Chapter 25

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Finley's POV:

A few days passed after that incident with my sloth that I couldn't have for a week., Daddy said that if I was a good boy he would let me have my Dino toys and tv backs just not my sloth.. Bitch ass bitch.

I am currently playing with Bruno and Rocco outside throwing the ball with them and playing tag- Yes you can play tags with dog prove me wrong.

All of a sudden my head was feeling fuzzy and I began to feel much more.. younger? I was giggling and clapping my hands together and babbling words out. What's going on?

I was sucking on my thumb and rocking back and forth giggling at anything I saw.. The dogs just sat beside me and licked my face which made me giggle out more.

I soon heard footsteps come from behind me so I turned around and saw Daddy- my mouth involuntarily started talking.. What the hell!! "DADDY DADDY DADDY UPPIES!!" I screamed out with giggles, which made him chuckle "Hmm what has you in a good mood baby- no sir, you can't suck on your thumb.. hm here let me get your paci." He chuckles out which makes me burst into giggles.

He hands me the pacifier and I immediately began suckling on it.

I wiggle around "Daddy downs" i blurbed out, he put me down and told me to play nice.

..This is scaring me, I'm not talking for myself and my voice is really babyish. What's going on.. I mean it's nice not have to think and just let go- but I want to be in control of my body.. But yet again it's.. nice? NO FINLEY SNAP OUT OF IT! YOU'RE NOT GOING TO GIVE THIS DEVIL MAN WHAT HE WANTS!!! SATAN WILL NOT GET IT TODAYYYYY!!

I didn't notice it until now but I hear some whispering coming from behind me.. I can't make out what they are saying and I don't know who it is- They better not be talking about me or I'll pull a John Cena up in this bitch.

Sophia's POV:

I was watching Finley play when I noticed something changed in his behavior.. I knew he was a little. Angelo is going to be so happy!! I'm about to cry of joy! We don't have to force him to be a little now.

I go over to Angelo and tell him what I was thinking. "Angelo, I think he is slipping into headspace." I say excitedly, he just nods his head with the biggest smile on his face. "You noticed to?I thought I was the only one." He whispers so Finley doesn't hear us. We are currently sitting on the deck watching him play, he looks like he's fighting with himself he's so cute.

I think he heard us talking because he turned his head around and looked at us with a pout. I almost DIED of cuteness overload!! His eyes are big and have a glint in them- I can tell he is in little space. I nudge Angelo to go talk to him and he goes. Ahhh they are so cute!!

Finley's POV:

I lost this mother fuckin battle to whatever is trying to control me.. I just let my mind rest- it needs it.

Little Finley's POV:

Oh oh oh!! Daddy is comings overs hmm what does he wants can't he sees that I's is busys hmph!

Dada picks me uppies and bounces me on his hip, I just giggles cause it funnys. "Aww look how good you're being baby Daddy is so proud of you!" He smiles out and I just blush and giggle I wike when Daddy praises me it is nice!

"Hey bub, how old are you right now?" Daddy ask with a playful look on his face. I just giggle and hold up 2 fingers!! "Dada pway wif me!!" I burst out into giggles! He just nods and sets me downs so we can pways!!
I fink I hurt Rwccw and Brunw's feelings cause da look weally sads.. Me go over der and hug dem to make dem feel bwttwr!! You so smart Fwnley!

I go up to Rwccw and Brunw and try to hug them but dey grwl at mes which causes me to fall backwards and fall on da grwnds and burst into tears and big Finlwy wanting to come outs.. NO! My turns not yours!!

Finley's POV:

Okay what the fuck is happening- I'm trying to sleep and everything you know the usually until my other self is crying.. Who made em cry? Oh hell no- He's fighting me but he isn't going to win.. He keeps screaming that it's his turn to be out which is completely wrong my time not yours begone now.

I eventually get back into the normal headspace and see the dogs hovering over me growling. Oh hell no what did he do? Satan aka Daddy comes out and sees the dogs hovered over me and orders them to get away. They do because they are obedient HA can't relate.

He tries to pick me up but I just look at him and push away.. I think he is now realizing I'm not in that headspace anymore.. is it even called a headspace? I don't fucking know.

I get up and start walking around.. Feels different.

I walk inside and head to the fridge and get some water... This other guy is exhausting.  Suddenly I feel a sharp smack on my butt and I turn around and yell "WHAT THE HELL DUDE!" Only to be yelling at cough cough Satan. "Strike one." He tell me with a scowl on his face, I just roll my eyes and try to walk past him. "Just because you aren't in that headspace anymore doesn't mean you aren't allowed to act like my good boy. Fix your attitude now." He whispers to me. I just whimper and nod my head.. I'm just tired.

He notices me yawning and rubbing my eyes.. I'm to tired to pay attention to what he is doing but a rubber thing is pushed to my lips so I look at what it is.. It's a bottle?  I move my head the other way and he was not found of that "Finley baby, Daddy knows you're tired drink the baba like a good boy." He says to me making my face go beat red..

I started drinking the bottle and my eyes began to droop.. Soon enough I was engulfed by the darkness once again.
Hey guys, I just wanted to say thank you all for the positive comments I really appreciate it, also thank you for commenting on my last post and answering my question!!!!

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