VI- She's a different kind of beauty

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I did a big mistake today. I let out a part of me who I keep hidden deep inside, usually. I also let Rex see me like that and hold me. My mom would kill me for that. I laid in bed in the morning. How long did I sleep? Like three hours? I rubbed my forehead as the door opened slowly.

"Don't wear your work clothes and come downstairs. We're going somewhere." He said and I narrowed my eyes. "A club? I thought I had more tests today." I muttered as I got out of bed, forgetting I only had a bra and some pants. Who cares if he sees me like this? I don't care about anything anymore. "I uh-..." I browsed through my wardrobe to find something casual and I felt him beside me.

Too close beside me.

I felt his breath on my neck as he leaned to grab something. He cleared his throat and extended the dress. "This is fine." Then he just walked out like a child throwing a temper tantrum. I decided to not tie my hair which was rare and did a bit of makeup to make my green eyes pop. I had small eyes, unlike Rex. You could see the perfect brown in them when you looked at him.

I slammed the mascara when I realized what I'm thinking of and walked downstairs.

This whole marriage thing with Rex is really tricky. Besides his personality being addictive for me he is ridiculously good-looking. The kind of good-looking when you just want to congratulate his parents for those genes. He has his looks from his mom since his father is a dirty blonde with icy blue eyes and he was just plain repulsive. "You look bothered." He came up beside me and put something around my neck.

I gasped when I saw what it is. "How the fuck did you find it?" I asked. "I saw it in your wardrobe." He walked away after just standing there and purposely sliding his hand on my neck which worked perfectly right and made me shiver. "I can't risk my mom seeing it," I muttered before turning around and sighed. "We're going across town. You'll be fine." Across town? "Why?" I asked.

"Think of it as a vacation." He said grabbing his car keys and my eyebrows creased. He looked at me with concern. "Vacation?" I asked shyly for the first time in my life. "Yes?" He mimicked me. "What's that?" I asked and his expression dropped. "How do you not know?" He said and I shrugged.

"I learned sometimes family's go on vacations at school to take some time off for themselves but I don't think we have the rights to even take a day off." He just kept looking at me puzzled. "Look my mom never sent me to school. I had to go behind her back to get online education so if you're going to judge me-!" He cut me off by cupping my mouth.

"I think I'm the last person who should be judging people. I also didn't say shit so stop making assumptions. Not only do people with families go on vacations sometimes people go on their own and I'm your fucking boss so if I say I'm taking you to vacation, but you're also coming to that vacation. Understood?" He said getting too close. I nodded and he had the hardest time pulling away for some reason.

Rex is making me take a few days off? I don't see why. I guess he must be tired and he doesn't want me to be alone in the warehouse or just his house because he doesn't trust me. I see it now. I don't usually listen to music and I've been muttering to the same three songs in the past fifteen years so maybe music can help me relax. I realized how tense my body was as I sat next to Rex but he had the same problem as well.

He'd probably cut my finger off if I were to change a setting in the car. "Can I open some music?" I asked and he nodded before reaching out to the radio. I jumped from my seat and grasped his hand which made him jump with me. "What?!" He yelled and I inspected his hand. "Your finger," I muttered. It was cut off.

"So what? A missing finger makes you freak out?" He's right. "You're right," I said before leaning back and felt his eyes on me. "I- uh... what's that?" He pointed at my wrist. "What do you think?" If he thinks I tried killing myself he's way too off. The was a long and deep knife scar on my wrist. They said I was a fighter because I survived. "Your mom." I silently nodded and leaned back again after he turned on the music.

Rex's Pov

I watched her as she tried to calm down and go to sleep. Arabella pissed me the fuck off when I first met her. Everyone was scared of me, that's my whole reputation. The shit they say about me, most of them are true but Arabella didn't mind. She didn't care to find out if I would do those things to her. At first, I thought she's suicidal but now... I know she's just fighting against her mom.

It's because I did it myself growing up.

I wasn't stupid enough to prove my dad right and turn out to be weak and that's exactly how she thinks. After growing up my dad became my bitch. He might be strong but I'm stronger or smart but I'm smarter.

Besides all this, I have a secret. It's not that important but kind of humiliating. If people found out they would probably put a price on her head.

I knew Arabella and watched her as we were crudes together. Her behavior has changed a lot even though she's always been the same way. I didn't utter a word to her when we were younger though. I always thought she was so beautiful in her own way. Sure most girls I've been with are attractive but Arabella is different and I know people see it too. She's a different kind of beauty that makes you tolerate her behavior without an issue. If I didn't know why she was this way, I would've killed her in that event immediately but I'm not stupid.

I don't know what made her this way besides her mom abusing her in every way but that doesn't change a person as much as she changed. After I found out she was the best out there after my father told me I needed to get married for alibis, I knew it had to be her. But I also had my hesitations which are fucking me up right now.

I never hugged anyone in my life besides my mother and could not care less if a person needed it. I couldn't put my finger on why she was so terrified of showing her emotions. It earned me a punch or two when I cried when I was younger but it would never freak me out as much as she was.

She also looked so scared when I trapped her on the wall. I wanted to scare her but not in the way she was scared. Some bad shit happened in her life that doesn't concern me at all but I still want to know. I can't believe she's up there with me about being merciless. I watched what she did to Jeremy it's like she evolved into a demon. I've only seen another person do that and it's myself. I noticed the bleeping red light and decided to get some gas. I need to go to the bathroom to jerk off anyway, it hurts bad when I look at her right now.


Idk what to write here
Hope you enjoyed <3 please vote and comment if you want

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