Chapter 67

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Finley's POV:

When we got home I ran inside and threw my book bag down by the door.

If you want to sum my day up into one word.. it would have to be shit.

I run to the game room where I'm gonna wait for Ameer so we can play COD.

I heard the front door open again so I got the controllers ready.

"Finley James." I heard Dad boom out.

I just rolled my eyes and made my way to the front door.

"Yes?" I asked.

"First off where is your book bag by the front door, and secondly why aren't you doing homework." Dad asked me while he took his jacket off.

Yeah- I don't wanna do any of that.

I just threw myself on the floor and let out an annoyed huff.

"Finley.. You can play video games after you finish your homework. Even Ameer is doing his homework right now." Dad said to me.

"But I don't wanna do it." I pouted out.

"Well you're going to have to do it, now hop up and either do your homework in here or in your room." Dad said as he took my backpack in his hands.

"Can I just do it laterrr.." I whined out.

"No, I said you're doing it now. The longer you wait to do your homework the longer you don't get to play your video games." Dad explained to me.

You know this floor is really comfortable.

"Dad can I do it in your officeee?" I said dragging out the 'e' maybe he'll let me.

"No, I told you were you could do your homework- I don't care if you even do it in the living room. But my office is a no go bubba." He said calmly to me.. I guess he can tell I'm about to throw a fit and he's not trying to escalate that.

I stood up and stomped to him and snatched my bag out of his hands.

When I turned around I got a very sharp smack on my behind.

I whined and rubbed my bootay.

"What was that forrr." I whined out.

"It was for that unnecessary attitude. If you keep it up I'll have you over my knee now go do your homework young man." Dad said sternly to me as he pointed to the stairs.

Before I walked away I asked one more thing.

"Can I do my homework with Ameer?" I asked nicely.

"As long as you do it then I don't see why not." He said as he made his way to the back door.

I hurried upstairs and barged into Ameer's room.

He was sitting on his bed with his papers spread out and he was eating a lollipop.

"Oh hey bubby." Ameer said as he looked away from his papers and put his gaze on me.

"Hey meme, wanna do our homework together?" I asked as he I started going into his room.

"Hm, sure." He replied.

I threw my stuff on his bed and we started working.
We were working for about an hour and then we were finally done.

"Meme, wanna go play COD?" I asked him as I was putting my stuff in my book bag.

"Sure- I call the blue controller!" He screamed out.

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