XXXIV- Something tells me we're going to get rid of her tomorrow

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My body was shocked for about five seconds because I didn't think the water would be this cold. I also felt Rex a few feet away from me. "I fucking hate you." I laughed and noticed the people cheering for us. They looked like teenagers like me. "I hate you more." I said before wrapping my legs and arms around him. He rolled his eyes before smiling. "Why?" He said before holding onto me.

"Hmm. Where to begin? You basically kidnapped me and forced me to be engaged with you before also forcing me to join your gang. You're the only person I'm vulnerable next to and lastly, you're better than me at fighting and I fucking hate that." He laughed at the last part without leaning in to kiss me. I couldn't feel the cold now. "Come on." I unwrapped my legs and started swimming to surface. He followed behind me.

"Was it necessary to jump off a fucking bridge to prove me wrong?" He said after we went up the stairs and he got his jacket back. "Necessary? No. Convincing? Fuck yes. But I just felt like doing it." I explained and started walking to the car. He had a smile on his lips as he followed behind me.

Maybe this jumping off a bridge idea wasn't the smartest.

I had to take off my boots before I went to the car and my socks were soaked as the same as everything else. He went through a drive through to get us some drinks but I had to order since I wanted to drive. "Pretty name for a pretty girl." I looked at the cashier and smiled sweetly before grabbing the drinks. I couldn't help but laugh when I saw Rex's face. "Cocksucker, even put his number on the cup." He said as he pointed at the cup and took a deep breath.

"Wanna' shower together when we get back?" I shook my head and he laughed before reaching out for my hand. I don't think we're going too fast but I think he realises that I'm hesitant with going too far. He took off his shirt right before I pulled up to the house and I stumbled. I never really cared about abs on guys or this many tattoos but I couldn't stop staring at him. Cameron was in the couch when we entered the house and just looked at us surprisedly. "I don't know if I want to know." He muttered.

"I jumped off a bridge, it's not what you think." He widened his eyes and looked impressed.

"Didn't think you'd be the one to jump off a bridge if your friends did it, Rex." He patted Rex's shoulder and walked to the kitchen.

"I'm actually going to kill him one day." I chuckled and walked past him as well. I didn't even realise how late it was before walking out of the bathroom with my robe and it was pitch black. I wore something comfortable and opened my window. The night was really chilly today and the stars were bright. I closed my eyes as I breathed the air in.

I felt someone pull me back from the waist and he threw a jacket at me before climbing off my window to the roof. He extended his hand at me. I put my jacket on and didn't take his hand to prove some type of childish independency. He chuckled at me being determined to climb off and made me let out a small yell when he picked me up off the wall. I could hear the music coming from the guest room very clearly. Cameron was staying in today for some reason but the music was nice. I laid on his arm and widened my eyes when he wrapped another arm around me. "Why?" I said after he pulled me on top of him. "We're cuddling." He said and I laid my head on his chest because it felt nice. "Cuddling?" I whispered.

"Your dad's never cuddled you before?" I hesitated before shaking my head. "I saw my dad like five maybe six times. He didn't really like touching me." I said embarrassedly. Even my dad didn't like hugging me and Rex doesn't seem to want to stop touching me in any way. I felt him hug me tighter and let out a large breath. I think this is my happy place. I could die here. It would be the best way to go. In Rex's big arms. I glided my hand on his arm to see the tattoos better and felt him shiver. I have this effect on him. Only me.

"Rex why do you like me?" He laughed at my question which made me blush. Was it stupid to ask? I'm sorry that I haven't had any experience before, damn.

"There are so many answers for that. The easiest reason is because you're drop dead gorgeous. But I didn't like you because of that romantically." He twisted a piece of my hair in his hand and I kept my head buried on his chest. "You, I guess, made me realise how useless everything is in my life. I let my dad walk all over me because why wouldn't I? I had no purpose in life, never dreamt before till you came. You opened my eyes and made me realise what to do and what's right and wrong. I know I act the same, it's on purpose, but I've changed and you're the only person to know that." I raised my head and looked at him.

"You know what you just explained?" He shook his head. "It's a feeling. Epiphany." He narrowed his eyes and I traced his features on his face with my hand. "I'll just put it in child term. It's like removing the fog and understanding everything that's been a blur to you. It can get triggered by a important piece of information. I don't know if it can be people." He raised his eyebrows and his lips bent upward. I narrowed my eyes this time. "So, you're my epiphany then." I smiled and put my head back in his chest. "I love how you say something one minute really confidently then just start blushing." I hit his chest gently and raised my head again. "I wasn't blush-" He grabbed the side of my face and pulled me to his lips.

We kissed for a long time and all I could hear was the soft music in the background. He rolled me over then came on top of me before locking my lips with his again. "Did we have to go to my moms tomorrow?" I asked and he nodded after pulling away to catch my breath. "Something tells me we're going to get rid of her tomorrow." He placed the hair that was on my face behind my ear. "This is so fucking weird." I let out now not being able to hold my blush. He laughed loudly. "This is so normal for everyone else, Arabella. People like each other, maybe fall in love, get married and have kids if they want, it's the circle of life." I looked at him terrified.

"You want that?" I asked and he raised a eyebrow. "You don't?" I pouted. No one asked me what I want before so now I don't know. I never thought of falling in love or having kids. I always knew I'd be in a arranged marriage but I didn't think I'd actually love the damn man.

"I don't know." I replied honestly after sitting up. "I guess that's better than no." I smiled at Rex. So he wants kids. The thought made me want to hide under a rock for some reason. I can't imagine myself having children. I don't think I've ever touched or held one before. "Calm down, I'm not asking for anything now." Rex said also sitting up.

"We have time and everything's on your terms." He smiled at me.


I'm probably adopting a cat tomorrow!!!

I'm so fucking excited, I could cry.

Anyway, please don't forget to vote if you enjoyed:)))

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