Chapter 9

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Finley's POV:

Once we were downstairs I see Laura and Sophia arguing. 

I whimper which causes Satan to hush them up and ask them what they are arguing about. 

"Mrs. Sophia over here thinks that this brat shouldn't have gotten the punishment he got," Laura explains.. brat? 



I look at Satan and look back at her, I begin struggling to get down from his death grip and go beat the shit out of that bitch. 

All of a sudden I feel my head being pushed to Satan's mouth right where my ear and his mouth come into perfect contact. 

"Baby boy, If you don't stop this nonsense I will have you over my knee in front of all of them."He whispers in my ear.

 And with that, I stop struggling and huff out a 'yes sir' He kisses the top of my head and says 'good boy' 

I tell him that I want down.

"What did I say about talking like a baby?" He says while I whine.

 "Daddy I want downs pwease."I say.

He gladly puts me down and I walk over to Sophia giving Laura a nasty look on my way over to her.

 I tap Sophia on the leg and she crouches down I whisper in her ear if she wants to go outside with me.

She looks at me and smiles and says "I don't know Finny why don't you go ask your Daddy and if he says yes I can show you the doggys too.."

 I quickly run over to him and pull on his pant leg. 

He picks me up and says "Yes my baby how can I help you?" 

I smile loving the attention and say "Daddy can me and Sophia pweaseeeeee go pway outside pweaseeee she wanna show me da doggys Daddy." 

I give the best puppy dog eyes I can give and give the biggest pouty lip I can give.

It seems to work because he lets out a chuckle and goes on about how cute I am.. tehehe I know MWAAA-

 cough anyways.

 He lets me go outside with Sophia where I Immediately drop the baby act. "So Sophia... How did you end up here?" I ask her.. she was a little taken back and laughs. 

"Well.. you dropped that baby act pretty fast haha.. but I got here the same way you did- I was kidnapped, but I was originally going to be killed because my father couldn't pay his debt." She explains and it breaks my heart. 

She got taken because her father couldn't pay back a debt- how sad. 

"Do you want to escape with me? I'll have an escape plan in a few days that's all it takes you can be free and so can I... I don't want to be here and I-" I was cut off by her laughing.

 I looked at her confused and she said "Finley, you really want to leave huh? You can't. You can't leave. Plus I don't want to leave. I love it here- I'm treated way better than how I was before when I was with my dad, Finley even if you do succeed in escaping Angelo will always find you... You're his little boy. I know you don't like it here but give it a chance. You might end up liking it. And I know Laura isn't the best person to be around and she can be a bitch.. but she isn't all that bad- you just gotta give it a chance." She explains... give this a chance? 

Give my kidnapper a chance. 

She might be as crazy as Satan. 

I begin tearing up but I blink the tears back. 

I just look at her and shake my head, I push her backward and run inside. 

While she sits there in shock.

While I was running inside I could hear Sophia, Satan, and Marco calling after me.. but I just keep running through the house- I run into the random room I haven't seen before. 

Must be a guest room- I lock the door and hide in a closet.. and cry. 

I cry my eyes out- more and more and more I miss my grandma.. my grandpa.. and Bentley- I hate to say it but I miss my school... I miss getting picked on by the kids there. 

I just want to go home. 

And I will do anything to get there.

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