LXIX- Daisy

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I heard a deep sigh and opened my eyes slightly because it wasn't adjusted to the light room. There was a silhouette of a man in front of me with crossed arms. He sounded angry from what I could hear. I rubbed my eyes and sat on my elbows. "Why did she faint if she wasn't injured badly?" I heard Elias ask the doctor as two more people stood next to him.

"From stress probably." He muttered as he looked at his notepad and looked back up. "There seems to be no problems at anywhere. she's healthy so it's most likely psychological." Elias finally turned to look at me and was by my side the next second. "How do you feel?" I looked at him with narrowed eyes.

How did he find me?

How was he just on time to catch me?

"I still feel pretty fucking weirded out by you. How were you able to catch me before I fainted? How did you know where I was?" I asked as I sat up and he raised his eyebrows. "She seems pretty okay to me." Elias said before walking back next to Julian and I looked at Rex who was already staring at me. He looked away back to Julian and I looked at the ground.

He wasn't lying was he?

I'm actually so fucking stupid but can you blame me for not trusting people?

I got up from the small bed and walked outside with them. We parted ways and they let me go back to my apartment before I we met up at Rex's warehouse. My cover after two years was completely blown to everyone. Harvey didn't see my face but he knows about me already.

I recognised the crudes and they all looked away when I walked for the first time again without my mask. It's like it was forbidden to even speak my name here much less look at my direction. I saw William walk towards me and show me the meeting room. "Arabella. Or Temptress." Kelly moved her hair to the side dumbfounded and I narrowed my eyes at her. "Can we talk? After your business of course." I gulped and nodded before walking next to William.

Every cell in my body told me not to meet with Kelly but I wanted to know what she had to say to me after what Maria has done.

I was the last to enter the office and sat at the couch in Rex's office. There are so many memories here. I feel like I'm being suffocated again and my chest feels tight. "So as we know Harvey spoke to Arabella today for some reason." He looked at me implying something and I narrowed my eyes at him. "Why did he pay you a visit?" Cameron asked because Rex was busy being a child.

He ignored having to talk to me.

"I don't really remember but he said he knew my mother and apparently we have history but I don't remember anything about him." I admitted as Cameron raised an eyebrow at Rex and looked at him. Rex had a blank look but I can read him now. He looked confused.

He still worries about me.

He chased after me in the first half of our relationship and now it's my turn.

"Well now we know Harvey is here. He's fucking with us, leaving stupid miss leads and I'm sure you just figured something out because I know you'd be fuming by now if you had nothing, wouldn't you?" I looked at Rex after walking and sitting in the chair in front of his desk. He stumbled before turning away from me. "We have a group of his men. Two women, eight men and one child." He explained before glancing at me. He turned away after realising that he's openly watching me.

"Okay. They're in the rooms downstairs. How many of them have you talked with?" I asked and he gave me a blank stare to look uninterested by me. I just know he's shitting bricks because he's this close to me.

"Five. Two women and three men." He said and stared at Cameron pleasingly. So he'd move me away from Rex? Yeah, I don't think so. "Alright. I'll handle the rest of them. You know I'll get much more than your men did." I looked at Rex and he shook his head aggressively before standing up. "No. I'll handle them." He said. "Six people left, Rex. You take three and I'll take three. We'll see who learns more, won't we?" I walked in front of him and bent my head back so I could look at his face. He's a six feet four muscular, extremely sexy man.

He burns you when you get close.

His lips curved up to a devious smirk and he raised one eyebrow. "Alright. We'll see." He walked past me to leave the room and I followed behind him in a fast phase. "Go to the last three rooms." He said and entered a room. Alright then. I went to the first one and there was a middle aged men sitting at the chair.

He's already dead.

Blood dripping from his arms from trying to break free like a absolute idiot. He's no use to me. "Any last words? A few things you wanna' let out from your chest?" I grabbed the gun in my waistband and he shook his head aggressively. "I'm a bait. Just like everyone else." I narrowed my eyes and walked closer to him. "Bait?" He nodded and looked behind me to check for someone. "Harvey sent us on purpose. We're already all dead, we failed the test. Just don't hurt Daisy. She's the kid." I rolled my eyes and grabbed the gun again before shooting him.

I'm not getting anything out of this.

They're bait.

I pushed the guy back and checked his pockets for some sight but nothing. I rushed out and ran to the room Rex is in. I heard screams and pounded my fists on the door.

They're already dead, that's why they're baits.

"Rex!" I yelled and he finally noticed my banging. The door opened and I rushed inside, ignoring Rex completely. "Who is it?" I looked at the man and he shook his head. "Alright." I grabbed Rex's gun and shot him in the forehead. "What the fuck are you doing?!" Rex yelled in my ear as I pushed this chair back as well. I searched the guy. Took his jacket off and everything. "Rex you need to search the bodies. One of them has a tracker. Trust me." I told him and he looked at me for a second before running out and checking the dead bodies.

I ran to the alive ones and searched them one by one. "Nothing." Rex ran next to me out of breath. "There's one left." I looked at him and he nodded before walking in front of me to go to the last door. "Stop wait!" Rex had a gun in his hand and I warned him not to shoot. "She's a child." I walked in front of him and whispered. I turned around and looked at the light brown haired, brown eyed girl. She didn't look a day older than ten.

"Are you cold?" She nodded and I took of her jacket. "Just a second." I muttered as I searched her. I gritted my teeth when I found nothing. I untied the girl and Rex burned the side of my head.

She's innocent.

"You're Daisy right?" I tried distracting her to not scare her any further. She nodded as her bottom lip shook. "Hey don't cry." I wiped her tears and picked her up as Rex watched me more careful than ever.

She winced.

I shared a look with Rex before he walked next to me and inspected the girl. He raised her shirt to see her stomach and nothing was there. Then she held onto her shoulder. Rex removed her small hand and rolled the sleeve up to see a patch on her shoulder.

"She has a tracker." He said as he watched me with a frown.

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