XXXVII- I won't let him do it.

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I woke up the next day and stretched in the bed before looking around. Rex had already gotten up before me as usual. I thought he left without me till I heard noises from downstairs. I slid to the edge of the bed and felt the soreness between my thighs. It was quite impossible to not notice. I went to my room quickly, keeping it in mind that Cameron and maybe even Will might be here.

I took a long, much needed shower before wearing some comfortable shorts and a loose shirt. There's no way I'm going to work today or maybe even tomorrow, maybe I'll go if I have to. I blow dried my hair and straightened it before putting a bit of concealer on and walking downstairs. The bags under my eyes were bothering me. Rex was asleep in the couch with breakfast made in the counter. It warmed my heart that he woke up early to do that for me. I walked in front of him and gently sat on his lap before wrapping my arms around him.

I may be a little addicted.

He hummed before wrapping his arms around me and gently squeezing. "How do you feel?" He asked with his voice deep from just waking up. "Like I just got railed." I said calmly and he smiled with his eyes closed. I just laid on him for a while as he played with my hair and there was a loud knock on the door. I flinched not knowing who it could be and Rex held my hand. "It's just Cameron." I nodded. "Oh." I got up before him and walked to the kitchen as he opened the door. "Bella." I heard Will and poked my head out of the room. He walked over to me completely ignoring Rex and I welcomed the much needed hug from him.

"Wow. Didn't know she had a soft spot." I heard Cameron mutter from the doorway and rolled my eyes at him, making him grin. "How are you? Seriously. Any injuries? I couldn't ask you yesterday from the shock." I saw Rex's mouth twitch up to a smirk. "Perfectly fine." I muttered before grabbing the plate Rex made for me and taking a bite from the toast. William had his eyes narrowed. "You're acting weird. You would be really anxious right about now but nothing." He said trying to understand the meaning behind it.

"I'm just glad she's fucking gone." I mumbled after finishing the food in my mouth. "You hungry?" I asked him and he shook his head. "Oh. So that's why." I looked at Cameron who had a smug look on his face and Rex seemed pissed off. Cameron nudged Rex's shoulder and Rex pushed him away before walking behind me. Cameron acted it off as he was just trying to tease Rex but he looked uncomfortable as fuck.

"Leonardo called." Cameron said making me choke. "He called me as well. I was busy." Rex said as he folded his arms and Cameron sighed. "We need to sit down and talk about this." He mumbled before leaving the kitchen and walking to the living room.

I could see that Rex was itching to touch me next to them which made me want to laugh. We sat at the table and I held my face in my fists as I waited for someone to speak. "You're oddly quiet for someone who just killed their mother." I narrowed my eyes and huffed. "I wish I'd done it sooner but then I wouldn't meet Rex." I shrugged and Cameron looked impressed but also uncomfortable at the same time. "Well, we got her crudes to our warehouse today. Cassandra was found dead in a room upstairs. We're thinking she killed herself but it doesn't look like it." He sighed and I raised my eyebrows. "Oh, I did that." I confessed proudly and Cameron was keeping a laugh.

"I'm impressed. I'm sure Rex would've done it if you haven't. Anyway, we also need to train those ones but apparently they're pretty good already. Arabella, you have a choice to start your own gang or they can join the Demolas." I looked away to think for a moment. Do I want my own gang? Fuck no. I want to be apart of Rex's. I bit my lip before turning back again. "No. Let them join Demolas." I said and he nodded. "Why?" I heard Rex ask as he sat beside me. "I just don't want to have a gang. Also you'll be unbeatable if they join you." I replied and he rested his hand on my thigh making me flinch because his hands were warm. It felt nice.

"That's perfect than. Rex you should really pick up Leonardo's call it's giving me anxiety." Cameron said as he rubbed his forehead. What do we do now? We got rid of my mother but there's still the big Leonardo factor still existing. "I'll take care of it." Rex replied and looked up from his phone. He looked really stressed out unlike before we started talking about this. "Rex you should probably come to the warehouse today." Cameron said hesitantly like Rex would explode but he didn't have the energy.

I walked upstairs as Cameron started explaining Will everything. Rex followed behind me as I expected. I placed my hands on my waist as he looked at me from the doorway with a playful smile.

I looked at him and motioned for him to come in front of me. He chuckled as he walked in front of me and I pushed him to the bed on a sitting position. I sat on his thighs and just stared at him as he wrapped his arms around me.

"I'm fine." I rolled my eyes and a naughty smirk replaced his face. "I wouldn't do that If I were you. You're giving me flashbacks." I couldn't help my smile when he poked my rib as an attempt to tickle me. I held his hands so he wouldn't succeed and he laid back before pulling me. "I don't know what to do with you." I heard him whisper and narrowed my eyes. "Love me." I kissed his cheek. "Touch me." I placed a lingering kiss on his lips. "Hold me." I kissed his other cheek as a grin reached his lips. "Own me." I kissed his lips again and pulled away.

"I love you." He said and made me want to cry again. "I love you." He grinned like a little spoiled child which brought a smile to my lips.

"Arabella. I don't want you to do anything stupid for me." I narrowed my eyes. "What does that mean?" I said softly. "If you have a choice like you did yesterday. I want you to live for me." I got taken aback. "Don't die for me because you're going to be the one to kill me if you do that." I pouted. "I don't want to live without you." I could live without him. I don't need Rex but I love him. "I know." He pulled me closer and I tucked my head under his chin.
"You guys ready?!" I heard Cameron yell from downstairs and Rex tensed. I got up before him and Rex held my hand as he walked downstairs with me following behind.

Everyone's eyes were on us and I knew almost everyone here besides Rex's old crudes. I can hear them go crazy about Rex touching me much less holding my hand. "Keep going!" I held Rex yell at the people who were training and let go of my hand to pull my closer by the waist. "Are you sure you want to show everyone us?" I asked and he nodded without hesitating. Okay then. "I'm going to check if everything's going fine. You in the meantime call Leonardo." Cameron said and left us. "What do I do?" William stood inside the room clueless. I walked to his side and wrapped one of my arms around his torso. He wrapped his arm around my shoulders and Rex sighed before picking up the phone and dialling the number.

Somethings up with Rex which puts a uneasy feeling in my stomach. He's definitely keeping shit from me. It might not be something that he's done but something he thinks of doing.

I won't let him do it.

"What?" He spoke in his usual stranger tone. I heard mumbling and yelling over the phone. "Of course she kills her. You gotta kill your own mother if you have to to survive. I don't get what's concerning you." Rex said aggressively and I heard the yelling come to an end. I couldn't hear anything. His eyebrows creased and I could see him go pale.

Whatever Rex is thinking  of doing won't end well for anyone.


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