Chapter 17

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Finley's POV:

I woke up in Daddy's arms... I remember exactly what happened- I started shaking and Daddy tried comforting which only made me burst out into tears.. He hates me.. He doesn't even want me- Why does he even have me...

"Shhh baby boy shhh.." He whispers- which does make me calm down only because his voice always made me calm down..

I whimper as he pulls me closer to him- He seems to notice and looks concerned. "Hey baby boy, tell Daddy what's wrong.." He says concern laced in his voice.. "Chu dont wants fwnley anymorws Daddy.." I whimper out with some slight sniffles here and there- "Who told you that baby?" He chuckles out "Larwa.." I whisper.. His grip around me immediately tightens.. I hear him mumble something under his breath but it was hard to make out all I heard was 'kill' 'bitch' 'fucking' - uhhh okayyyyyy

Daddy rubs my back up and down and tells me to tell him everything she said to me.. I started pouring it allllll out to him- I'm usually not one to tattle on people but that bitch- ooooohhhh that bitch deserves whatever hell is coming towards her.

Daddy just clinched his jaw and was breathing heavy- "Baby boy, I want you to know that I love you with all my heart. You are my life, I would never and I mean NEVER let anything or anyone hurt you. Laura is going to get the worst things that even Satan can't handle. I'm so so sorry baby.. I love you okay? I would never give you up no matter how cranky you are or how stinky or sticky you are.. Daddy loves you and will never ever give you up or let ANYTHING happen to you." He says to me.. Damn- He really lo-loves me? My real dad was extremely abusive towards me.. I- I've always wanted this.. I've always wanted a dad to give me a child hood.. Is this my chance? Is he my chance?

I cuddle into him and cling onto him for dear life- He just chuckles and kisses the top if my head. Sophia and Marco soon come into the living room where me and Daddy were sitting.. Sophia rushes over to me and looks at my neck- I just realized that I had a bandage on it.. She smothers my face in kisses "Ughhh gosh why do you have to be so cute Finley- I swear that Laura bi- I mean Butt head doesn't know what's coming to her.." Sophia rushes out while letting a few tears slip from her pretty eyes- I just giggle at her and hug her.. "Sophia can you watch him while I go to the basement to finish my work?" He ask her- She looks serious for a second and then just nods- Oh hell no.. I'm not being separated from my Daddy.. I began whining and thrashing in her arms, She finally lets go and I rush over to Daddy- He picks me up and says "What's wrong little one?" He looks at me with a funny smirk on his face.. I just place my thumb in my mouth and say- "I stwy wif Dada." He chuckles- "I'm sorry baby but Daddy has to go deal with some work downstairs.. Aunt Sophia reallly wants to play with you though- Do you wanna go play with her baby?" He says with a playful grin on his face.. I shake my head no and lay it on his shoulder.. He sighs and rubs my back.. "Baby, Daddy really has to go downstairs.. Would you please play with Aunt Sophia just for a little bit? Daddy promises to be right back okay?" He says while taking my thumb out and replacing it with a pacifier that Marco gave him..

I'm now really curious into what's downstairs.. What's more important then me?

"Daddy, wat downs der?" I ask him.. He tenses up for a split second then goes back to normal.. "Just some boring wood work and paper work Daddy has to finish.." He says.. I don't question it- If it's that important it must be for a good reason to leave the awesome amazing handsome gracious Finley behind- *Hair flips* Whateverrrrr.

He sets me down next to Sophia after I agree to play with her.. Great- She has no dramatic acting in her at all- Gosh what am I going to do with her.

After what felt like hours Daddy FINALLY comes back from downstairs.. Weird he put a lock on the door-

He comes over to where me and Sophia were and he picks me up.. "Hey baby, Did you have fun playing with Aunt Sophia?" He ask- I completely ignore his question and stare at that locked door.. He catches my gaze and follows it.. Once he sees where I'm looking he sighs.. "You are to never and I mean NEVER go down those stairs.. If I catch you down there.. There will be huge consequences to pay little boy, do you understand?" He says with a serious Daddy tone.. I quickly nod my head and say 'Yes sir." He smiles and kisses my head..

"Alright, Who's ready for lunch?"


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