Chapter 43

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Finley's POV:

The movie was over and the dogs were snoring like crazy.

Daddy got a few phone calls so he was up and down.

I get off the couch and go into the kitchen.

Maybe I can sneak some Nutella before he comes back inside.. hehehe.

I noticed a gift bag sitting on the table.. H'm strange I wonder who it's for.

I go to the bag, and on the name card it says "To: Baby Finley
From: Pop Pop." He's still around?

Well I mean it's for me so I get to open it.

I climb onto the counter and move some of the tissue paper around.

I see a silver object in the bag- This is weird.

I take it out and inspect the object further.

It's really pretty, the designs on it are little hearts and weird lines.

Hm.. Daddy wouldn't mind if I looked at it- right?

I heard the back door open and my head shoots up.

"Hey Baby, where'd you go?" I heard Daddy say from the living room.

I froze.

If he sees me on the counter he's going to be upset.

His footsteps come closer and closer as I'm just frozen in space.

When his footsteps get close enough to the kitchen I jump off the counter and hide the silver object behind my back. Great hiding spot I know.

"Fin- oh hey baby.. Why are you in here by yourself?" He asked with a confused look on his face.

I just shrugged my shoulder and looked at the ground.

He looks around the kitchen, and his eyes stop on the counter the present was on.

"Baby." He said with a neutral tone.

"It said it was for me.." I said while still looking down.

"If you wanted to look at it, you could've asked." He said with a scolding tone.

"I'm sorry.." I said with a sniffle.

"What's behind your back." He said dryly.

"The present." I said trying to look at him.

"Can I see it?" He asked crouching down in front of me and holding his hand out.

I nodded my head and handed him the object.

He opened it and his eyes widened.. He never really shows if he's nervous or scared.. He barely shows happiness. So why is he- acting that way now?

"Don't touch this." He said as he took the box and walked somewhere..

"Ay bitch that was my fucking gift, you fucking dick head." Was what I was thinking cause I'm smart enough to not say anything out loud. Duh.

He walked upstairs and then I don't know where he went after.

I just went back over to the dogs not really dazed by what just happened.

I have mixed emotions about Pop Pop.. He can be very.. Weird.


Weird is definitely and understatement.

I decided I was going to play with the dogs outside.. They on the other hand would not move from the couch if their life depended on it.

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