XVIII- He made me feel wanted

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I met up with Aiden and we walked to the car together. "Can you stop at a market nearby." I asked because I had something on my mind. "I have strict orders, I can't." I rolled my eyes. "Aiden I'm going to a fucking market. Your orders are to follow me around anyway." I grumbled and he sighed. He looked really out of it. "We'll be there in about five minutes." He said making me shut up. I got the ingredients and orange juice for extra because I liked it a lot with breakfast and Rex never had it in the house. We were home after a while and I changed before going to the kitchen. I'm going to bake chocolate chip cookies for the first time today.

I think I did a really good job was my first thought after putting the trey in the oven. The problems I had were because I didn't know where anything was and Rex didn't seem to cook or bake which is why I had to improvise for most stuff. I also cooked dinner because I had nothing to do before taking the cookies out and going to bed. I hesitated on going to Rex's bed but then went to mine instead. It would be weird if I went to his. I fell asleep after probably thirty plus minutes of turning.

I woke up with someone shaking me violently. "Don't-!" I heard myself scream before opening my eyes and being crushed into a chest. Rex's chest. I closed my eyes and held him back. The only good things about my nightmares was the fact that I didn't remember most of them after waking up. "You're okay, baby." Baby. Hmm. That put a smile to my face. I took a deep breath before pulling away and gasped when I saw the damage. He had a cut on his lip that didn't look that bad. One of his cheeks were red from probably someone punching it. He didn't look that damaged actually. "You good?" I asked after rubbing a eye.

"You're asking if I'm good? What was that?" He asked after narrowing his eyes with concern. "It happens a lot. I don't remember what I see, usually." I explained and he looked upset. "Are you hungry?" I asked. This caring about someone thing made me feel really good. I wonder if he felt it too. "Already ate. You're a great cook." I could feel how tired he was so I told him to go wear something comfortable. I got a few cookies from the plate I hid in the kitchen and poured some milk. I asked if he was decent and heard his laugh before walking in. He stumbled after looking at the plate and I smiled. "Probably not as good as the ones your mom ma-" He leaned forward and placed his lips to mine. I took a deep breath before kissing him back with the same energy then pulled away. "Did you uh-... know-" I nodded. "Alina told me." He grinned which made me grin as well. I want to punch myself in the face for how soft I've gone for this man.

"I could eat them all day." Rex spoke after coming back from the bathroom because he brushed his teeth after finishing the plate. I brought it back to the kitchen in meantime. He laid in the cowers as I sat next to him. I guess it's time to leave. "Goodnight." I gave him a lingering kiss which made him groan silently. "Stay." I narrowed my eyes. "I like holding you when I sleep." He had to admit since I wanted to know why. I licked my lips and nodded. He made me feel so... wanted. It made me want to cry and kiss the hell out of him at the same time. So I got in bed with him.

The next day went the same as usual besides the fact that Rex gave me dirty looks here and there. I wanted to jump him. "Hey... uh." I looked up after washing my face which was covered in sweat about five minutes ago. "Yeah?" I asked with my usual tone. "Do you want to get some lunch?" She asked like she expected me to beat her up. Meh. Fuck it.

"Sure." I dried my face and she stumbled. "Oh. Great. I know a place." I don't know why Cassandra didn't have any friends. I also knew her from when I was younger, she was so distant from everyone but also nice unlike me. I was social till my mom found out. I changed my clothes and we left after I talked with Cameron. He said Rex wouldn't be happy and I rolled my eyes after saying he could suck it. "Your mother murdered my father." She nodded as she said it and I narrowed my eyes. "I've known. You want to kill me yet? You know, for revenge." I muttered and she frowned. "No I don't want to kill you. I'm thankful actually." I choked on the nuggets in my mouth. "What?" I tensed up. "Yeah. I should've done it before her but I'm a coward." I was confused to say the least.

"But you cried?" I said. "I didn't know what kind of a favour she did to me till yesterday. It felt good to know that he wasn't controlling me anymore." I got angry. "Your dad loved you." I said from what I remembered as a kid. He was always fucking supportive of her and Cassandra's father was one of the only mafia leaders who actually loved the woman he married. It got her killed but at least he tried to save her and now hearing Cassandra say this bs makes me want to stab her.

"So what? Everyone loves their kids. He wasn't a good father. Always compared me to other kids. Especially you." She said viciously then took a deep breath. "I'm over it now. But I've always hated you growing up." I mean. So has everyone else. "I wish I could hate my mother only because she compared me to others." I sighed without looking at her. After the very uncomfortable conversation we hung out some more. "My dad couldn't even convince Rex that I would be a better wife. I know you're better at fighting but I'm better at connections which matter the most. Besides, I'm prettier." She joked the last part.

I know I'm not bad looking but no one made me feel worthy before Rex. Physically and personally. We walked back to the warehouse which was very far and I felt like dying. Cassandra was a good person, her one trait that pissed me the fuck off was that she didn't know how to shut the fuck up. "Are you in love with him already?" I widened my eyes and grimaced. "What?" I snapped and she shrugged. "I am." I rolled my eyes. "What? He said hi to you once and you're in love with him? Grow up." I muttered. "No. Like have you fucking seen him? Who wouldn't want to have him under them?" Her words were angering me for some reason. I felt like the teenager I am for the first time.

"I wouldn't." I lied and she rolled her eyes. I'll let it slide this time. Rex was at the door when we came back with a frown. It disappeared when he looked at me then came back when it landed on Cassandra.

"He likes you. He actually fucking likes you."


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