone. I hardly handled my fathers death, I don't think I could handle Rex's no matter how strong I think I am.

He pulled to the side of the entrance before we came in. "I think Leonardo is trying to get me killed so Carmelo can take over." He said and I panicked. This isn't just something you can drop out of nowhere. "It's okay. No ones trying to kill me since they know they can't. I just wanted to tell you before you saw him again." I sighed. "That makes sense. I-... I think I could recover if I kill my mother. You kill the leader you take her spot. That's how it works right? I just need to find the right time and spot." I told him and he nodded understandingly. "We'll plan something out for your mom." I nodded and he held my back as we walked to the entrance.

It had been almost two hours since we've been here and I haven't seen my mom. People were coming up to Rex and looking at him with admiration which he showed no interest whatsoever. I remembered someone and my eyes widened. Cameron gave me a look. "What's up?" He came next to me. "Nothing. I'm just going to the bar." I said and he nodded. It's okay if I go to the bar alone since it's out in the open and I knew someone would be there. "U-..." I heard him struggle to speak when he saw me. "I thought you were dead! Uh, my girl's back!" William hugged me tightly at the room that's behind the bar.

"You have no idea how bad it's been without you! Oh shit, I'm speaking too much again. How have you been?" I grinned and he looked at me terrified. "Wayyy better. Better than ever." I whispered and he smirked. "ooh... I see you. You know I was going to tell you I'd be more than happy to let Rex murder me if I were you but you just disappeared." I laughed and he grinned. "He'd never kill me." I had to whisper again and he widened his eyes. "Noo." He dragged the word and I shrugged. I gave Will a short explanation by whispering because you never know here.

Right when we were hugging again -because we missed each other so much- the door was very aggressively opened to say the least. I almost died right there till I saw Rex. He had a look on his eyes that let me know what was on his mind. "What the fuck?" He said angrily and walked towards William but I stepped in. "Rex! This is William. My only friend." He didn't change his expression but relaxed. "I don't think friends with different genders hug like that." He said pissed off. "Oh, trust me. I wish I could hug you like that instead of Arabella." That earned him a death stare from both me and Rex.

"What? That mans a work of art." He said defending himself and I put my hand over my mouth to cover the smile. "I see." Rex sighed and held my hand. "Uh. Boss. Kristina is walking around for you and Arabella." Cameron came in and I could visibly see the drool in William's mouth from where I'm standing. Cameron walked in with his hands in his pockets and stopped when he saw William. "Alright." Rex mumbled. "Cameron you can stay here if you want. You look bored, Will can whip up a drink for you." William owes me big time now. "Oh sick." He grinned before me and Rex left. "I almost had to laugh there. The only look that compares to that guys face was when you were looking at me with my shirt off." I stopped walking and he turned to look at me as he bit his lip to not laugh. "Okay. Asshole." I rolled my eyes when he couldn't see me and walked to our table with him following right behind.

The waiter handed me champagne which I gladly took. "Rex, how's the work going? Is Arabella boring you already?" My mother leaned in to our table with Leonardo following behind. Where's Eric? "Is Eric bored of you already?" I mumbled which everyone seemed to hear. I swear I saw my mom about to jump me right when Rex pushed me to his back. "Go get me a fucking drink and be useful." He rolled his eyes at me which made me take a deep breath. He may have just saved my life. I walked behind the bar again to see Will squeezing Cameron's biceps. I almost laughed out loud. I walked in and got a beer bottle before walking out quietly.


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