Chapter 2

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Finley's POV
I sprinted over to my grandma to make sure she was okay, her nose was bleeding and she was crying.

 she kept saying "I'm sorry Finley" over and over again, I was confused on why she was sorry when she got soccer punched in the face.

 "It's okay Nona, just please let me help you and grandpa inside." I told her, she quickly nodded her head and I brought her inside first.

 When I went back outside to get my grandpa, I saw all the men hovered over him.

 I sprint over to him and shimmy my way through those assholes, as soon as I reach my grandpa he was unconscious.

 I got so furious seeing him with already forming bruises and fresh cuts all over his face.

 I make a very impulsive move and punch the first guy closest to me, little did I know it was the guy that was holding me while my grandparents were getting beat the fuck up. 

I didn't feel too bad for him knowing he was holding me back from my grandparents, but when I punched him I heard a lot of gasps and I saw someone pull their gun out.

 He on the other hand looked really really mad... I think I just shit myself if looks could kill... I would be more than dead. 

I'm not gonna lie he is pretty hot, but that's beside the point- He signaled for his men to lower his gun and take my grandpa inside.

 He quickly took my arm and gripped it hard, he drug me to one of the big scary SUVs and put me inside of it.

 I was too scared to move and too scared to scream, he put me in front of him in the car to where I was sitting on his lap.

 He looked me dead in the eyes and said the most disgusting words I have ever heard "Listen here little boy if you think you can act up and punch me in the face you have another thing coming." He said it in a very angry and disappointed tone- to say I was scared is an understatement, but I won't show him I'm scared.

 I crossed my arms and let out a huff and said "You really think I care about what you have to say? You held me back while my innocent grandparents were getting hit by your goons." I huffed out, I should've kept my mouth close because what happened next was awful. 

He gave me a very cold glare and pushed me over his lap to where my torso was over his lap and my legs were between his legs and my butt was propped up. 

I started squirming trying to get up, but that only made him angrier. He swatted my butt through my shorts and told me if I didn't stop moving he was going to spank me bare and regret it for days... holy fuck.

Angelo's POV:
I have him over my lap terrified and trembling. 

He well deserves this and he should know it, I'm debating if I should spank him now or wait until he is fully mine. 

I put my hand on the small of his back and tell him "Listen little Fin, If I ever catch you using potty words or putting your hands on someone else again, I won't be this lenient do I make myself clear?" I say to him in my Daddy voice which makes him squirm and quickly nod his head. 

"Words Finley" I growl out. 

"Yes, I understand." He mumbles out, leaving me halfway pleased with his answer, I pull him up to where he is just sitting on my knee and I pull closely into his ear and whisper in the deepest voice I could muster which isn't that deep since my voice is naturally deep. 

"If you ever decide to slap daddy or curse at daddy again, I will belt your little bottom bare until you can't walk the next day... you will be mine soon Finley.. soon." And with that, I let him up and out of the car and my men load into the car to go back to the safe house. 

What an amazing day.

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