LVIII- Returning the favour

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Arabella's POV

I don't want to keep it to myself anymore, it's killing me.

"He took me to his mothers house and I've been there before so it didn't seem like anything. Do you know Maria?" He nodded and I gulped before looking away. "We were alone for a second because he was being distant from me. I don't think he realised but I did. It was like he was planning something, hiding phone calls and I didn't say anything too one day. He said it wasn't important and it was about business but he's always told me about business till that day."

"Maria told me Rex went to see her daughter. Apparently they're childhood friends and shit. She told me that she's kissed him and they used to do that as kids as well, obviously also more than just kissing. I thought she was a lunatic but everything made sense in the moment. Then he left for a whole day and came late, I didn't want to be psychotic but I don't have blonde hair." I explained and Carmelo watched me with wide eyes. "He wouldn't." He said surprisingly and I nodded. "He did." I leaned back and just kept looking outside the window. "And I'm going to make him pay." I turned back at him and saw him nod.

"Still wanna' hear my opinion?" I shook my head. I knew what to do. "I'm going to take the deal. I'm going to find the man and try to arrange things the easy way and if not just get rid of Harvey. I'm going to make him lose my challenge and then get rid of him." I explained and Carmelo looked at me like I'm a lunatic. "I'm here for you." He said after I got up. I nodded at him. "That means a lot." With that I walked past his bedroom to walk to mine and closed my door gently.

I opened my computer and got into work after texting Julian. I searched the guy for a whole week and came up with only one location. Their old warehouse. I decided to check it out and wore comfortable clothes before leaving. "Want me to come along?" Carmelo asked as he laid down on the couch. He's been slacking off from work the whole week. Probably because the demolas were too busy as they searched for the guy. I know how hard the devilman can push them because I can emphasise.

I wouldn't have mercy either.

"I'm good for this one. You should go work out or something." I suggested and he nodded. I know that he wants to be involved with something to keep himself busy. I didn't grab my bag this time since it was already in my car and just took the elevator. Maybe Rex has already been there? Whatever. I'm not going to keep my mind negative. I drove there quickly and hopped out of the car after parking somewhere far but not too far. I grabbed my weapons and held onto the gun which was in my waistband.

I started walking behind the entrance and entered the warehouse from a broken window. They probably left this place early since everything was dusty and broken. The whole place was trashed. I looked around for a clue ant type of clue I could get that would help me find this asshole. I heard a chattering noise behind me and grabbed my gun from my waistband. I almost shot the creature that made the noise and hardly stopped myself from pulling the trigger.

"Goddamnit. What are you doing here?" I patted the fat cat. Sheilah won't enjoy touching me when I return now, she gets jealous.

I got back up after playing with the cat a little bit and saw a piece of paper in the desk which was locked. The paper was sticking out from the top and the desk still seemed to be locked. I almost shot the lock then decided it would be stupid since the paper would also get ruined with it. I saw a small metal pole in the corner of the room where the trash all seemed to be gathered. I grabbed it and started bashing the lock till the cabinet opened. I grabbed the papers and put them on my bag quickly. I heard another noise and was sure that this one didn't belong to the fat cat.

"Couldn't find shit." I said loud enough for them to hear and held onto my gun again. I heard snickering and saw the tall shadow behind me. I elbowed them in the face making the guy yell out in pain. "Fucking whōre!" I was slammed on the ground the next second. "What? Testing my reflexes again?" I asked after getting on top and sitting on his lap. "Bitch." I heard him mutter before grabbing my hands and placing them behind myself before getting on top of me again. "You're asking for another one." He said as he held both my hands with one of his and the other hand was tracing my scar that was on my neck.

"Give it to me then. Make this one sting longer." I said as I leaned onto his face and heard his deep inhale.

But a slight red light caught my attention.

"Cameron make her get out of here." I heard the devilman mutter and kicked his side to free myself.

"Let go of me, moron! I need to see something." He did as I said hesitantly and I pushed myself back up. I got closer to the wall without looking up and heard the silent resounding beep. I took a few steps back till I slammed into a chest. He didn't move.

"Are you watching us?" I asked as I stared directly at the small object on the wall. I crossed my arms and The Devilman looked at me like I was crazy. "Rex, look." Cameron pointed at the direction I was staring at. The light wasn't on when I entered. Nor the sound of beeping was audible. I smiled wickedly.

I grabbed the cabinet and moved it to the corner of the room. It wasn't tall enough. "Come here." I told Cameron and he didn't budge. Instead the Devilman made his way over to me. He had his eyebrow raised. I got on his shoulders and reached up, stretching my back. I hit the back of the camera slightly till it fell and I caught it in the air before it fell and possibly broke. I jumped off of him and held onto the camera.

I left the room keeping that smile and ignored everyone else.

Harvey's playing games with us.

He knows we're looking for them and deceiving our ways. But I'm smarter than that and sadly so is the Devilman.

I felt him grasp my forearm and pull me to him. "What do you thing you're doing?" He asked, implying that I cannot leave with the camera. "Being useful unlike you. You're following my footsteps Devilman." I said quietly so Cameron wouldn't hear.

"What happened to always being ten steps ahead?" I traced his cheek and his baby hairs bit into the skin on my fingers. He stared at me with fury. "That's what I thought." I grabbed my knife before he could notice and sliced his arm.

Not deep enough that he would pass out from blood loss but deep enough to need stitches.

I'm just returning him the favour.

I ran away as Cameron rushed to him and heard him order Cameron to get me. But I was far too gone till he could even catch up to me much less see where I went.

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