XLVII- Cameron

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We walked to the house and just decided to sleep which seemed like a good idea at the time.

"Rex?" I woke up and couldn't find Rex next to me. I got up and started walking downstairs when I heard a voice. He must be in the kitchen then. Maybe he was just making me breakfast. "Rex-?" Someone twice my size gripped my head and held me back before injecting a syringe to my neck. I yelled loudly as I fell and looked up at the person.

They had something covering their face was the last thing I saw before I passed out.

I rolled to my side in the bed and lightly stretched before widening my eyes. This didn't feel like a bed. It felt like a cold, hard floor. I bolted up making my head dizzy and rubbed my eyes before I could get a good look of where I am. It was just a room. But it wasn't a room I know.

I got on top of the table and looked through the small window. I saw... "Cameron." I whispered to myself as I tried calming my breath. I was alone. What I saw might not be a dream. I started walking around in the room to think and pushed my hair back. Leonardo got to us. There's no other explanation. I swear if he did something bad to Rex... I took a deep breath before sliding down on the wall. I pulled my knees up to my chest and just waited for someone. No one came in that day. No food. No person.

I was about to force myself to fall asleep when the door slowly opened and closed behind the person. "Arabella." I got up and moved away when they reached out for me. It was Carmelo. "What?" I snapped and he nodded. "Understandable. I'm not your enemy just remember. I'm trying to help you guys." I narrowed my eyes. He's trying to help us? Risk his own life to save ours. Without asking for anything. That's bullshit. "Why?" I asked as I crossed my arms and walked next to him. He looked really fed up. "Because I love you." I stumbled and crooked my head to the side. "Yes. Romantically." He rolled his eyes before taking a deep breath.

"If I contact people Rex work with, it's more possible that they'll try to kill him. So I erased that from the list..." I thought with him for a while. "I... There's River. I think she should be our last choice though because we can't completely trust her either." He nodded and we heard people walking. "How did he find us?" Right when I said that the door opened.

"Visiting hours over." I stumbled when I saw the flash of blue hair.

He wouldn't.

Cameron walked in looking tired as hell. He had bags under his eyes and he stumbled when he saw me awake. "You." I said snarky. He's probably the only one who knew where Rex was.

How could he?

Cameron's the only one Rex trusts besides me. He refused to look at me and just proved all my assumptions right. "Cameron. Burn in hell." I walked to the back of the room and slid down on the wall again.

I have so many questions. Where's Rex? Did they hurt him? Did he get away when they got me? It all makes sense now. Cameron's twice my size, he could easily capture me when I'm not expecting it. "Get out." He told Carmelo and I just kept staring at him. "You can't hurt her, do as you're ordered." With that Carmelo left in a hurry and Cameron closed the door behind him. I thought he was about to kick me for a second when he walked next to me in a hurry.

"You don't fucking get it." I narrowed my eyes at him. "Rex had it too good for too long. I was always with Leonardo. But I'm always the son that was a disgrace because we don't have the same fucking mother." He pointed his finger at me and I got up. "What?" He smiled bitterly. "Of course he hasn't told anyone. But now I finally have Leonardo's trust. I wasn't planning on being by his side. I wanted you." This is too much information, too fast.

Rex and Cameron are brothers.

Leonardo liked Rex better because he is better in every way possible.

Cameron wants... What the fuck?

"What?" I asked completely shocked. "I always fucking wanted you and Rex knew that. He only married you because I wanted you for myself. You don't even remember me, do you?" My breath sped up from the adrenaline. I feel like I'm about to black out. "What?" I asked trying to sound soft and calm. "Leonardo took his anger out on me as a child and one day it got too much. We were fourteen. I was screaming in the bathroom because the cut was too deep and no one bothered to do anything before you." I remember.

"You stitched me up and I rested my head on your shoulder because I was tired. I didn't know what to say because I didn't want to scare you off. You have always been the most beautiful, Arabella and I didn't know how to react at that age. I explained you what happened because you pressured me. But you didn't run like I expected... Because you related to me." I was completely caged in the wall now. I do remember.

"I thought you'd like me if I was nice but you always pushed me. I never forgot how you told me to become stronger so I could take Leonardo down and I became stronger. I was supposed to be the one to marry you, I came up with the idea. But Leonardo said no." He looked mental. Like he wanted to hurt something or destroy it. I don't think he's going to hurt me but the look in his eyes doesn't help my case.

"Then he got you and you completely forgot about me. I know I've changed a lot, that's why I wasn't angry. I finally returned the favour by stitching you up but you still didn't remember and ignored me when I tried getting closer, Arabella. How do you think that made me feel?" He whispered the last sentence making me shiver. I wanted to ask where's Rex but that's like the worst thing I could do now.

"I can't believe you love much less fucking like him." He said angrily with a tear running down his eye.

He's crazy.

He's obsessed with me.

"Where's Will? Why did you use William? Didn't you think that would hurt me?!" I pushed him away because he got way too close. "Oh I know it didn't hurt you! You wouldn't even look at me! I thought maybe if I had a chance you'd be jealous. But that's not the best way to charm someone is it? I've always been the side character. But I'm going to chance that." I tried pushing him away when he cupped my cheek.

"I know how to change that." He completely caged me and held me like this before pushing me back to the ground and hurriedly leaving.

I don't want to imagine what's on his mind. Rex liked Cameron as a friend I knew that. I think he wants to kill Rex and make me forget about him. Which won't happen. I'll do anything to get back on him if he even hurts my fucking Rex. Also I don't know where Will is or how he is doing. The same thing applies if he has hurt Will. Physically hurt Will.


Who would've seen it coming? Cameron betraying everyone?

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