XCII- I don't want to be alone anymore

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I stirred around the bed as I felt myself gain consciousness again. I let out a deep breath and moved my head up to see my surroundings. Rex was sitting in the chair next to the hospital bed I was sleeping in. I couldn't see Harvey or Elias anywhere in the room but that's not what surprised me.

Rex's arms were crossed as he looked straight ahead to the wall. His jaw clenched and eyes narrowed with a hint of red in his cheeks. He looked hurt, upset and angry.

So angry...

"Rex." My voice came out high pitched and he moved his gaze to me. He stood up hurriedly and walked over to me after taking a deep breath. He moved my hair away from my face and kissed my forehead. Leaving his lips longer than I expected and it felt funny when he moved away. The door opened revealing Harvey. I'm sure Elias was sitting outside somewhere or just dealing with the shit that happened yesterday.

"How are you?" Harvey asked weirdly and I narrowed my eyes before nodding. "I just got shot, it's happened before. I'm good." I added and the look in his eyes stayed there making my stomach twist. "I'll be outside if you need me." I nodded again and frowned as I looked back at Rex.

He pursed his lips then clenched his teeth again as he tried to open his mouth to speak to me.

But I knew what he was about to say, I studied it.

"I know Rex." I said as I closed my eyes tightly and looked up. "You knew?" He asked out of breath and I shook my head. "I guessed it when I started bleeding out of nowhere." My voice broke slightly and I creased my eyebrows as my eyes squeezed tight.

He's been thinking about it, that's why he's so hurt.

"I'm here, Bella. It's okay." He laid down next to me and I curled up into his chest. I bit my lip as I focused on my breathing. "How many months?" I asked still breathless and he played with my hair. "Almost two." So new then. I licked my lips as I pouted uncontrollably. I don't really care since I wasn't ready for one anyway but it hurt Rex and that's why it made me so sad.

"I'm sorry." I mumbled into his shirt and he breathed heavily. "Sorry for what, Arabella? None of us knew. It would be stupid for me to blame someone. It's alright." He said too quickly and kissed my forehead again. I sighed and his my face in his neck. "I didn't think you'd want anyone else knowing so it's just me and Harvey." I felt really grateful for that since I really did not want anyone else to know. Especially Cameron, William and Elias.

"I don't want you to work for a week, minimum." I tried raising my head but he cupped the back of it and laid me back down again. "I don't want to hear a protest, Arabella. I'll never take it out on you but I can't begin to explain how furious I am." I shut up and pouted again.

I was about to fall asleep but his phone startled me by ringing loudly. "Something wrong?" I raised my head slightly to get a look of his face as he shook his head. "Hey." He answered the phone softly and I know who only gets to hear that tone from Rex.

Does Alina know that I came back?

I bet Rex hasn't said anything and I wouldn't blame Alina from hating me now. She would probably spit at me or slap me next time she's around. That thought made me sigh deeply and breathe Rex in. I missed him so much, it's crazy how I could recognise his scent. "Kelly told you we're at the hospital? How the fuck does she know?" He sighed and I bit the inside of my cheek.

He put the phone on speaker when I leaned my ear on the phone to hear. "Maria accidentally spilled that... Is she back Rex? Why didn't you tell me about it?" I widened my eyes slightly as they caught Rex's stare. "We had to work together and then I found out why she left, mom." He spoke still keeping the gentle octave.

"Why? Rex I've never seen you hit rock bottom like that, I hope you aren't doing a mistake like what Maria told me." I narrowed my eyes at Rex and he had the same look on his face which was replaced with fury the next second. "Yeah? What did she say?" He asked still sweetly so his mother wouldn't keep her mouth shut.

"How she was with other people when she wasn't around you last year. Didn't she leave you for someone, Rex? I didn't think you'd see her again but I also couldn't believe she'd ever cheat on you. I really loved Arabella, you know that." I frowned as my breath got deep again. Kelly better hide when my fucking break is over or I'll end it all for her. "No mom, she didn't cheat on me. I mean to ask you, have you seen people walking around the house more than usual?" Rex asked and the answer was worse than expected.

"Yes, I actually have new neighbours and besides that I've been seeing new people everywhere." Rex rubbed his face and but his lip tightly before speaking up again. I could see the frustration in his eyes and how tired he looked. "Pack all your stuff, I'm going to pick you up tomorrow morning." My frown turned into a pout as I grabbed his hand.

"You're scaring her." I whispered gently and he took a deep breath. "I thought you'd like hearing the story from me and Arabella, that's why I want you to stay with me for a bit." Rex explained and I nodded at him satisfied. "Oh- Okay." She started speaking in Romanian to someone else and I narrowed my eyes as Rex listened carefully. "Nu o lua pe Maria cu tine, mama." Rex said now his tone changing completely. I haven't heard him speak that way to his mother before. He put the phone off speaker and spoke for a bit more before hanging up.

"I have no idea what the fuck is wrong with Maria. The lies don't even make fucking sense unless they have a past like yours, how does my mother believe that bullshit?" He asked before getting up and went his hand through his hair. "I'm not leaving you alone whether Harvey likes it or not." I nodded hurriedly.

I don't want to be alone anymore.

"Stay with me. Back in Harvey's place, he won't protest if he knows." Rex nodded and threw the covers off of me. I was wearing what they gave me at the hospital. There was another knock on the door next second and William walked in with Cameron.

"Can't stay out of trouble, can you." William hugged me gently before dropping his arms. "I am trouble." I said after grabbing the bag they put on my lap. "We'll leave. Will just wanted to see her." Cameron explained to Rex and no words came out from Rex's mouth. He just nodded and got the clothes from the bag. "I hope it was William who picked these for me." I said picking up the black thong and Rex's mouth curved up a little.

"You think I'd let anyone else go through your underwear." He said as he grabbed the dress and pulled it over my head. I didn't even have a bra on which I couldn't complain about since it feels better this way.

Rex helped me wear everything but the bra. I narrowed my eyes as he threw it back in the bag and helped me wear the black shirt. He examined me as I stood up and it felt uneasy to walk on my leg. It didn't hurt but didn't feel right either. "Oh!" I gasped when Rex leaned down to pick me up and he carried me to his car like bridal style.

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