XIV- Good girl

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Something changed in Rex yesterday. He acted so... protective? I don't know. After watching the movie he fell asleep on the couch and for the first time, I saw his true colors.

He looked so peaceful and comfortable when he slept which is the complete opposite of what he looked like during the day.

Now I know what Alina means because I see it in myself too. I don't know what Rex is to me but I don't want him to leave. I can't handle it yet.

If my mom ever saw a glance of comfort when I looked at Rex she would go insane.

It seemed like we were really distant now but I knew she had the spy's here. She kept tabs on me.

I had a feeling about who it was as well. "How long has the clinical testing guy been working here for?" I asked Rex after making sure my phone was away from me. He sighed comfortably before leaning back and looking at me.

"For like seven months. Why?" I've been here for six. "Nothing. I've just had the worst pain in my arm." He frowned. "Did I crush it?" He inspected it and I shook my head. "Uh. Arabella. You don't... You don't feel uncomfortable when I touch you right?" He looked absolutely pissed which made me frown as well.

Do I say it? Do I finally admit it to myself?

"I feel safe when you touch me. Like nothing can hurt me but you." I said without looking at him.

He gripped my chin lightly and made me look at him again. "I'm not going to hurt you, Arabella." I really hope he keeps his word.

I left to go to the clinical room and saw that guy again. He was looking at his computer. "Oh. It's you again." He smiled and I didn't return it. "Are you okay? Got a cut? twisted something? Or Dislocated?" I narrowed my eyes.

"What did you mean by saying 'You're the miracle I've been waiting for.'" I said coldly and he grinned.

"Have you met anyone here? You were really funny and sarcastic." He said as he looked through his notes as if he was searching for something.

"Oh. Okay." I mumbled and grabbed some medicine for my headache before walking out. He's definitely the spy. There's no way it's not him.

I saw Rex with the guy at the club at the entrance. The guy was overly excited again and I could see Cassandra walk behind her father with a bodyguard.

I wasn't really invested in Rex's business. I had to teach crudes and make them good at everything which was fucking hard.

There are thick-headed guys here who haven't seen me fight before and they think Rex assigned me to them so he could go easy on me. In conclusion, I'm going to kick their asses today since my arm is healed.

I nodded at the guy to acknowledge him and he sent me a wink which made Rex turn around and he looked at me angrily. I don't understand why he's so jealous. I was training some of the guy crudes today and they looked at me funny. Whispered to each other in laughs. There was this one guy that caught my attention because he was pointing at his shirt with both hands. Titties to be exact and looking at his friends smugly. "You," I yelled. Two guys pointed at themselves and one of them was the guy I was calling.

"Not you. The ugly one." I yelled again and I felt people climb up to the rink. They stood behind the lines though. When I looked there was Rex, Cassandra, and her father. "What's this?" I asked Rex who was leaning on the ropes with his arms on them. He looked extra sexy today for some reason. The mean look he had on made me feel some type of way. "Mr. Nakamura here has a hard time believing you're the best fighter out here after me." He said uninterested. "Oh." I narrowed my eyes. Stupid fucking mafia men. Only a few of them like Rex were aware of how strong I was, that's how I survived nineteen years and counting.

"How would you rate yourself at fighting?" I asked as he took his position in front of me. "Ten and that's me being humble." I grinned and he narrowed his eyes. "You know what happens if you go easy on me," I said and one of his friends yelled out. "Brock doesn't go easy on anyone!" Alright then. So I followed his steps as he swung at me. He was really buff and strong but also really slow which made me dodge all of them. I landed a kick on his stomach. "Swing your hits faster." I walked around him till he was able to let go of his stomach. He tried to do what Rex did by bolting but I was aware this time so I moved and when he turned I punched him. He landed one or two hits but they hurt bad. I did what I did to Dean and knocked him on his knees before kicking him in the face before he dropped back.

"That was boring." I extended my hand and the guy took it angrily. "I was distracted." I slapped him in the face because he squeezed my hand too tight.

"Don't make excuses for your mistakes," I mumbled to not embarrass him further and walked back.

"Throw knives." Mr. Nakamura said and I shrugged.

"Who wants to give it a go?" A guy walked towards me and grabbed a few knives. He threw them really nicely which satisfied me. "Alright. Now throw them around me." I said as I leaned on the big target far away from where the guy was standing.

"What?" He said annoyedly.

"You heard me. I'll give you the same cut if you land it on me." I warned him and he stumbled before gaining confidence again.

"Arabella!" I heard Rex yell. He gave me a warning look to move away from the target but this is a very effective way to teach people.

I know because that's how my mother taught me. I ducked right before the knife landed on my face.

"Come on you can't even do that!" The guy yelled angrily and I raised one eyebrow making him stumble again.

"Stand there." He looked scared.

"But... I said it out of anger-" I rolled my eyes.

"Stand there and don't be pussy. You're in a gang and scared of a knife cut." I said viciously and he got angry again before walking.

He flinched as I threw a knife right beside him.

"I wouldn't move," I warned him and he tried controlling his breath. I threw the rest of the knives and purposely landed one small cut right on his cheek.

"Oops," I said without smiling and he grabbed his cheek before walking away.

"Wow." I heard the guy sigh. "Do you give private lessons? I think my daughter could use those." He narrowed his eyes angrily on Cassandra. "Are we done here?" Rex said annoyedly. "Of course." They went back down besides Rex.

"Good girl." He winked before giving me a small smirk and following behind them.

That had no business being that sexy.


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