Chapter 12

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Finley's POV:
We sat in the 'spanking chair' for a little while in silence.

Well, that silence didn't last long till I broke it. 

"Daddy... I'm willing to give this a try- but I don't know how to get into 'headspace' is it like a huh thing or something?" I said genuinely confused on why he was laughing. 

"Finley baby, leave me getting you into headspace.. you just act like the little boy you are." He says.. guess that means I can't call him Satan anymore... fuck.

After we got done talking we were about to leave the nursery until I remembered my blanket in the crib and the dinosaur plushy in the stuff bin. 

"Daddy wait- can mehs get my bwankie and stuffie pwease?" I say in a baby voice. 

He nods his head and goes over to the crib, he lets me get the blanket and stuffie.

He carried me out of the room and once we were out he tried to carry me down the hall. 

But I started bouncing. 

"Downs Dada Downs" I said.

"No, Little babies like you can't walk." He replied. 

Oh hell nooo.

"Daddy I said Downs NOW!" I screamed the last part.

"And I said no, Finley." He replied calmly. 

Why can't I just be put down... Whatever.

I just rest my head in his neck which I find the best place to put my head. 

And we continue down the stairs and into the living room, once we were in the living room I snuggled into my dinosaur blanket and stuffed animal.

All I hear is Laura and Marco arguing- why do they argue so much. 


I knew she was talking to me so I began crying- I just started to warm up to this whole thing and she has to say stuff like that...

Daddy heard everything she said and asked Sofia to take me outside to see the doggys, she nodded and took me in her arms.

Once I was outside my sniffles subsided and I became excited to see the doggys.

This Pitbull and this Rottweiler come running out and immediately stop at me and start sniffing me- I just giggle I've always loved dogs they are my favorite animals other than dinosaurs.

They seemed to like me which I was very happy about Sophia told me that the Pitbulls name was Bruno and the Rottweilers name was Rocco, I loved their names it was so cute. 

We played outside for a little bit with the doggys until Daddy came out, once he saw me he smiled.

"Hey Bub, Are you having fun with the Doggys?" He asks "Mmhm, I dink Mawco cheating Daddy." I say while pouting which causes him and Sophia to laugh.

He picks me up and places me on his hip I just whine wanting to play with the doggy's more "Little boy, you have to eat din din first.. If you're good during dinner I might let you sleep a little later so you can come back out and play with the doggy's...Deal?" he asks I quickly nodded my head and bounce up and down.

Hey guys, Sorry that the chapter is short today and it's kind of late, but I am going to be releasing a 'special Christmas' chapter tomorrow!! It's going to be Christmas for me tomorrow that's why I'm uploading it tomorrow. I hope everyone has an amazing Christmas and please be careful during the holidays!!! Byeeee♥️♥️!!!

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