LXXVIII- Stranger

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I took a long shower and put on my usual work clothes before applying a little makeup and walked to the main room. I stood still in the doorway.


There was a large table with breakfast already ready on it. Harvey and Elias have already started eating. This is how Rex felt when I made breakfast for him.


I walked next to them and sat next to Elias and I'm pretty sure they saw me hesitate. "When do I get in?" I asked, hoping there isn't going to be any tasks but it was too good to believe. "Well, you need to do a few things to prove yourself to me first before you can officially join." I nodded eagerly and leaned back.

"Do you ever complain?" Elias asked jokingly and I shook my head. I'm excited to be back in my game. "She probably will when we tell her the news then." Elias muttered and I narrowed my eyes at him with food in my mouth. He looked uneasy and uncomfortable as I watched him like I inspected him so I turned to Harvey.

"Rex is going to be at the warehouse today." He told me and I shrugged.

I'm not ready.

"You'll be okay?" I nodded and Harvey seemed surprised. "More than okay. I couldn't care less." I told him and he nodded as he shared a look with Elias. Alright then.

"You take the dogs to work?" I asked when I saw Loki at the entrance. "Sometimes, when I feel like it. They love it though." I nodded before walking past him and sat in the car.

The day was going past quickly and I actually thought Rex wouldn't be here. Elias showed me everywhere in the warehouse and I couldn't concentrate from looking around. I could feel my anxiety grow as we reached the fighting room.

I finally saw the group of people from here as they walked to Harvey's office and grabbed a glass of vodka. I threw my head back as I drank it and Elias had a eyebrow raised. "It helps." I explained as I downed another shot and we walked in the office as well. I shook my head slightly since it tasted like shit without a chaser. That's one hard drink.

All eyes were on me when I entered which is expected since I was working with them a month ago to find Harvey and killed him. So they have the right to judge me to my soul as I sat next to him. Rex's eyes never left mine as I looked at him. I felt my breath close up so I had to break the contact and looked at Elias instead.

Next time I looked at Rex he looked at me like I'm a complete stranger.

That fucking hurt.

I took a deep breath and looked at the clock. Fifteen minutes in. How long will I have to sit through this? Cameron is giving me a death stare alongside Kelly. I'm just about to get on the fucking desk and jump her.

I'm so close to.

"Harvey, I should take Arabella to the first test." Elias said when the room got silent as everyone thought about the contract. "Sure. You'll fill me in about it later." I pushed my chair back and basically almost ran out of the room. I felt so angry.

"Come here." Elias called out to me and I followed him to the rink. "So that's our best crude and the first test should be pretty easy for you. Take him down." I nodded before climbing up. My eyes slightly widened when I took his appearance in.

This guy was a tank. I won't be able to knock him to the side unless it's a really bad hit to the head. His movements were fast and strong. "Come on, baby girl. Give it to me." I grimaced at his words and they just boiled my blood even more.

I faked a kick and punched him right on the nose as his eyes got glossy and I saw blood running down his face. "Fucking whore." I narrowed my eyes as I circled around him. He kicked my stomach and I recovered quickly before smacking his ear. I tried lading a blow on his diaphragm or kidney but he saw it coming.

He was ready for it.

Elias told him about my moves and warned him to take precautions about it. The little bitch. I looked to my side and saw him watching me with a smirk. Now Rex was also out of the office watching us carefully. "You're a asshole!" I yelled and Elias gave me a thumbs us. I was about to smirk till the guy punched my face and I fell to the side. I rolled over and got up quickly before using my elbows to hit him in the head.

He fell on his knees and this time I landed a kick on the diaphragm before he fell back with a holler.

My fucking head hurts now.

"What was that first hit? Who hurt you?" He asked and I smiled. "He called me baby girl and then a whore." I explained as I got another drink. My head is going to hurt even worse but I don't give a fuck.

"No getting drunk now, you have another task for today." I frowned when he pulled the glass from my hand and placed it away. Next second I rolled my eyes and he grasped my hand before pulling me to his chest and wrapping both arms around me. He was waving at someone behind my back and I narrowed my eyes at him.

I hesitantly wrapped my arms around his torso and rested my head on his chest. "Let me guess, Rex has no clue that I'm your brother." I nodded and closed my eyes tightly after realising what he had done. "You did not just wave at him did you?" I asked now my temper rising again.

His laugh was my answer.

"Okay, so the second task is pretty easy as well. Just go and find Julian then kill him. Easy for you." Elias said as he pulled away enough to stare at my face. "Okay." That's actually easy for me. Julian had pissed me off many times as well. "Alright." I left to go get some medicine for my head before heading to Julian's warehouse. To my luck, Rex fucking Rosetti was everywhere today.

"What?" I asked as I leaned next to him on a wall and I could tell I scared the shit out of him.

He grasped my hands, hooked them behind my back and his other hand was on my neck, almost choking me. I rolled my eyes at him as he let go. "What the fuck are you doing in here?" He asked angrily and I had the same look. "I could ask you the same." I replied and he sighed deeply before looking back at the entrance.

"You are fucking stupid if you thought to get in here all by yourself." I gritted my teeth and turned to him again. "Why is that?" The gave me a bitter smile. "He stole from me, then thought having more protection would save his ass." I narrowed my eyes at him. He's after Julian?

Julian is my prey.

"Well then, you can return back. I got this one." I moved up and tried walking away to the side before hiding again but Rex had other plans. He kicked my feet and I fell on the ground before almost jumping his bones. "Leave." He warned.

"What if I don't?" I crooked my head to the side as I pouted.

"Will you kill me? Tell me, Rex. Are you going to kill me?" I said as I got closer and closer to him and he snapped. He turned his head after watching me and hit the wall from anger. "Julian is mine. I'm going to get him. You can watch or leave." I told him before walking up again but he thought fast. He was in front of me the next second.

"We'll see about that." He walked fast as I followed.

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