LXXVII- Enemies

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I frowned as my breath was knocked out again. Harvey is hugging me. No matter how awkward, my hands are staying up on the air, he still didn't let go of me. He moved back after a few seconds and I realised my hands are still in the air before dropping them.

I cleared my throat as I looked at him and his large smile was replaced with a pout this time. "Sorry, I didn't know if you'd like that." He chuckled and I didn't know how to respond so I just silently nodded. "Will you be joining us because I'd absolutely love that. Although, it's completely fine if you want to stay as temptress." I wanted to say something but nothing came out, I was completely tongue tied.

For once in my life I had no words, no sarcastic remark, nothing.

"I think she has time to think about that. I haven't shown her room already." Elias cut the tension and I flinched to look at him. I nodded hurriedly and Harvey sensed the uneasy tension I had at the moment. "Alright, sweetheart, get some sleep. You'll stay home for the week."

Home. It does feel nice. But not like home, not like my home.

"N- No!" I cut off and shook my head. "I'll come start work tomorrow." I said as I raised my eyebrows. I expected him to be shocked or just refuse and turn it into a lecture maybe. The information I received in the past week and the harassment the week before was actually frying my brain but I don't care.

I need to kick ass. I want to.

"You're my daughter, alright." His face broke into a large grin and I took a step back. I fucking feel weird.

I feel sad? Also happy? What the fuck is that?

"Yeah." I muttered before Elias wrapped his hand around my wrist as he gently pulled me to the room. My room. The house is huge to say the least. I might need a fucking map or something since my sense of direction is the absolute shit. I felt like bursting into tears and didn't know how long I could hold them before doing so. I need to kick Elias out immediately.

My room was completely different than any room I've lived in. It was as large as my old living room back in the apartment. A bed in the center of the end of the room with a large window. There was a bench next to the window with cushion and a small purple pillow. There was my own fucking closet room. I have like two different outfits I wear for work. A large bathroom with a fucking bathtub in the middle and a toilet that had a censor. "I'll just settle down." I told Elias after he gave me a tour and he shook his head.

"No need to. There's people coming here tomorrow to place your stuff." I don't know what to say to that. Appreciate it? Cool? Oh wait, yeah. "Thank you." I said quietly and I could tell he knew that I wasn't used to any of this. "Don't mention it." He said before a smile and walked out. I walked back to my room and felt the cushions in the bed.

There was a jasmine room scent in the small desk. Jasmine green tea bags resting on the table.

"You have a weird obsession with jasmine." I narrowed my eyes. "Now, you're giving me very stalker vibes." I said and he rolled his eyes. "Really? Jasmine green tea bags everywhere. Jasmine perfume. You made it your phone background."

I shook my head aggressively and sat down with my knees pressed up to my chest. Don't start, Arabella. You're doing so good.

No I'm not.

You're not welcomed in Rex's life Arabella. He makes you feel like it. Get up and walk away.

But I can't.

I don't want to.

I finally let the tears drop and I know they won't stop till the morning. "Meowww." I flinched up and rushed to my bag to take out Sheilah. I put her food down with water next to it before going back to my old position. She was by me a minute later and I saw something wrapped on her stomach.

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