LXXXIX- Tell me about your demons and let me love you anyway

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I left the place with Elias hurriedly and rubbed my face. Lorenzo Rossi? Why hasn't Rex ever mentioned him before? It's so understandable that he hates Rex because we just killed his brother together. He's been poking Rex all along and I never got a word from him. I clutched my phone tightly as our people took care of Gavin and the guards. Elias hurriedly texted some people as I received the names from Gavin. 

Dumb idiot thought he could get out of there and then snitch on me to his father.

"I need to... I gotta' go." I told Elias out of breath and he narrowed his eyes not satisfied because I didn't explain to him anything about what's making me worried. "I'll drive you to the Demola's." I nodded and got into the car again. "I'll explain why I'm so worried, I just need to talk to Rex first." I said to Eli's and he nodded. "Better hurry because when this info reached Harvey,  he won't be very patient with the explanation." I nodded and got out of the car.

I walked to the large entrance hurriedly and scanned quickly before getting in. I ran to Rex's office but it was locked. What the fuck? I was just about to turn back and ask someone before it unlocked and a flash of blonde caught my attention. "Oh shit. I thought you were Rex." Kelly rolled her eyes at me and I pushed past her. The room was empty.

I took out my phone and called him. "Rex." I said out of breath and it sounded like he was on a car. "Yes? Anything wrong?" He asked quickly and I cleared my throat. "No. Wait. Fuck yes somethings wrong. Where are you?" I asked slightly raising my voice. Seeing Kelly locked in Rex's room pissed me off even more.

"Five minutes away from the warehouse." He said calmly, guilty. I sighed and rubbed my forehead. "Alright, I'm in your office." I said and the other end was silent so I hung up on him. He's upset that I found out about Lorenzo. That even made me furious.

"Kelly get out." I said pointing at the door. "I have to talk to Rex. I've been waiting before you." I nodded with a smile. "Okay then. I mean, yeah, if you've been waiting for longer you can stay." I nodded and she sighed before turning back to her phone, bothered by me.

The next second I got a handful of blond hair and wrapped it around my hand before pulling. "Ouch! What the fuck?!" I dragged Kelly on the ground and pulled her out of the room by her hair. I let go when she stood up behind the door and kicked her on the ground before closing the door.

Now, that, felt fucking amazing.

I locked the door and paced around the room. I unlocked the door since Rex will be here soon and sat on his desk with my arms crossed. The door opened revealing a very dressed up Rex. He was wearing a button up shirt again and dark hair messy as usual. He looked mouthwatering.

I'm getting ahead of myself.

I didn't drop my frown when his face broke into a sweet smile but I know the devious meaning behind it. He placed both his hands beside me on the desk after throwing his coat on the couch and locking the door. "Don't give me that look, Rex. I'm angry." I said raising my eyebrows slightly and his smile grew.

He leaned onto my ear and whispered. "Have I ever told you about how sexy you look when you're angry." He pressed a kiss on my jaw next and I accidentally whimpered before rolling my eyes and pushing him off aggressively. He tried to walk away next but I pulled him by his belt and wrapped my legs around him tightly.

"Lorenzo Rossi. He absolutely despises you and made deals with thirteen different fucking gangs to bring you down, Rex." I said now my frown coming back and felt my face being hot. I could feel my cheeks heat up from his frown. "I didn't know it was thirteen but we have some names." He said as he gripped the sides of the desk this time. I could see his anger rising as well.

"I have all the names. I came to know who the fuck Lorenzo is." He blinked surprisedly and I took out my phone and opened the notes. "Here." I took a screenshot and sent him the messages as he watched. "How?" He asked and I shrugged. "We had a meeting today and the guy happened to mention Lorenzo and you. I threatened him to give me the names and now he's back at our place." He nodded and walked away from the desk.

"Come here." He sat in his chair and I walked around to sit on his lap.

"Lorenzo is my uncle. Growing up he was around a lot more than my father, unfortunately. He did some things..." he took a deep breath before looking away from my eyes like he was embarrassed to keep going. I don't like him feeling that way when it comes to me.

"It's me, Rex. You can tell me." I reassured him as I played with his hair gently. "You know everything about me, everything I went through."

"Tell me about your demons and let me love you anyway." I said confidently yet so gently which made him turn to stare back at my eyes. He grabbed my hand that rested on his chest and planted a kiss before intertwining our fingers.

"Leonardo took over the gang even though I killed the leader and said we'll lead together when I'm old enough. I didn't refuse at the time because it made sense. Lorenzo had a obsession with my mother of some kind, he beat me up because I wasn't his when Leonardo wasn't around and promised to kill my mother if I said a word to Leonardo. He took advantage of my mother and I couldn't do anything to stop him at first but then again, I've always had anger issues."

"The anger pushed me to be more committed. I couldn't leave the cabin house unless someone dragged me out of there every time. I would work for hours till my body gave up on me and one day I was just... I snapped and fought back."

He raised his hand and showed me his missing finger. I narrowed my eyes and pursed my lips. "I saved my mother out of that one but this was the consequence." He raised his left hand and I saw that he meant his finger that was missing.

"Than Leonardo found out about how his brother beat me up for his entertainment. I got so many bruises and scars I couldn't explain to him and they all came undone in one day. But Leonardo didn't care. He just got more guards so Lorenzo wouldn't be there when he wasn't." He explained and I bit my lip.

"Cameron?" I asked since I know about Alina bringing Cameron to live with them. "Cameron came late every day because he went to school while I took it online for middle school. I didn't want My mom alone." I laid my head on his chest to show him that I'm here. "We'll take down the gangs together even if Harvey says no. I'll help you." I raised my head as I stared at him. His cheeks were burning and they were red.

But I don't think it's from anger this time.

"Yeah. That's not the hard part. I didn't want to tell you because... I don't know why honestly. I just don't like remembering it." I nodded understandingly. "Is there any other secret I need to know about before it comes knocking on our door?" He shook his head and I relaxed.

"I'll talk to Harvey for you since I'm going to have to explain why we got Gavin back anyway. I'm sure he'll help but I can't say I know for sure." I explained and he looked like he wanted me to drop the topic and so I did.

I grabbed his left hand and gently pressed my lips on the missing part before kissing and held it tightly.

"I love you." He said into the silence again and I gulped. "I love you." He cupped my face and kissed me like how I wanted to ever since I came here.

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