C- Epilogue

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I was laying beside Rex at night and couldn't feel him next to me which made me snap my eyes open. He had actually brought us a house from Romania. I didn't think he'd do it this soon but he did. It was just the rest of the gang which was taking long to relocate and that's why we still haven't left his house.

I spoke to Harvey about it as well and he didn't argue with me about it. Not that he could change my mind and he knows that. I rubbed my eyes and got up from Rex's bed. I had decided to take a nap and Rex stayed with me till I fell asleep but we accidentally slept all night. He was still in recovery from the cuts on his stomach and I kept a closer eye on him.

I took off my pyjamas and wore one of Rex's shirts and some black shorts. I walked downstairs quietly like a creep so that he wouldn't hear me coming to watch what he has been doing.

He was shirtless, hair newly washed and wet. He had jeans hanging down his waist, giving me a perfect view of his v line and I just bit my lip as I watched the sight of him flipping pancakes.

He placed them on the table and washed his hands before going his hand through his hair. "I made all this but if you want to eat me instead... Say less." He turned around and stared at me which made me slightly widen my eyes. I was biting on the nail on my thumb as he walked closer to me till our chests touched. He moved my hand from my mouth and his hands made their was down my waist to my ass and squeezed as he captured my lips.

I slightly gasped into his mouth as my hands rested on his biceps and he pulled away before he lost control. I noticed that he also changed his bandages after showering which satisfied me.

I finished everything on my plate slowly as we talked. "Now, I'll do the dishes. You go and wear one of those sexy dresses you have." I narrowed my eyes and looked at him after finishing my jasmine green tea.

"What?" I asked as I put the mug down. "Go wear a dress, wear red lipstick for me and stain me all day long, Arabella. I made plans." I bit my lip as I tried to process and think. Plans? "It's not a event right?" I asked and he shook his head.

"Just us two walking around." A smile creeped up to my lips uncontrollably. "Why do I have to wear a dress?" He shrugged and motioned me that he was zipping his mouth now. I rolled my eyes before getting up and did as he said.

I wore the dark blue skinny dress I had worn the first day we met and applied red lipstick. The dress wasn't making me uncomfortable as I moved and I decided it popped my eyes although they're green.

I walked downstairs and saw that Rex was no longer shirtless, unfortunately. He was dressed nicely in a black shirt and leather jacket on top of his jeans. I still don't understand what all this is about though.

He looked up and watched as I cat walked in front of him and smiled when I posed. "You look really beautiful." I sighed and flipped my hair before grabbing his hand. "Tell me something I don't know." He let out a laugh and locked the door before walking with me. "Where?" I asked and he narrowed his eyes at me before intertwining our fingers.

Oh and I also didn't tell him something important...

Alina had been feeling amazing and she promised to hang out with me after leaving the hospital which she did a week afterwards. We hung out a while ago and Rex had been at work because he refused to rest for another week.

Then I had a impulsive thought out of nowhere but I genuinely don't regret it.

I got his name tattooed.

He had my initial on his right ring finger. I had Rex written on the side of my ring finger and Devilman written right on top of my... 'private part' because why the fuck not? It also had devil wings next to it and everything which made it look sexier.

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